How to train a dog on the toilet on the street? This question worries many novice dog breeders. Now we will tell you all the details of this problem. The training process itself is quite painstaking, and no one knows for how long it will take. Much in this matter depends on the owner.
If you have a puppy
You need to accustom the kid to the street gradually. It is necessary to start from the moment you gave him the first vaccine, earlier - in no case should. Before vaccination, you can buy your puppy a toilet for a small dog. In the apartment, teach the animal to do its “business” in it.
We teach a dog to relieve
After the vaccination is done and quarantined (it lasts 2 weeks), you can begin to teach the baby. The puppy needs to be taken outside after feeding and waking up. There will be about 10 walks a day. First, the doggie will need to be carried out on hand. It is advisable to choose a place for walking, where it is quiet and calm so that nothing distracts him.
Be sure to praise your pet after he has relieved himself on the street. You can just say that he’s done, and scratch his ear, or you can give him a tasty treat. After important “things”, just walk for a while. Remember that you need to praise every time a puppy went to the toilet on the street. So he will quickly realize that such behavior is acceptable and the owner encourages him.
When a puppy already knows that it needs to be empty on the street (2-3 weeks after the start of training), he needs to explain that such behavior at home is unacceptable. "How to do it?" - you ask. Do this: the moment the puppy is at home, give him a prohibition command. Intonation is very important in this matter. The voice should be angry. Screaming and scaring a pet is not necessary. You need to be punished the same every time. You can use two commands: "It is impossible!" (it is forbidden to do this in this particular situation) and "Fu!" (complete prohibition of a certain action).
How to train a dog on the toilet on the street? Develop a cleanliness skill well
When your dog already knows that you need to cope while walking, you just have to control the animal. You must constantly encourage the dog and, if necessary, then punish. It is believed that behavioral norms in young dogs are formed up to 8 months, but it all depends on the breed and size of the animal. Small and medium ones get used much faster, but large ones slower. This phenomenon can be easily explained: the process of growing up of large dogs is less intense.
How to train a dog on the toilet on the street?
If you decide to become the owner of an already formed animal, then remember that this is a very risky business. Such an act can be done only by an experienced dog breeder. The issue of training in this case is rather complicated. Let's give some recommendations:
- Try to adhere to the old regime of keeping the dog.
- The dog must understand that you are its new owner (this is an important point). This process may take a long time.
- You need to train calmly, without unjustified cruelty. If necessary, then seek help from a zoopsychologist.
How to train a dog on the toilet on the street? It’s not easy enough, but listen to our advice, and you will succeed. The main thing is to love your pet.