Parrots, like any of our other pets, are susceptible to various diseases. Unfortunately, not all of them are immediately recognized even by experienced veterinarians. But first of all, taking care of his pet falls on the shoulders of his master, so he must carefully monitor the condition of the bird. Let's see what symptoms indicate that the parrot has a tick, and how to deal with these parasites.
You should be wary if you notice that the bird is constantly itching. The reasons for this can be very different: from ordinary molting to a parasite on its feathers. A tick is easy to notice, for this you do not need to have any special knowledge. You just need to inspect the bird. It should be wary if the bird constantly itches, loses some of the plumage.
There are several stages of the disease, and, unfortunately, even an experienced specialist cannot determine the parasite at the initial stages. The incubation period lasts four months, during which it is impossible to determine the tick in parrots. In the second stage, the tick not only bothers the bird, but can also be seen by the owners. The bird's skin begins to peel off, it constantly pecks off dead particles of the epidermis. On plumage-free skin areas appear small coral-like growths.
At the next stage of the disease, growths are visible even without a thorough examination, small areas of bare skin due to the loss of plumage are also noticeable. The bird is sluggish and lifeless, refuses to feed. A parrot can reach the last stage of the disease only in especially inattentive owners who are completely not interested in their pet. The bird has almost no plumage, joints are inflamed and deformed. The beak is curved, growths cover the skin. To save a parrot in this case is almost impossible. Below in the photo is a parrot with a tick at the last stage of the disease.
Types of ticks in parrots
Signs of tick infection by budgies may vary depending on the type of parasite. You should know that there are several types of ticks that can hit your pet:
- scabies;
- feather;
- gamazovy;
- tracheal.
What is the danger of each of these species and how to treat a tick in parrots?
Scabies mite
In a parrot infected with this parasite, yellow or light brown porous growths form on the skin, on the legs, around the beak and eyes, that is, on all parts of the bodies on which there is no plumage, which over time can deform the beak and legs of the bird . He will not be able to eat properly and will die over time. The onset of the disease is characterized by the fact that the parrot often itches, tearing out feathers, does not show interest in food, becomes lethargic and inactive. The reasons for the appearance of the scabies mite in parrots are poor food, a poorly washed bird feeder or drinker, and dirt in the cage.
Such a tick can also pass from an already infected bird. With good care, he may not show himself and not disturb your pet. This type of tick in parrots is most common.
Feather tick
This type of tick, as the name implies, lives mainly on bird feathers, which are a breeding ground for them. When affected by this parasite, the bird's feathers become corroded and covered in small holes.
The parrot loses most of its plumage and constantly plucks its feathers. Ticks are the cause of complete baldness of the bird.
Gas mite
These mites fall to the parrot along with the ground or sand. They are clearly visible to the naked eye - they look like red swirling dots. They can live not only on the bird, but also in the litter or in the crevices of the house. Most active at night. If you notice that in the dark, your bird is troubled, constantly itching and plucking its plumage, you need to immediately examine both the parrot and its cage.
Tracheal tick
One of the most dangerous ticks, since it affects the mucous membranes of the trachea. The bird may suffer from a lack of appetite, respiratory failure, coughing or sneezing constantly. The parrot will not be able to take food and will die over time. Only an experienced veterinarian can identify such a tick, so if you have at least one of the signs, you should immediately contact a hospital.
Very often, the bird is infected even in a pet store, so when buying, you need to carefully inspect the parrot. An itch mite, with proper care, is not dangerous, but you will have to fight the rest of the species. Take infected birds only if they are confident in their abilities. It should be said that a person does not need to be afraid of these parasites, they do not live on the skin of people, therefore they are not a threat.
It’s better not to self-medicate, but to contact a veterinary clinic right away, as soon as you notice at least some signs that your parakeet is tormented by parasites. With improperly selected preparations on your own, the bird can do much more harm and then fix the consequences for a long time.
Treatment for
ticks in parrots should be started immediately when the first signs of the disease appear. As mentioned above, for humans, these parasites are not dangerous, so you can fight them yourself. The treatment itself is:
- in the fight against ticks;
- in feeding a parrot with vitamin compounds to improve immunity.
Most often, an aversectin ointment is used to treat a parrot, which is harmless to the bird and does not cause allergic reactions in it. She should treat all affected areas of the skin and the resulting growths, avoiding the drug on mucous birds. Heat the ointment in a water bath so that it becomes liquid, and with a thin brush or cotton swab, apply it with a thin layer on the skin of the bird under the plumage. In no case do not lubricate healthy areas of the skin. Also, if there are too many foci of the disease, treat the bird gradually - too much of the drug can cause intoxication of the body of the parrot.
Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment occurs according to various schemes. If there are too many foci, the ointment should be applied within a week every other day, and then every three days. At the end of treatment or at the initial stage of the disease, it is sufficient to treat the bird every three or four days, depending on the severity of the disease.
To treat affected skin near the eyes or beak, it is better to use liquid paraffin - it is completely harmless, even if it gets on the cornea or beak.
It is best to apply drugs at the end of the day when the bird is not so active.
In addition to treating the bird itself, it is necessary to process the cage, as well as all objects in it. Throw away all old bedding and feed. If possible, replace all wooden objects with new ones, and not only thoroughly wash the cage and all remaining things, but also pour over boiling water.
In the future, always keep the cage clean and make sure that the bird does not come into contact with infected individuals.