Russian classic A.P. Chekhov said about dachshunds this way: “Paws are crooked, bodies are long, but the mind is extraordinary.” Clever and cunning, independent and courageous, these dogs, previously used as hunting dogs, today are increasingly acting as companions for urban residents. Long-haired dachshund, a graceful and dignified dog with a thick beautiful coat, fell in love with many dog breeders. We will talk about the types and characteristics of long-haired representatives of this popular breed, the features of their maintenance and care, in this article.
History of occurrence
According to many experts, the dachshund is a typical German breed bred for highly specialized activities, namely, to search for and pursue game in burrows. The club of German dog breeders - dachshund lovers - was created in 1888, and since then the standards of this breed have been set there. Initially, a long-haired dachshund was bred to work in the harsh conditions of the north.
The first mention of dogs of this breed with long hair was found in 1820. They were obtained by crossing smooth-haired dachshunds, spaniels and some species of gundogs. The first officially recognized representative of the breed is the long-haired bitch Schnipp of the breeder von Bunau, who received a prize in Hanover in 1882 and served as a model in developing the standard for long-haired dachshunds.
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In the future, as a result of several links, the fluff changes first to teenage hair, and only in the second year of life an adult “fur coat” is formed that fits tightly on the dog’s body and protects it from moisture, cold and wind.
Long-haired dachshund is black and tan, red and coffee color. The red color is represented quite richly: it can be golden chestnut, light red, cherry brown, but always rich and bright.
Rabbit dachshund
Later, a breed of dachshunds like rabbit or dwarf appeared. It was obtained as a result of selection selection and was intended for burrow hunting for rabbits.
Today, few dog breeders use these dogs as hunting dogs; most of them start dachshunds like decorative pets and companions. It differs from all other representatives of its breed by its miniature size: the height at the withers of them varies from 10 to 15 cm, and their weight is about three kg, and her character is more calm. These dogs love to communicate and are happy to find a common language with all family members. As well as standard sized dachshunds, miniature can be of three types: short, hard and long-haired. These moving dogs can quite easily do without walking on the street, as they are easily accustomed to the tray. Dachshund long-haired miniature can have almost any color, both plain and in several colors.How to care for long-haired dachshunds?
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Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a lively, active character. The long-haired dachshund , the photo of which is presented below, will be happy to walk and frolic with children.
Long walks over rough terrain and swimming help strengthen rather weak muscles of the back and paws. From an early age, you need to tame a dachshund puppy for a walk in a collar and with a tight leash, which contributes to the formation of proper posture, as well as the development of an obedient character and discipline habit.