The Kharacin family can be considered the real pearls of aquariums. For example, it is to this group that the handsome neons and the piranhas loved by many belong. Aquarium characin fish are appreciated not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. Abroad, such inhabitants of the aquariums are called tetras.
Where live
In the wild, haracin fish live mainly in the tropical waters of America and Africa. In most cases, aquarists today contain such representatives of the underwater fauna, whose ancestors were once caught in the rivers of the Amazon and the surrounding areas. In the wild, haracin fish are known to prefer the so-called black water. That is, they live in shallow water, where the water has a dark color due to fallen leaves and many snags.
To date, biologists know 12 subfamilies of haracin fish, including 165 genera. The approximate number of varieties of such representatives of the fauna is, according to various sources, 900-1200. In this case, about 400 species of such fish can be kept in aquariums.
Of course, aquarium haracin fish can have different colors, habits and food preferences. However, for the most part, representatives of this family are characterized by the following common characteristics:
small size;
bright color;
pack behavior.
These fish need a bright color so that relatives can find and recognize each other in dark water. Among other species of aquarium inhabitants, characins are distinguished, among other things, by the adipose fin located behind the dorsal on the caudal stem.
Characin fish usually become sexually mature at 6-12 months. Moreover, the life span of most representatives of the suborder does not exceed 3-5 years. Male haracin fish are usually colored brighter than females. At the same time, they look more slender and spectacular because of the lush fins.
These interesting fish are laid in the summer. At the same time, they spawn for quite some time.
The brightest representatives
In addition to red, black and blue neons, as well as piranhas, quite often in aquariums, amateurs and professionals contain such characins as:
Diamond tetras with a yellowish color and covered with iridescent spots in the light.
Erythrosonuses are aquarium fish with a peaceful nature, similar to black neons.
Red and black phantoms are peaceful fish with a translucent body.
Also popular among aquarists are the representatives of the haratsin squad are minors, lanterns, Congo, philomena. Of course, thorns can be considered very interesting underwater inhabitants of this group. In the aquarium, such schooling fish with black stripes on their sides look no worse than barbs and at the same time have a much more relaxed character.
Another representative of characins that are popular with aquarists is ornatus. In body shape, these fish are similar to thorns and phantoms. There can be several species of ornatuses in aquariums:
common ornatus;
the black;
red dot.
Features of the content: aquarium selection
For the most part, characins are considered very unpretentious fish. Contain such representatives of the aquatic fauna can be both experienced aquarists and beginners. These fish adapt quickly enough in any conditions.
An aquarist who has decided to purchase just such fish will need to first determine the size of the aquarium, the parameters of the water and the plants used for planting. The volume of a container for keeping characins is selected, of course, taking into account the size of a particular variety of such fish.
For tetras, minor, thorns and lanterns, a small aquarium is quite suitable. To keep such fish, you can purchase a container of 50 liters or more. For fast red, black, blue or green neons or large piranhas, of course, you should buy a larger aquarium. In any case, to purchase an aquarium for haracinov should be based on the fact that for each such fish with a body length of not more than 5 cm, 10 liters of water is needed.
Water parameters
Since in the wild characins live in shallow water in the tropics, the habitat for them will have to be created quite warm. The optimum temperature for keeping such fish is 24 ° C. In this case, the acidity of the water in the aquarium with tetras, minors and lanterns should be equal to about 6-7 pH. The optimum stiffness rate is 18 dGH.
Experienced fish lovers recommend changing the water in the aquarium of the characins once a week. At the same time, about 1/5 of its volume should be drained from the tank. In the aquarium, you should definitely, among other things, install a filter. Additionally, if desired, you can use a compressor. Lighting for characin aquarium fish is best diffused.
In the wild, in shallow water, haracin fish swim among snags and numerous plants. They should create approximately the same habitat in the aquarium. There should be a lot of plants in a container with characins. Also, a pair of well-cooked or old driftwood should be placed in the aquarium.
You can plant plants in containers with such fish, for example, in coarse sand. Plants for haracin, according to many amateurs and professionals, are most suitable with small leaves. These can be, for example, cryptocorins or echinodorus. It will also be very nice to plant Javanese moss in an aquarium with such fish.
For the most part, characin - friendly and calm fish, get along well with any other aquarium inhabitants. These representatives of the aquatic fauna can conflict. But at the same time, various quarrels among them usually occur only with each other - inside the flock.
Some characin aquarium fish have a bad habit of biting the fins of their neighbors. However, such a tendency is manifested in them only if they are few in the aquarium. So that the characins do not bite the fins of their neighbors, there should be at least 6 in the flock. Then the fish will feel comfortable and calm and will no longer pay attention to the lush fins of other fish.
Keeping haracin fish in the aquarium is thus quite easy. These representatives of the underwater fauna do not require too much attention to themselves. But with the breeding of such fish, things are a little different. It is quite difficult to get offspring from characins at home.
In any case, a separate aquarium is necessary for spawning such fish. In water for such a container, an infusion of alder cones (3-4 pcs. Per liter) is pre-added. Then it is defended in a dark place for a month. The spawning temperature should be approximately 27 ° C. The hardness of the water should be equal to 2-5 °, and the acidity of 6.0-6.8 pH.