How to tie shoelaces quickly. Some unusual ways

Each of us will learn about how to tie shoelaces correctly in early childhood. Undoubtedly, for a child this activity seems difficult and interesting. However, an adult can hardly be surprised by information on how to quickly tie shoelaces. For us, this occupation already seems ordinary and boring. But can ordinary tying shoelaces turn into a creative process? Of course, if you approach the matter responsibly and not just bind them crosswise, but create real patterns. So, forget about everyday life and tie the shoelaces beautifully.

how to fasten shoelaces


Despite the complexity of the implementation, this method is popular. However, if the actual question is exactly how to quickly tie the shoelaces, then this method is unlikely to work, since it takes a lot of time. The lattice should be done very carefully, and the rush here is inappropriate. In order to simplify the work at least a little, first weave at one end of the lace, and then, through the resulting lattice, let the other pass through. Such weaving will look good only on shoes that have at least 6 pairs of holes, and it is better if there are even more of them. There is a slightly similar method called Lattice Lacing. This is a more economical method, for which you can take shorter laces and make the lattice not so thick.

tie the shoelaces nicely


When wondering how to tie your shoelaces, pay attention to the "Ladder" option. This method is quite simple. First, the lace is drawn through the lower openings with the ends facing out, then passed through the next upper openings. After that, the ends of the lace cross and pass under the bar of the opposite end, and then into the upper holes. At first glance, this method of weaving resembles a staircase, hence the name. By the way, this method is used by American soldiers to lace up ceremonial shoes. This option is useful if the laces are too long, and they should be shortened a little. Despite the originality, the technique has one drawback - laces tied in this way are hard to tighten.

how to tie shoelaces

Straight lacing

If the question arose about how to quickly tie shoelaces, then this option is for you. More simple is only the usual way of tying crosswise. To begin with, the lace is passed through the lower holes so that the ends are inside. After that, the right end is passed through the subsequent upper hole, and then to the opposite one. The same procedure is repeated with the left end, only one hole is missed. This technique is best suited for lacing a sneaker. Weaving can be done as plain shoelaces, and contrasting in color.

"Chess board"

If someone is interested in how to tie shoelaces in a fun way , then there is no better option. This method is the most striking and beautiful, especially if you use flat laces of different colors. This technique will completely transform even the most ordinary-looking shoes. So, take two flat shoelaces. One of them is knotted as described in the "straight lacing" option. Then, starting from the bottom, thread the second lace, intertwining it with the first. Having reached the top, they make a turn and weave in the other direction. The only drawback of the technique is that the shoes are not very firmly on their feet, but they look really original.

how to tie shoelaces


This type of weaving is most suitable for girls who are interested in how to quickly tie shoelaces on sports shoes. First of all, the lace is passed into the lower eyelets with the tips inward. They are removed from the following upper holes and intertwined. Next, the same procedure is carried out with the next pair of eyelets. Such weaving is very convenient if the laces are too short.


The second name for this technique is Laced Slope. It looks quite original and is very easily and quickly tightened with just one end of the lace. When performing the technique, it is very important that the shoes are laced mirrored. The lace is threaded into the lower holes with the tips inward. Next, the left end is passed into the upper hole with the end facing out, and then into the opposite hole. The right end is skipped diagonally under the left inside the shoe. They go into the upper hole one hole above the left end. The technique of such weaving looks most advantageous if it is made with contrasting color laces.

how to tie shoelaces

"Roman numerals"

Performing a similar technique, the number of resulting Roman numbers can be changed depending on the number of holes on the shoe. So, first the ends of the lace are led out through the lower and upper holes of the right row, then they are crossed and the same thing is done with the left row. One of the ends of the lace is lifted, passing one hole, the other is brought out and pulled to the opposite side. The result is a rather interesting pattern resembling the Roman numerals X and I.


This option is ideal for sports shoes. Thanks to weaving, it is incredibly easy to control the tension of the laces, which is very important for athletes. After all, the result often depends on how comfortable the shoe sits. If a person has a wide foot, then the ends of the laces are first passed along the lower grommets, and after that they cross. If desired, you can alternate the crossing and skipping. If the foot is narrow, it is better to choose shoes where the eyelets are arranged in a zigzag pattern and lace up only through distant holes. Thus, the shoes will fit snugly to the foot.

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