Which dogs are almost all the inhabitants of the planet consider the cutest, most beautiful, playful and smart? We think that you will not even ponder this question for a long time. Of course, these are huskies! Dogs, once bred for a sleigh ride through the deserted northern regions, have long been fond of everyone who once looked into their bottomless eyes. Now they are often purchased for the company by people who prefer a sporting lifestyle. After all, with a husky you can easily go hiking in the summer or ski in the snowy forest. In addition, dogs of this breed get along well with children and are characterized by a balanced character.
It seems that raising such a charming baby will be very easy, but for many it turns out to be a real surprise that their pet has a remarkable stubbornness and difficult character. Therefore, before buying a blue-eyed puppy, be sure to study the standards of the husky breed and its features. Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of this breed of dogs and tell you about some of the nuances of their education.
Where did the husky come from?
It is believed that the husky beauties with blue eyes first appeared among the Eskimos. Some experts trace the connection of these dogs with wolves. Especially when you consider how freedom-loving this breed is. Many husky owners say that they are very prone to escaping, although they always return home after such an unauthorized walk.
Eskimos are forced to survive in very difficult climatic conditions, where even ordinary movement is fraught with a number of difficulties. That is why sled dogs have become an excellent outlet for them in many situations. Dogs were friendly, tolerated colds and physical exertion, and also showed a high level of intelligence. Of course, nobody talked about the standards of the husky breed then, but in the thirties of the last century, Americans who came to Alaska in search of gold highly rated these dogs. Thanks to their endurance, gold miners could get into the most impassable places and easily get out of there.
Returning to their homes, many took husky with them, which played a role in their popularization. After a while, this breed began to be considered a national treasure, but in memory of the origin of the dog it is often called the "Siberian" or "Alaskan husky."
To the inhabitants who do not understand the standards of the husky breed and its features, it seems that all dogs are alike. However, in fact, dog handlers who are seriously engaged in the development of new varieties of husky say that today there are five of them.
In addition, each variety has its own purpose. Initially, huskies were bred for transporting goods and running on snowy terrain, which required animals not only muscle and stamina, but also remarkable strength, intelligence, as well as the ability to assess the situation and make independent decisions. Now the dog can be an excellent companion or purchased as a show option, which will regularly attend exhibitions.
If you really want to have a husky at home, then consider the following varieties:
- Kli-klay. This is a mini-husky that is very easy to maintain at home. It does not require large space and increased physical exertion.
- Alaskan Husky. This variety is among the most expensive. Dog handlers consider these dogs to be the fastest; they are the ones who annually participate in dog sledding competitions.
- Sakhalin. These dogs are on the verge of extinction, Japanese breeders mainly take care of their conservation.
- Siberian. Such dogs actively participate in exhibitions, they are referred to the show class. Many dog handlers believe that they are not suitable for real physical exertion.
- Japanese. This variety was displayed as a guard; it will not be able to pull a team of loads with it.
Do not forget that the husky breed standard, which will be discussed later, primarily describes a working dog that can run in a harness. This rule has not changed for many years.
Breed features
Anyone, if asked about it, will confirm that in the first place, huskies are beautiful. And this is true, they can literally at first glance charm and fall in love with themselves. But besides the external beauty of the dog have a very unusual character.
They are very good-natured, friendly and very stubborn. In no case should you use riding husky as a guard for the home. If you begin to purposefully teach this breed protective skills and make it angry, it can have a very negative impact on the psyche of the animal. It will become uncontrollable and in many cases it will be irreversible.
Husky beauties with blue eyes obey only a strong leader. They can be very persistent and refuse to fulfill the commands of the owner. Usually this is due to the fact that the animal is bored and does not see the point in the task.
It is best to keep a dog of this breed in an aviary in the yard of your own home. She tolerates cold well and will not be able to escape from the cell. Keep in mind that one of the features of a husky is a love of physical activity and jogging. The animal is characterized by an overwhelming activity, so if you do not give him the necessary load, get ready for constant pranks.
Husky can easily get along with dogs of a different breed, but they don’t like cats. Any feline will be perceived by your pet as potential prey.
Relationship with children
If your family has kids, then you can not be afraid to have a husky. This breed is not aggressive and loves children of any age. The Eskimos even used representatives of this breed to warm newborn babies. The fact is that among the northern peoples the birth of a baby is considered not just a joy, but a real miracle. Indeed, it is very difficult to bear, give birth and save a child in special climatic conditions. Therefore, immediately after birth, the husky flock was driven into the home, where they warmed the baby for several months. If he was weak and did not differ in good health, then several animals were sometimes left near him for a longer period of time.
It is noteworthy that even a cross between huskies and other breeds is distinguished by love for children. Although these dogs have no exhibition value.
Husky dogs: puppy
Dog handlers are advised to acquire a puppy at the age of two months. It was at this time that a deep affection for his master was able to form in him, which would later develop into true devotion. In addition, the puppy is easy to teach certain behavioral skills and rules, he will easily learn them and will not cause further concern to the owners. In adulthood it will be very difficult to teach a husky dog something. The dog will already get his idea of the world around him, and it is almost impossible to convince her.
It is best to buy a puppy in a large kennel. So you will be sure that you will not be sold a defective animal. In addition, only a specialist will be able to choose a puppy according to your wishes, because dogs of this breed change very much with age.
Among the general recommendations for choosing a husky are the following:
- a healthy dog has a thick and shiny coat;
- Husky should be curious, cheerful and strive to communicate with guests;
- a two-month-old puppy stands firmly on its feet and has a large head;
- the dog’s eyes should be clean and the ears flat.
Never get a puppy if it shyly presses against the wall and runs away at the first attempt to stroke. With such an animal you will have persistent behavioral problems.
Some nuances of training
Husky can be trained very well, but you need to find an individual approach to your pet. The fact is that in the case of this breed, the well-known “carrot and stick” method is not suitable. Husky very poorly tolerate any censure and punishment, so it is better to praise and encourage them with goodies more often. Then the training will be more effective.
Experienced dog handlers are advised to start raising a puppy during a walk. Husky is very fond of games and spending time together with the owner, so it will be much easier to perceive teams at this time. If at first the baby begins to act up and refuse to carry out certain commands, it is necessary to calmly and persistently repeat them until full understanding is reached. This breed is very smart and animals quickly realize that they still have to work.
The basic principles of husky training can be stated in three rules:
- Unified behavior of all family members. Starting to raise a puppy, adhere to the same behavior. Otherwise, the dog will not understand why one person scolds her for leprosy, and the other regrets.
- Refusal of physical punishment. If your pet is out of control, try to distract him. With husky, this method works best.
- Repetition of commands. Sometimes, for a husky to learn a lesson, it takes up to fifteen repetitions. However, this is not due to the stupidity of the animal, but because it is stubborn, willful and constantly striving to distract from work.
Many husky owners advise conducting classes with an experienced dog handler as early as six months old. It will help to properly educate your pet.
Husky standards for the exhibition
If you plan to purchase a puppy in order to participate in shows and exhibitions in the future, then you need to know the breed standards. These rules stipulate all the nuances of the exterior: the size of the husky, the structure of the body, color and the like. Therefore, before submitting your pet to the show, study the standard and evaluate your dog.
According to the standard, husky colors can be of several types:
- White. Such dogs are considered the rarest and are in great demand among buyers. White huskies have the same undercoat, and lips, nose and eyelids should be pigmented in brown and black shades. We also allow the body color of the nose.
- Gray white. In this case, the animal’s coat has a gray color, and the undercoat is creamy. The nose and lips should have black pigmentation.
- Silver white. With this color, the undercoat cannot differ in warm colors, and the pigmentation of the nose, lips and eyes is identical to the previous description.
Chocolate red color is also allowed. It has the most shades, but the wolf color is considered by breeders to be the most spectacular. After all, such a dog is incredibly reminiscent of a wild wolf.
According to the standard, husky eyes can be blue or brown, a situation is permissible when the eyes are of a different shade.
Husky sizes range from fifty to sixty centimeters at the withers, while the weight of the animal should not exceed twenty-eight kilograms. The paws of the dog are powerful and muscular by the standard, the ears have a triangular shape, and the tail resembles a fox. He is furry and bends up. The main difference between a husky and other riding breeds is a large head, which tapers to the eyes.
It is noteworthy that the hair of the animal has an average length. Thick undercoat is soft and does not rise high above the skin. It is interesting that huskies practically do not emit an unpleasant odor, they are very clean and are characterized by reduced salivation.
Care and maintenance of the breed
Before acquiring a husky puppy, be sure to think about whether you can continue to adequately contain such an animal. After all, a puppy must be vaccinated on time and acquire only high-quality food.
The baby is first vaccinated in two months, after a three-week quarantine, repeated complex vaccination is necessary. Two weeks later, you can walk with the puppy on the street outside the courtyard.
Of course, husky dogs are best kept outdoors, but if you decide to do this within the city apartment, then get a cage for the puppy. So you protect your home from defeat in those cases when the pet will have to leave one for the whole day.
For a husky, metal bowls and a dense rug are suitable. It can be placed on a plastic stand, it will be convenient for the baby, and he will not bite her. Puppies very quickly determine the place intended for them, for this it is enough just to carry it several times to the mat in the process of falling asleep. It is also easy to accustom husky to tidiness, for this more often take him out to the street, and soon he will begin to ask you for a walk if necessary.
A problem for dogs of this breed is combing. Therefore, the procedure for the pet must be accustomed from a puppy's age, then during molting you can easily comb out combing.
The choice of food is a very important issue in the case of the husky. From the first moment of his appearance in the house, the owners should decide what it will be more convenient for them to give a puppy - natural food or ready-made. In the second case, you need to purchase only premium feed. They are perfectly balanced and have everything you need for the growth and development of a husky.
Natural food should be porridge. Usually it is cooked from several types of cereals: rice, buckwheat and oat. It is necessary to add boiled carrots and raw beef to it. Once a day, the puppy is supposed to give dairy products. Cottage cheese and kefir are best suited for it.
Often a dog does not need to be washed. Dog handlers are advised to do this approximately twice a year.
Nickname Choice
For many owners, the selection of a name for a husky turns into a real problem. After all, I want so unusual and beautiful dog to get a sonorous and characterizing her name. Therefore, in the process of choosing a nickname, all family members participate. If you get a pet with a pedigree, they will tell you what letter the name should begin with.
Otherwise, it all depends on you. However, keep in mind that husky names should be short and concise. Suitable nicknames reflect the freedom-loving and independent character of the dog. Here is a sample selection that lists the most interesting names for a husky:
- Daemon.
- Weasel.
- Moon.
- Thor.
- Amur.
- Yushka.
- Frost
- Troy.
- Ice.
If you wish, on the Internet you can find more unusual nicknames for this breed.
Pros and Cons of Husky
It seems to many that huskies have only one virtue. Therefore, after buying a puppy, many of his character traits and behavioral skills can be a real unpleasant surprise. Be prepared for the fact that your pet will have a number of disadvantages. And you need to know them before acquiring a husky:
- The tendency to shoots. Independence of dogs often gives their owners big problems. Husky is never worth walking without a leash in the city, be sure that in this case the animal will certainly take the opportunity to escape.
- Not suitable as security guards. Many mistakenly believe that large and powerful huskies can perfectly protect the house. However, watchdog functions are not their forte. Dogs of this breed are very friendly to all people, without exception, strangers cause them sincere interest and delight. Therefore, they can run anyone into the yard.
- The love of undermining. Husky just love to dig tunnels, pits and undermines. Without proper supervision, they can easily turn your yard and garden into something reminiscent of a battlefield.
- The need for hunting. Your pet can significantly complicate relations with neighbors, because he is able to arrange hunting for cats, chickens or geese.
Nevertheless, the husky has many advantages, and they cause universal love with them:
- Intelligence. It’s hard to imagine how smart dogs of this breed are. They are able to independently make decisions, assess the situation and even act at their discretion at critical moments, thereby saving the life of the owner.
- Beauty and charm. It's hard to argue with that. Husky is amazingly beautiful and can conquer absolutely any heart.
- Friendliness. If you need a dog that definitely will not show aggression towards people, then this is husky. She is ready to communicate with everyone around almost twenty-four hours a day.
- The desire to follow the owner. If you need a friend, companion and like-minded person, then a husky will do just fine. This dog is ready to run after his master, even to the ends of the world.
- High efficiency. Husky is activity and movement. The dog is ready to engage in any activity without interruption. She will be happy with hiking, walking, preparing for exhibitions and any other activities that you think of.
In conclusion, I want to say that even if your husky does not fit the standards and you cannot go to the exhibition with him, you should not worry. In any case, you will gain a faithful companion who is ready to support any of your initiative.