Liver - gland of external secretion. In the cat's body, it is the largest. Performs a large number of important functions. Scientists are still engaged in liver research. Many dissertations have been written. The organ itself does not have nerve endings, so it does not hurt, which makes it difficult to diagnose the development of diseases. And the latter may be many. One of the most severe is lipidosis of the liver. How to treat and how to prevent this pathology in a cat will be described in this article. It is important to understand that the consequences can even be fatal.
What is lipidosis?
Not all people have a medical education, so they do not understand professional terms. Indeed, they are very complex, so we give a simplified formulation of the definition of this pathology.
In animals with lipidosis, the liver is like a piece of fat. Why is this comparison used? The fact is that it describes the process as accurately as possible. In a pathologically altered liver, tissue degeneration occurs, fat accumulates. Over time, she can not cope with the functions, which leads to serious consequences. And for a cat it can be just deadly.
In medicine, such a disease is divided into two forms. Both are considered independent:
- The first form of liver lipidosis in cats has characteristic symptoms. It manifests itself in a sharp decrease in weight, up to anorexia. This is especially noticeable in obese animals. If treatment is not started at the time, then there is a high probability of death.
- The second form of pathology is considered a consequence of other diseases. It can occur in cats with diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, as well as in those individuals who suffer from dysfunction of the genitourinary system or heart ailments. In this case, the treatment will be difficult, since it is necessary to fight not only with lipidosis, but also with the underlying disease.
The reasons that can trigger the development of liver lipidosis in cats are most often other diseases that lead to impaired functioning of the organ. To such veterinarians include intoxication, oncology. Also, the development of the disease in individuals infected with parasites is not excluded.
Recently, the list of diseases has expanded. Now it includes pathologies of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart, as well as disorders in the respiratory and genitourinary system.
Unfortunately, according to statistics, doctors in 50% of cases can not determine the exact cause. Then the animal is diagnosed with idiopathic lipidosis. However, most scientists have come to the conclusion that the most common factors in the development of the disease are autoimmune pathologies and obesity.
Who is at risk?
Liver lipidosis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below, is very likely to occur if the animal is overweight. These are the individuals at risk. Nervous disorders can aggravate the situation, especially if the animal is in a state of constant stress. And for this it is not necessary to scold the cat. This condition can occur if, for example, you change the habitat or the brand of feed. Hazardous factors include:
- infections
- change of owner;
- the appearance of the child in the family and much more.
Main symptoms
Various liver diseases in cats are quite difficult to diagnose. The problem is that they occur without pronounced signs. However, if the animal is at risk, then the owner must carefully monitor it.
Pay particular attention to weight. The first and main symptom is its decrease for no apparent reason. A little later, the animal's appetite disappears, sometimes even completely. And from this, anorexia develops. This condition leads to the fact that the liver cannot perform its functions.
Additional symptoms
If the main symptoms of liver lipidosis in cats are not so many, then the additional ones are more than enough. They appear after some time. So, let's look at how the state of the animal changes.
- There is lethargy, the animal refuses to play.
- The shade of the skin and mucous membrane changes to yellow.
- Cats cannot control thirst, so vomiting often occurs.
- Nausea, loose stools, indigestion.
- Change the color of urine to a darker one.
- Profuse salivation.
- A sharp putrid smell emanates from the mouth.
- Amyotrophy.
Each owner should know that if the listed symptoms are manifested, then urgently need to contact the clinic.
Symptoms in the last stages
Above was a description of the main symptoms of liver lipidosis in cats. Now let's look at how this pathology manifests itself in the last stages.
Serious changes occur in the animal’s body. Blood loses its ability to coagulate. Violations are caused by hepatic encephalopathy. In this condition, the cat should be hospitalized immediately, since a direct threat to his life has already arisen. The faster the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of a positive prognosis. Unlike other organs, the liver is able to regenerate. The main thing is not to be late.
There are many ways to diagnose liver lipidosis in a cat, but all of them are carried out only in a veterinary clinic. This diagnosis cannot be visually diagnosed; an examination is necessary. It includes:
- Blood chemistry. The laboratory checks the level of bilirubin, as well as enzymes and alkaline phosphatase.
- Ultrasound The size of the liver is determined whether it is enlarged.
- Analysis of urine. Urea has a high level of bilirubin.
- Biopsy. It is rarely prescribed. Material is taken under anesthesia. It is considered the most accurate diagnostic method.
- General blood analysis. Blood cells are checked for changes in size and shape.
Treatment of liver lipidosis in cats is best started in the early stages. In this case, there is a greater chance of saving the animal. But more often, owners bring their pets to the doctor too late. If the liver is already completely affected, then get rid of the disease will not work. But do not give up. In this case, the specialist will prescribe treatment that will extend the life of the animal and relieve symptoms.
It is important to remember that therapy should be comprehensive. In addition to drugs, you need to choose the right diet. In a word, stick to a diet. For a sick cat, one is selected in which protein products are completely excluded. If the pet refuses to eat, the owner will have to transfer it to artificial feeding. We must be prepared for such a development of events.
Therapeutic Steps
Owners need to prepare for the fact that the fight with liver lipidosis in cats will be long-lasting. What treatment may be needed? It is divided into stages:
- Within one to two months, the animal is given microelements intravenously. This will strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of infectious diseases.
- If the pet refuses food, then in the clinic they install a special tube into the esophagus. This is only possible if its general condition is satisfactory. Such feeding nourishes the body better with beneficial elements than injections.
- Be sure to drip solutions of glucose and Ringer. These drugs reduce intoxication, and also restore water balance.
- Reception of multivitamin complexes. They are prescribed only by a doctor. Due to the fact that the body is no longer able to fully perform functions, the body must be saturated with nutrients artificially.
- In order not to develop gastrointestinal diseases, special preparations must be given to the animal as a preventive measure. For example, Neomycin, Zantak.
- Immunomodulators are prescribed to strengthen the body.
- If lipidosis is infectious or inflammatory, then the animal must take broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Owners are advised to pay attention to the fact that appetite stimulants help only when the pet itself is interested in food. Otherwise, they will not only be ineffective, but even harmful.
Unfortunately, if cat lipidosis was diagnosed, then veterinarians cannot give accurate predictions. The disease is very serious, full recovery of the pet is rare. The statistics are disappointing - every third animal dies.
But owners do not need to be upset ahead of time and give up. If the pathology was diagnosed in the early stages and strictly adhered to the doctor’s prescriptions, then there is every chance that the cat will live a long life. However, for this you will have to follow its nutrition.
The prognosis is affected not only by timely treatment, but also by other factors. These include age and general condition. Of course, young individuals are more likely to cope with this insidious disease. But among adults, the mortality rate is high. This is because they already have poor health. As a rule, pathology is complicated by concomitant diseases.
In order to avoid the development of liver lipidosis in cats, first of all, you need to adhere to proper feeding. In no case should overeating be allowed. The diet should be rich in minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.
It is advisable that the pet regularly eat vegetables, you can even give fruit. They contain fiber, which improves digestion. Also, do not forget about deworming and vaccination. Of course, these measures cannot give a 100% guarantee, but nevertheless, do not neglect such recommendations.
Unfortunately, not a single doctor can prescribe a specific preventive regimen. The problem is that not all causes of lipidosis are known.
In conclusion, it must be said that lipidosis is a very insidious and dangerous disease. It is better to fight it in the early stages. Unfortunately, many fatal cases have been recorded, since irreversible changes occur in the animal's body. Therefore, only at the slightest suspicion, the owners are advised to immediately contact a specialized clinic.
And those cats that are at risk should be screened regularly. This will allow you to respond in time and start treatment. Even despite the statistics, each animal has a chance to overcome the disease and live a long life. And the owner’s task is to do everything possible to save his pet.