Hypertonicity during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, possible risks and consequences

Hypertonicity during pregnancy is not so rare, occurs in 60% of women. Of this number, only 5% of this condition takes a pathological form and requires proper treatment. As for all other women, the hypertonicity of the genital organ does not constitute a threat to the favorable bearing of the child. Nevertheless, the expectant mother still needs to adhere to the daily routine and observe bed rest.

Uterine hyperactivity

What kind of phenomena is this? What are the causes of its occurrence? But the most important thing that interests many expectant mothers is how is the treatment carried out? Let's try to figure it all out ...

What is hypertonicity?

To answer the question of what is uterine hypertonicity, you need to understand what it is. This is a female hollow genital organ, consisting of several layers of tissue:

  • The endometrium is the internal mucosa.
  • Myometrium is the middle muscle layer.
  • Perimetry - the outer mucosa.

What causes hypertonicity during pregnancy? Due to the fact that muscle tissue is able to lengthen and thicken, the uterus, in turn, can also increase or decrease in size. Due to its contraction, the organ, expressed in medical language, is brought into tone. In other words, the uterus is in tension.

Under normal conditions, this organ is completely relaxed, which allows the child to calmly develop in appropriate conditions until the end of the prescribed period of pregnancy. As the date of birth approaches, the uterus begins to shrink slightly, which should be regarded as a training for the upcoming labor.

However, in the case when the uterus begins to contract before the due date, this indicates an increased tone of the genital organ, which is called hypertonicity. Sometimes a local form of tone may occur, in which some part of the front or back wall of the uterus is strained.

The reason for the increased tone of the uterus

We now have an idea of ​​what hypertension is during pregnancy, but what could be the reason for this phenomenon? Now let's figure it out. In most cases, increased tone appears in the early stages of pregnancy. The woman’s body is not yet adapted to her new condition and, as before, is trying to start the menstruation process.

But at the same time, hypertonicity can occur later in pregnancy, and each trimester has its own reason.

Causes of hypertension in the 1st trimester

The main cause of hypertension during the period of the 1st trimester of pregnancy is a lack of progesterone. This hormone plays an important role, due to which a fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. But in addition to this, he is also responsible for the safety of the fetus and does not allow the embryo to be destroyed by the forces of the female body, thereby preparing it for the development of a new life within itself.

Causes of hypertension in the 1st trimester

Therefore, it is precisely its lack that leads to uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy at the 1st trimester. But besides this, existing problems with regard to the intestine can provoke its activity. Gases, which are formed as a result of fermentation, press on the genital organ, thereby forcing it to come in tone.

Why increased uterine tone at 2 trimester

Such a phenomenon in most cases is characteristic precisely at this time. In this case, its occurrence is associated not only with the genital organ itself, but also with concomitant diseases. To begin, consider those that are directly related to the uterus. And this, first of all, the presence of a tumor, cyst, endometriosis, fibroids.

As for concomitant diseases, we are talking about hormonal disorders, an inflammatory process of a different nature, previous abortions, which actually led to the pathological condition of the uterus.

Causes of pathological contractions in the 3rd trimester

The reasons why pathological contractions of the uterus occur are closely related to the development of the fetus:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • large child;
  • two or more fruits.

In this case, too much pressure is exerted on the walls of the genital organ, which leads to its hypertonicity during pregnancy. Regardless of the reasons that contributed to the increased tone of the uterus, self-medication here is under the strictest ban.

If symptoms are found, it is worth contacting a antenatal clinic, otherwise a woman can only harm her child. And now it’s worth getting acquainted with the clinical picture of the manifestation of hypertonicity.

Symptoms of manifestation

It is not difficult to determine the increased tone of the genital organ, there are several ways to do this. At the same time, each for each period of pregnancy has its own characteristics.

I trimester

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is still not possible to feel the uterus during palpation of a woman's abdomen. At the same time, the signs of hypertonicity are strongly pronounced:

  • Painful sensations of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen, which give to the lower back or sacrum. What often happens with the menstrual cycle.
  • You can feel the stress of the pubis.
  • In some cases, the discharge becomes red or brown.

These symptoms of uterine hypertonicity during 1st trimester pregnancy should not be ignored, since they are liable to the danger due to the fact that the manifestation of hypertonicity at such an early period can provoke a risk of abortion.

Symptoms of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

But the highest risk is at a time when characteristic signs are detected in the period from 4 to 12 weeks. At this time, it is better to immediately consult a specialist for advice.

II trimester

If hypertonicity has found a woman at this stage of pregnancy, then to the above signs is added the feeling that the uterus has become "stony". Any expectant mother can independently conduct a simple diagnosis, for which the following steps should be performed:

  • Take a lying position, relaxing.
  • Now with one hand you need to touch the front of the thigh, and put the other on your stomach in the area of ​​the uterus.
  • If the surface has the same density, the tone of the genital organ is normal. However, with a divergence of sensations, this indicates the opposite - the stomach is felt more dense.

As was mentioned at the very beginning of the article, uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy at the 2nd trimester is not so rare. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to prepare itself for childbirth already from the 20th week. Normally, periods of tension and relaxation are rare and not accompanied by pain. Otherwise, this indicates a serious pathology, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

III trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, the signs of hypertonicity are the same that can be observed during the II period. However, there is one complication, due to which it is almost impossible to independently diagnose such a phenomenon. During this period of time, training contractions may appear that can be confused with the manifestation of hypertonicity. This is especially true for those women for whom pregnancy is the first time.

In order to accurately understand what is what, you need to know how false contractions differ from hypertonicity of the posterior wall of the uterus during pregnancy (or anterior):

  • During false contractions, the stress of the genital organ lasts for several minutes. If the stone sensations of the uterus remain and do not pass for a long time, with high probability this indicates an excessive tone.
  • In contrast to hypertonicity, the appearance of training contractions does not cause pain.
  • The surest sign: an increased tone of the uterus can be felt throughout the day, while false contractions can be felt no more than 3-4 times a day.

Usually, doctors with the onset of the third trimester recommend that women conduct cardiotocography (CTG) as often as possible.

Other characteristic features

In addition to the symptoms characteristic of each period of pregnancy, specialists can learn about the hypertonicity of the genital organ in relation to the anterior and posterior walls. And here there are some slightly specific manifestations from each other.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

With hypertonicity of the anterior wall of the uterus during pregnancy, a woman feels aching pain in the lower abdomen, as well as discomfort in the perineum. In case of hyperactivity of the posterior wall of the genital organ, the expectant mother also feels pain in the lower abdomen, only it is of weak intensity. At the same time, in the perineum, you can feel a feeling of fullness against the background of the severity of the lumbar.

It is also worth considering that in pregnant women, the tone can manifest itself in varying degrees of intensity. According to experts, there are only three of them:

  • I degree - pain in the lower abdomen is short-lived, the uterus is condensed. They disappear at rest.
  • II degree - the reproductive organ is already quite dense, and the pain in the lower back, abdomen and sacrum is already pronounced.
  • III degree - even under the influence of insignificant mental and physical stresses, the pain is very strong, and the uterus becomes stone.

But there are situations when the hypertonicity of the anterior wall during pregnancy (or the posterior) does not manifest itself as symptoms. But, regardless of the degree of intensity of the tone of the uterus, if a pregnant woman detects the presence of spotting spotting, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before her arrival try not to move again. This phenomenon often serves as a characteristic sign of a miscarriage.

What is the danger?

Hypertension can even be a minor threat to a child. Due to the increased contractile activity of the uterus in the early pregnancy, the embryo may die or an undeveloped pregnancy may occur. But in addition to this, an increased tone of the genital organ can provoke spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

In case of hypertonicity at a later stage of pregnancy, everyone runs the risk of ending in premature birth. In this regard, in most cases, those women who have been diagnosed with this are sent for preservation in a hospital setting.

In addition, uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy at the 2nd trimester or at any other period leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the placenta. As a result, not only oxygen starvation occurs in the fetus, but also the intake of all necessary nutrients is significantly impeded.

What is the danger of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy?

For this reason, do not underestimate the condition of the uterus, as its increased tone! It is necessary to get qualified advice from a specialist, as well as follow all the recommendations of a gynecologist who is pregnant. And, if he sends to lie down for preservation in a hospital, then there were good reasons, and to refuse in this case is extremely undesirable.


Excessive activity of muscle tissue of the genital organ is able to identify the gynecologist during the examination of the patient. This is done by the most common and simple method of diagnosis - abdominal palpation. The woman is in a lying position on the couch.

But another technique is characterized by a much higher degree of information. This, as you can immediately guess, is about an ultrasound scan that allows you to detect hypertonicity in early pregnancy. According to the data made, a qualified specialist will be able to determine not only the presence of an increased tone of the genital organ, but will also reveal the degree of this phenomenon (1, 2 or 3), as well as the localization of uterine hyperactivity (posterior or anterior wall).

Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis after an examination and a number of necessary studies. Ignoring the characteristic signs of uterine hypertonicity threatens with sad consequences, as was already mentioned above. Therefore, do not hesitate and, if necessary, immediately seek medical help to avoid the loss of a child.

Features of the course of treatment

It is not without reason that physicians call the treatment course in case of uterine hypertonicity nothing more than "to recover pregnancy." But peace alone is already half the success in the fight against this ailment! For this reason, doctors recommend that pregnant women observe bed rest, and regardless of the reasons that provoked uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy of 2 periods (or any other trimester).

Among medications, antispasmodics like No-shpa and Papaverina are mainly prescribed. These drugs, saving the expectant mother from hypertonicity, do not harm the child. At the same time, the doctor may prescribe a course of sedatives. High efficiency in this regard is different tincture of valerian or motherwort.

The need for this is due to the fact that the mother’s fear of losing her baby only aggravates the situation and significantly slows recovery. But, as you know, pregnant women are emotionally unstable, so taking sedatives will be justified.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

In cases where hypertonicity is provoked by hormonal imbalance, drugs for progesterone are prescribed for expectant mothers, for example, Duphaston, Utrozhestan. However, they can be taken during the entire period of pregnancy, but up to 36 weeks. After this period they are no longer effective.

But if a woman feels cramping pain, she will be hospitalized without fail. In a hospital, she will be given appropriate treatment for hypertension during pregnancy using drugs such as Ginipral, Brikanil, Partusisten. These drugs should be taken before 16 weeks. And there may be different side effects that many women will not like:

  • tremor;
  • vomiting
  • nausea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus.

When these symptoms appear, you should definitely notify the doctor. If hypertonicity has taken the expectant mother by surprise by the manifestation of severe spasms, in the absence of the opportunity to get to the specialist, you should take No-shpa (2 tablets) or put Papaverine suppositories. After that, close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale, imagining any pleasant image.

Then, when the pain subsides, it is worth contacting a antenatal clinic.

Preventive actions

Concepts such as pregnancy and hypertonicity of the posterior wall of the genital organ (or anterior) are not compatible with each other, which should be remembered by every woman. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative impact of uterine hyperactivity on the body of a pregnant woman and her baby, it is necessary to follow the simple rules of prevention:

  • Immediately before starting pregnancy planning, you need to treat existing inflammation of the genitourinary system. In addition, it does not hurt to donate blood for analysis and, if necessary, bring the hormonal background back to normal.
  • Bearing under the heart of a child, you should adhere to a balanced diet, supplementing the diet with multivitamin complexes.
  • Avoid any situations that provoke stress, as well as try to maintain a favorable and friendly atmosphere in the family.
  • Do not work in the evening, as well as on weekends. In addition, business trips during pregnancy are undesirable.
  • Regularly go to the toilet to avoid pressure on the uterus.
  • If bed rest has not been prescribed, as well as in the absence of contraindications, it should be (if possible) spent most of the time in the fresh air.

If the hypertonicity of the uterine wall during pregnancy is temporary, then its manifestations can be removed with the help of special exercises. They can be performed regardless of gestational age.

Preventive actions

  1. Facial relaxation. Studies have proven the connection between tension (relaxation) of the facial muscles and the genital organ. In this regard, to reduce the tone of the uterus, you should take a comfortable position (preferably lying down) and relax the muscles of the neck and face to the maximum. It is recommended to perform this useful exercise without haste, with each breath imagine how the problems go away, and the face takes on a calm and serene look.
  2. "Cat". First you need to stand in the pose in which these pets are usually (on all fours). Inhaling, you should bend your back as much as possible, and when you exhale, slowly bend it. Perform 3-4 times, and then rest for an hour or two. True, such an exercise is most likely able to be performed by women with uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy of 1 period, that is, in the early stages.
  3. Knee-elbow position. If the problem is found at a later date, it will be difficult to perform the previous exercise. In this case, it will be useful to adopt this particular posture. You should kneel, leaning on your elbows. In this position is 5-15 minutes, and after half an hour lie down relaxing.


As we now find out, hypertonicity will not spare if its symptoms are ignored. But it’s better to try not to bring to such a state, for which regular preventive maintenance is necessary. To accomplish this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to keep calm in any situation while carrying a child. Stress will not benefit anyone.

But in addition to this, it is worth attending the antenatal clinic in due time and follow all the recommendations of the specialist who leads the pregnancy. It is also important to know how hypertension during pregnancy differs from false contractions, so that if necessary, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Bed rest

As a result, you can maintain a pregnancy, avoid serious complications and hug the baby after he is born. But what could be more expensive for any mother than the feeling of warmth of the dearest crumbs ?!

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