Smecta: dosage for dogs, features of application and reviews

Dogs are more likely than humans to suffer from digestive disorders, which are usually expressed by diarrhea. Do not assume that the disease itself will go away, you need to consult a veterinarian if the pet does not get better during the day. And at the first symptoms of digestion, the owner can help the animal by letting him drink Smecta. The dosage for dogs will be prescribed in this article. Also in the publication we will talk about how to give the drug if the dog does not want to take it voluntarily, and about the action of Smecta.


how to breed smecta

This medication helps with heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting and bloating. In the instructions to "Smecta" the dosage for dogs and other animals is not prescribed, so many owners do not even suspect that it can be given not only to humans.

If the pet has a swollen stomach, loose stools, then this indicates a violation of digestion, the animal experiences the same pain as a person, just can not say about it. To ease the condition of your pet, give him a Smektu divorced in water. The dosage for small dogs is different from that needed by a large dog, so do not rush to pour all 50 ml of the drug into the animal’s mouth. How much you need to give - you can find out further.

How does the drug work?

In the intestines of any living creature, there is a mucous membrane that protects the tissue from injury. If a foreign object or toxins enters the organ, this mucous membrane is irritated, begins to work more actively to eliminate harmful substances and foreign objects, the stomach swells, diarrhea appears. "Smecta", once in the stomach and intestines, envelops the irritated walls, the pain subsides. As part of the preparation, substances of only natural origin, which create a protective film in the gastrointestinal tract, bind harmful substances together and bring them out naturally.

"Smecta", the dosage for dogs of which is not the same as for humans, has no contraindications, there can only be individual intolerance to the components. As for the overdose, then after it there is constipation, which is unacceptable during poisoning, because toxins remain in the body and continue to injure him.

Despite the fact that the drug tastes sweetish and smells like vanilla, all dogs are disgusted by it, and for the pet to take the medicine, it will be necessary to show dexterity, but more on that later.

Dysbacteriosis as a result of diarrhea

digestive disorders in dogs

Some dog owners may say: "If you poisoned, ate something wrong, then diarrhea will help remove all unnecessary from the body." This is conceived by nature, but it does not provide one nuance - the development of dysbiosis. That is, beneficial bacteria are excreted with feces together with harmful toxins. In the absence of good bacteria, the bad ones start to multiply faster, the body becomes weak and can no longer cope without assistance.

"Smecta" is designed so that it prevents diarrhea, normalizes stool, but binds toxins and removes them in another way - with urine. To prevent dehydration in the dog, it is necessary to give it more clean water when treating diarrhea.

causes of diarrhea in a dog

Smecta treatment

Dosage "Smecta" with diarrhea in a dog is calculated individually, in the future we will tell you how to do it. In any case, it is impossible to give the drug immediately after taking another medicine for diarrhea. "Smecta" is an absorbent drug, it can reduce the effectiveness of other drugs.

Also, you can not drink pet medicine immediately after eating or before taking it. It is recommended to give Smect between feedings and at the same time reduce portions until the end of treatment. The fact is that any food, even light soup, is an irritant for the intestines. During diarrhea, he is already irritated, and eating only aggravates the situation. Give the animal more drink, make liquid cereals and soups. If you feed with professional food, then during the treatment, give preference to canned food for dogs - soft food.

Causes of Dog Diarrhea

dog diarrhea

The digestive tract of the dog is more sensitive than the human, and many animal owners do not know this. For most people, it is customary: soured soups - the dog eats, swollen can with canned food - also a dog. This is very, very wrong! The dog will eat everything, she will pick up a “delicious” on the street, but this does not mean that such food does not harm her! Some pedigree dogs have a genetic predisposition to digestion, and they often have diarrhea just like that, even if the animal eats only premium feeds.

Most often, dog diarrhea occurs against the background of:

  • poisoning by poisons or expired food;
  • overeating;
  • stress
  • allergies
  • a sharp change in food schedule.

If diarrhea appeared after the dog ate something, then this is most likely poisoning. The worst thing in this situation is not diarrhea at all, but the fact that toxins harm absolutely all organs. It will help to quickly remove poisons from the body of Smecta. We will teach you to calculate the dosage for dogs of small breeds and large dogs at the end of the article.

Is it possible to give Smect without the appointment of a veterinarian?

Without going to the veterinarian, the drug can be given only in case of poisoning, overeating and stress. Stress can be due to relocation, prolonged absence of any family member, and so on. In such cases, Smecta will not hurt.

In no case should one engage in self-medication if there is blood in the animal’s feces. The dog could swallow a foreign object that causes intraintestinal bleeding. Or the cause of blood in the stool can be a disease, the most dangerous - enteritis and plague.

If diarrhea caused poisoning, then liquefaction of feces is a reaction of the body that promotes the removal of toxins, it is impossible to completely stop the symptoms. Smecta normalizes stool gradually, removes toxins even in case of overdose (constipation) - through the bladder with urine.

Poisoning with strong poisons and Smecta

severe poisoning in a dog

It happens that coming from a walk, the dog begins to "melt before our eyes." The following symptoms appear:

  • breathing becomes heavy, fast, as if the dog was driven, and at the same time she refuses water;
  • mucous membranes fade;
  • body temperature becomes below normal.

All this indicates a severe poisoning. The reason for this may be eaten fragrant pieces soaked in strong poison. Such "surprises" deliberately leave the so-called doghunters in the places of dog walking. These people hate animals and specially develop goodies that cause the death of the one who eats them.

Many dogs have already suffered at the hands of these intruders, hundreds of owners did not have time to take their pet to the veterinary clinic, as they noticed symptoms of poisoning late or did not attach much importance to this at first. Make sure that the dog does not pick up food on the street, this may be the last meal in his life.

If the prescribed symptoms are noted above, then you should not give Smecta, it simply will not help. Take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

How to breed "Smecta" for a dog?

how to make smecta with water

The dosage for each animal is individual, but the powder is fully diluted.

In the package "Smecta" there are several bags in which there is a dose for a one-time dilution.

Warm up the water a little, measure 50 ml. If there is no special measure, then you can do this: pour 10 teaspoons of water into a glass (5 ml will be in one) or pour a quarter of a faceted glass (such a capacity of 200 ml to the top strip). Pour all the contents of one sachet into water, mix well. Please note that the powder does not dissolve, so do not put too much effort into it!

Smecta for dogs: dosage per kg of weight

how to weigh a dog

You can measure the drug according to the size of the dog, if you do not know its exact weight:

  • large breeds - all fully diluted;
  • medium breeds - 2/3 of the contents of the glass;
  • small breeds and puppies - 1/3 of the contents of the glass.

How to more accurately determine the dosage of Smecta for dogs? Per kg of pet weight should be:

  • 1 ml of a solution of the drug with a slight disorder;
  • 2 ml of Smecta solution for severe diarrhea.

For example, a dog weighs 10 kg, give it 10 ml for a minor digestive upset or 20 ml for a severe indigestion. This drug can be used 4-5 times a day.

The dosage of Smecta is understandable for dogs, but how to get a pet to take the drug?

Pour the solution into a large syringe without a needle, tilt the head of the animal, pour the drug between the tongue and molars, keep your head until the dog swallows everything.


Owners of dogs that have resorted to Smecta for diarrhea in dogs have left many comments. According to them, the improvement in the condition of the pet after taking the drug occurs much faster than without the use of any means. Powder for preparing a suspension is not expensive, so absolutely everyone can afford it for treating a dog. Also, the owners of the animals appreciated the fact that the powder consists of components of natural origin and therefore does not harm the body.

Breeders and ordinary dog ​​owners recommend Smecta!

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