Dogs, which we will talk about today, belong to one of the oldest breeds. According to archaeologists, the sites of ancient people of the Neolithic era found by them in the territory of present Yakutia, the discovered sledges and bones of dogs (presumably Yakut huskies) are 7800-8000 years old.
Yakutskaya Laika comes from the village of Nizhnekolymsky Ulus. Since ancient times, dogs with blue eyes were born in this region . More recently, the breed was on the verge of extermination.
Historical reference
Yakut husky was bred in the north-east of Russia, in places that have long been called "dog rivers". They have a lot of fish, so it is easy to feed the animal here. The peoples of western and central Yakutia called it "Sakha Yt", which means "Yakut dog."
The peoples of the north have long used these dogs to move on snowy terrain. In addition to them, teams were needed by postal services, scientific expeditions, and border guards. In the middle of the 20th century, there were more than thirty-three thousand dogs of this breed in Yakutia, but by the end of the century, with the advent of technology, the number of these animals had sharply decreased. Gradually, the Yakut Laika began to disappear. And it is not known how this story would end if V. Z. Dyachkov, a retired enthusiast, would not have taken up the matter. It took him only nine years to restore the Yakut Laika breed.
At the moment, it is not recognized by FCI, but is officially registered in the Russian Cynological Club. This can be considered a very great achievement.
External features
The Yakut husky, whose photo you can see in our article, is a compact and rather strong dog, medium in size, with well-developed muscles. The growth of males at the withers is 58 cm, bitches - 55 cm.
The correct round shape is proportional to the size of the animal. The lips are dense and dry, with well-defined pigmentation. Ears at the base are wide, set high, erect, but semi-permanent are also allowed by the standard.
Unusual blue color, almond-shaped, with a black fringing.
Tight, but without excess fat. The backbone is massive in males, in females much smaller.
Like many animals of the north, the Yakut husky has a magnificent "fur coat". The coat of these animals is very thick, the undercoat is well developed. It is straight, shiny, rather rough to the touch. On the hind and forelimbs thick tow.
On the neck there is a fluffy “collar”. The tail is covered with thick hair of medium length.
Disqualifying shortcomings are considered to be thin and not too fluffy wavy or too soft (silky) wool.
The standard allows spotty color in any combination - black and white, gray-white, white-black, white-gray. In addition, white and black with red spots, black with red marks, and red with white color are possible. Monochromatic color of any color except white is referred to defects.
The Yakut husky, a photo of which can be seen in the dog handbooks, is unpretentious in nature. She eats much less than other common hunting dogs. Its diet should consist of boiled meat (preferably beef), cereal (millet, wheat, oat, rice), boiled fish (preferably sea), chopped fresh vegetables (mainly carrots), dried fruits. Be sure to add a vitamin-mineral complex.
An adult animal is fed twice a day (evening and morning). A sample menu may look like this: 300 grams of boiled meat, 100 grams of raw vegetables, 130 grams of boiled cereals, a little "calcium-containing" food. If the dog’s load is high, you can add a raw egg.
To prevent diseases of the teeth and gums, it is necessary to give a raw bone and tendons to the like. Do not forget that the dog should always have free access to fresh water. It must be changed at least twice a day.
Sweet confectionery, smoked meats, seasonings, dairy products should be excluded from the diet. They can provoke various dog health problems.
Dry food can only be used as a reward for fulfilling commands and for obedience. 2 times a month, the Yakut Laika needs fasting days - give only crackers and water. This is necessary to cleanse the body. Further, what kind of representatives of the breed are the Yakut Laika character.
We remind you that today the Yakut Like is not very common in Russia. Description of the breed suggests that these animals are very friendly to humans. They are mobile and courageous, flexible and contact, sociable and temperamental.
Laika is passionate and persistent, caring and patient with its owners. These beautiful and proud dogs are capable of much for the sake of the owner, whom they love selflessly. The loyalty and devotion of these animals is unlimited. But they will show strength only in the event of a real threat. With such a dog, you can calmly and confidently walk, without fear for your safety, to leave the house under their protection. Laika requires attention and care from its owners. Especially reverent to small children.
Like strangers, huskies would seem completely indifferent. In fact, they are closely watching and are ready to act instantly if necessary.
These dogs combine seemingly incompatible traits: calm, endurance and confidence of excellent sled dogs with the strength and mobility of a real hunter. It happens that these dogs in the team are in conflict over the place of the leader. Then experienced dog breeders act very wisely - they appoint two leaders at once. On this the conflict is settled.
Care and maintenance
Yakut Laika feels great in a cold climate, in the heat she is uncomfortable. Therefore, a husky should not live in an apartment, even in severe frosts she would be better off in an open aviary than in a warm apartment.
If the hunting instincts of this dog are not satisfied, then she may feel unrealized, and therefore become restless.
Otherwise, caring for these animals is no different from caring for other hunting dogs. They must be combed regularly, monitor the health of the eyes and ears and paws. It is recommended to wash the dog only before the show or when the coat is very dirty. Be sure to use a special shampoo for dogs.
Puppy selection
If you decide to buy a pet of this breed, then some rules must be observed. Puppies of the Yakut husky are charming creatures. Fluffy lumps with blue eyes will not leave anyone indifferent.
However, we want to warn you that a dog of this breed should not be bought in the market. Someone will object and say that, they say, a variety of puppies are offered here at very reasonable prices. Laika Yakut, whose photo we posted in this article, should be purchased only in a specialized nursery. Only in this case you can be sure that you bought a healthy purebred animal.
It is recommended to pick up the baby at the age of 8-10 weeks. First you need to check all the documents: family tree, passport, get information about vaccinations. The puppy must be active, agile, not too thin, but not overfed.
If there is such an opportunity, pay attention to how adult animals are kept in the nursery, get acquainted with the baby's parents. See how a nursing mother behaves in relation to puppies. She should fully feed them with milk, in no case show unjustified aggression towards babies.
When a new tenant appears in your house, you should already have prepared a spacious aviary. For the puppy, you can install a house where the baby can hide and relax. Do not forget that a husky cannot be kept constantly in an aviary - it needs space and freedom.
Where to buy a like
This sled dog is extremely popular in the northern regions of our country. In other regions, it is quite rare. There are only a few breeders who breed Yakut husky. You can find a nursery for breeding these animals in Yakutsk, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Bryansk, Moscow and Tver. All of them (except the Yakut ones) appeared about two years ago.
Animals of this breed are rapidly winning the hearts of dog breeders in Europe. Today these dogs are already in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. A magazine was even published in Switzerland, in which the Yakut Like took a place of honor on the cover.