Recently, the genre of Survival Horror has experienced far from the best of times. Classic games of the genre, such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, already have two decades in the asset and gradually fade into the shadows, exhausting themselves. And new projects of this magnitude have not yet been observed. That is why many horror fans so expected the release of The Evil Within - after all, the developers promised that it would be really scary. It will also be difficult to survive. So this game satisfies all the requirements of the genre. But what does it really represent? This article will mainly be about this, although considerable attention will be paid here to one very important question concerning The Evil Within: "How to remove black bars on the screen?"
The Evil Within - what is it?
, . , , , . , . , . - , , . , : , , , . , . , , The Evil Within. ?
, . , , . - 2.35:1. - , , . (FPS) - . , , , . , , , , . The Evil Within. ? , ?
, , The Evil Within. ? . , . . "". , , The Evil Within . , , "", " ". . , , , . +com_allowconsole 1. . , The Evil Within: " «»?" , , . "" . , .
, - , 30 . , . Insert, R_swapinterval, . -2, - 30 . FPS 60 , -1. - , 0. , .
FPS , The Evil Within: " ?" PS4, XBox - . R_forceaspectratio, , , . . : . 2:1, 2. 0, , . , , . The Evil Within - 60 FPS. .
Other console features
If you delve deeper into the console functions, you will learn how to open the frame rate of The Evil Within, as well as other interesting points. God mode, stopping time and so on - all this is available through the console.