When the strip on the abdomen after birth passes: the reasons for the appearance, pigmentation, the timing of the natural disappearance of the strip, folk and cosmetic products to remove the dark strip on the stomach

During pregnancy and childbirth, the woman’s body undergoes many different changes. Some of them are invisible and do not attract close attention, while others can produce a frightening impression and cause a nervous reaction. For example, a black stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, which appears in nine women in ten birth cases. Not only does she look very unaesthetic, but also does not pass long after the baby is born. This causes a fair concern for the young mother about her health and a justifiable desire to know if such a mark would harm the baby.

Reasons for the appearance of a vertical strip

To understand when the strip on the abdomen will pass after childbirth, you first need to delve into its nature. That is, it is worth determining the cause of its occurrence. You also need to find out in which cases and who may have a vertical strip on the abdomen after childbirth, and most importantly - how to deal with it. This mysterious phenomenon is associated with the symmetry of the human body vertically. Each part of the body, located on both sides of the vertical axis, is of the same size, color and the most identical in other physical attributes.

dark band on the abdomen after childbirth

In the central part, the connecting lines consist of an extremely thin strip of connective tissue between the muscles, which are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. But during pregnancy and the bearing of a baby, much changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. Particularly noticeable are changes with increasing size of the abdomen with the growth of the baby in the womb of a woman. Hormones of estrogen and progesterone affect the growth of the uterus, and the hormone somatotropin stretches the abdominal muscles, while also stretching the strip of connective tissue, which will remain in the same position for some time after the appearance of the baby.

Simply put, hyperpigmentation in pregnant women appears along the white line of Alba, dividing the abdominal muscles - the right and left. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are intertwined along this line, and in some places, when the tendons are connected, voids are produced that are filled with fats. This line performs a supporting-mechanical function. There are few vessels and nerve endings in it, so operations in the abdominal area are performed along this central line. For the same reason, the pigment strip on the abdomen after birth changes its color very slowly, because here the pigment is washed out very slowly, since there is a lack of blood capillaries that help cleanse the dermis from pigmentation.

Increased pigmentation

The increased pigmentation of the female body is explained by excessive deposition of the natural dye along certain lines - on the face, external genitals, nipples, and the Alba line. This is due to hormonal perestroika processes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman, and they are by no means dangerous to either the baby or his mother.

Many women who give birth are tormented by the question of whether the strip on the abdomen will disappear after childbirth. A clear and confident answer can be given to it - in the overwhelming majority of cases, hyperpigmentation passes independently over time. True, the question of time for each woman is individual.

Is there a streak for blondes?

As a rule, a dark stripe on the abdomen after childbirth occurs in every woman in the position and becomes noticeable during pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period. Only brunettes and brown-haired women most often have a more pronounced band, since their body contains more melanin, which is responsible for skin pigmentation. They have a darker tan, freckles and age spots than fair-haired women. And although they may also appear a brown stripe on the abdomen after childbirth, but it will not be as pronounced as the dark-haired lady. True, in some blondes, the level of melanotropin synthesizing melanin may not reach the required level. Then do not appear at all strip on the stomach after childbirth.

How to avoid the appearance of a pigment strip on the stomach?

The body of each woman is individual and this is especially manifested during pregnancy and childbirth. A frightening brown stripe on the abdomen after childbirth can occur at the twelfth week of pregnancy or in its last trimester. In the case of the first pregnancy, this mark may appear a little earlier and will be more noticeable. But there are ways in which this dubious decoration can be made less vivid and noticeable. To do this, you just need to constantly monitor the level of melanin in the body, to reduce its production. Excessive production of this hormone can be provoked by ordinary ultraviolet rays, which have a harmful effect on the delicate skin of a pregnant woman.

In order not to be tormented by the question of when the strip on the abdomen will pass after childbirth, it is better to resist this process immediately. The following warnings will help to avoid a clear manifestation of pigmentation on the stomach:

Does the strip on the abdomen pass after childbirth

  • try less to be in open sunny space;
  • use sunscreens or sprays;
  • choose clothes with maximum closure of the body, but from light tissues;
  • avoid exposure to the sun from noon to sixteen hours, when the level of ultraviolet radiation is highest.

It is impossible to completely exclude the effect of sunlight on the body of the mother and child, because it is they who synthesize vitamin D, important for their overall health. It is possible and necessary to take sunbaths, but only in the early morning or late afternoon.

Products and vertical stripe on the stomach

In addition, there are some foods whose consumption can have a serious effect on the synthesis of the hormone melanin. They contain substances whose accumulation in the body contributes to the appearance of skin pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. When a large amount of these substances accumulates, the coloring pigment begins to be synthesized. The list of these products is quite extensive. These include all types of citrus fruits, carrots, ripe watermelons, peaches, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin and other products of orange or red color. Due to the fact that tryptophan and tyrosine are involved in the synthesis of melanin, the acceleration of the appearance of the dye is largely influenced by another group of products in which these substances are contained: pork or beef liver, red meat - beef, pork, veal, lamb, all kinds of red fish, as well as legumes and dates.

What products prevent the dye from breaking out?

But there are also products that prevent the development of dye - coffee, nuts, boiled corn, salt and chocolate. Do not be zealous when removing all products that contribute to the appearance of skin pigmentation from the diet, because this can cause serious harm to a child who consumes breast milk. This will deprive his body of the necessary nutrients for the development. Everything should be carefully balanced, and nutrition, and the amount of ultraviolet radiation taken.

And if the level of useful products that cause skin staining is slightly increased, you will have to endure until the termination of breast milk feeding, and the strip on the stomach will pass, only a little later than with the restriction in the products.

Vitamin D

In addition to the coloring function, the hormone melanin has a very important function - protective. Therefore, the correct effect of UV rays on the production of vitamin D, which is simply vital for the normalization of calcium metabolism, is so important. But this is at the normal level of this vitamin in the body, but when the radiation power is exceeded, the sun's rays begin to act aggressively and destructively affect the living cells of the human body. And then melanin becomes a defense, which accumulates on the surface of the skin and becomes a kind of protective screen. This hormone shield reflects and absorbs life-threatening, aggressive sunlight. And it also serves as a protective barrier against exposure to various harmful chemicals. At the same time, the pigment in the cell is located in such a way that its core with genetic information embedded in it is covered.

What time period can the band pass?

when the strip on the abdomen passes after childbirth

How to find out when the strip on the abdomen will pass after childbirth? For each of the women, this period is individual. And this will happen only after the hormonal balance is restored (to the level corresponding to the pre-pregnant). In some, a decrease in the shock content of melanin occurs during the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth, in others it can stretch for a whole year. So no one can definitely predict the exact time period when the strip on the abdomen disappears after giving birth.

Beauty treatments

when the belly band passes after childbirth

If the pigment mark brings aesthetic inconvenience, you can contact a cosmetologist, but only after a year after birth. A cosmetologist will remove the dark strip with various exfoliating procedures - using cryotherapy, chemical peeling or laser resurfacing. In addition, it is possible to use drugs that reduce the photosensitivity of the skin, whitening creams, mesotherapy. The clarification of the tone of the strip on the stomach can be influenced at home - with various brightening agents and exfoliating procedures.

How to influence pigment strip removal?

Since it is not possible to establish absolutely confidently when the strip on the abdomen passes after childbirth, you can try to remove it. Of course, one should not be nervous and panic at the same time, because this can very negatively affect the health and nervous state of the child. The process of natural restoration of skin pigmentation may be delayed, but it will certainly end on its own. But if you don’t have the patience to wait until the belly band passes after childbirth, this can be done a little. Today, there are many brightening cosmetics and folk recipes that can contribute to this process.

pigment band on the abdomen after childbirth

When does the abdominal band pass after childbirth? Each woman has an individual body, therefore, it’s impossible to name exactly the period for which it will pass. There are very effective natural methods, regularly applying which, you can take this into your own hands and get rid of the disturbing factor. The most effective include the following procedures:

  • home peeling with natural (required) honey;
  • applying a mask of freshly grated cucumber to the affected area;
  • use to lighten skin pasta from freshly grated parsley;
  • applying to a dark strip of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • freezing cucumber-parsley juice and rubbing problem areas with this ice;
  • applying a curd mask;
  • the use of a decoction of linden with chamomile.
will the abdominal band disappear after childbirth

Allergy Testing

It should be remembered that before using any of your chosen remedies, you need to check for the absence of allergic reactions to the components used. Many of these products can give an allergic reaction - linden, honey, lemon. The manifestation of allergies is not at all welcomed when breastfeeding a baby. Better make sure that these products do not cause negative reactions, and only then start using them regularly.

black stripe on the abdomen after childbirth

Chamomile-lime decoction

Chamomile-lime decoction acts very gently and provides a good result with constant use. To enhance the effect of the use of brightening folk remedies, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bathhouse, where the stomach needs to be warmed up well and rubbed in the location of the dark strip with a soft washcloth. But going to the bath is possible only after the doctor’s permission to visit this institution. If the washcloth did not help much, do not try to rub harder so as not to harm your health. Just continue the procedure and wait for a positive result.

In some cases, the dark strip may peel off along with the skin, as in a sunny tan, and come off immediately.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If a year has passed since the start of the procedures, and you still have not been pleased with the result, you should contact your doctor for qualified advice, take tests, check the level of hormones. Having identified the cause of such persistence of the body, the doctor will prescribe a treatment course for restoring the desired hormonal background. If the level of hormones is within the normal range, you should visit a beauty salon and undergo professional procedures there that will help get rid of the ugly mark. It can be peeling or laser skin whitening - and your stomach will regain its former beauty and purity.

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