The most dedicated dog breeds: description and nature of the breeds

Buying a puppy, each of us hopes to find a true friend. In order for a reliable companion to grow out of a shaggy baby, it is necessary to approach the choice of the breed of the future pet with maximum responsibility. Of course, all animals in their own way are attached to their owners, but among them there are those that are especially faithful. After reading this article, you will understand which breeds match the proverb that states that there is no creature devoted to a dog.

the most dedicated dog breeds


Dogs of this breed get along well with all family members and get along well with other pets. Collie is long-haired suspicious and even a little arrogant towards strangers, but very attached to those whom he considers his own. Representatives of this breed do not tolerate loneliness and require increased attention of the owners.

The main distinguishing feature of Scottish shepherds is a narrow long head with dark almond-shaped eyes and wide-set small ears. The weight of this dog can reach up to 35 kilograms, and height - up to 60 centimeters.

Those who consider the most devoted breeds of dogs can be advised to opt for a collie. These are highly intelligent pets with a delicate ear and a keen sense of flair. These fearless dogs remain faithful to their owners to the last. They lend themselves perfectly to training and, if desired, they can be trained even in the most difficult tricks.

However, in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that these animals need regular grooming. They need to be combed daily and vacuumed from time to time. Unobtrusive and gallant Scottish shepherd dogs do not require long walks and increased physical exertion.

there is no creature of a devoted dog

German Shepherd

These animals are also suitable for those who choose the most dedicated dog breeds. These animals are distinguished by a strong physique and well-developed muscles. They are easy to train and are clearly aware of the boundaries of the territory that needs to be protected. The dog regards any aggression or sudden movements against the owner or members of his family as a signal for an instant attack.

This dog (shepherd) on average lives from 12 to 14 years. But with proper care and proper balanced nutrition, this period can be increased to 17 years. The growth of an adult animal varies between 60-65 centimeters, and weight - 32-40 kilograms. Therefore, the Germans are not suitable for maintenance in a one-room apartment.

These energetic dogs require daily long walks. During molting, they need to be carefully combed out with a special brush, and for brushing the teeth the animal needs to be given special bones with fluoride.

Labrador retriever

Labrador retriever

Dogs of this breed from the very beginning were positioned as hunting dogs, but later they began to be perceived as companions for sports and guide dogs. These animals have a cheerful, playful and kind character, so they are perfect for those families in which there are children.

Labrador Retriever has a wide skull and powerful paws. The growth of adults reaches 54-57 centimeters, and the weight is not more than 40 kilograms. These animals swim beautifully, so they are often used as lifeguards.

As a rule, they are very attached to their owner. Therefore, those who choose the most devoted breeds of dogs can be recommended to pay attention to these animals. They are unpretentious in food and are ideal for maintenance in urban apartments. But these playful and active dogs need regular long walks in the fresh air.

collie longhair

Saint bernard

Those who want to make sure that there is no creature of a devoted dog can be advised to pay attention to these animals. Perhaps these are the most calm and phlegmatic dogs. Their growth reaches 70-90 centimeters, and weight can be up to 90 kilograms. A characteristic feature of the St. Bernards is a wide short-mouthed head with a slightly upturned nose and rounded hanging ears.

These hardy and agile dogs have a wonderful sense of smell and well-developed intuition. They are good at training, but will not tolerate rude and cruel treatment. These complaisant and kind animals will become a true friend for the whole family. Despite the fact that St. Bernards are not characterized by aggressive behavior, they are unlikely to calmly observe how someone offends their adored owner. In such situations, this laziness in a matter of seconds turns into a formidable defender.

dog shepherd

English bulldog

It is ideal for urban residents considering the most dedicated dog breeds. These contact and very friendly animals with equal success will take part in active games with the owner's children and lie with them in front of the TV. They are so attached to their owner that parting with him is perceived as a severe blow.

These small dogs, whose height is 32-41 centimeters, are ideal for inexperienced owners. They do not require special hair care. It is enough to clean them from dead hairs once a week with a special brush.

It is worth noting that noisy, gambling and incredibly energetic bulldogs do not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention. In this case, they turn into obstinate and moody dogs.


These obedient and quick-witted animals have a stable psyche. They are very attached to their master and lend themselves perfectly to training. Rottweilers are considered one of the best defenders. However, despite its incredible strength, dogs of this breed are very affectionate and loving. Rottweilers require constant attention of the owner.

The growth of these animals reaches 56-68 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 42 to 50 kilograms. Rottweilers are rather stubborn dogs, striving in every possible way to establish leadership in the family. Therefore, they are not suitable for weak-willed and inactive people. Strong stocky animals of this breed have a large skeleton and developed powerful joints. They need daily long walks. Rottweilers are great companions for jogging and cycling.

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