System of interagency electronic interaction (SMEV) description and functions of the system. Information Technology

An information system that contains information databases that store information about software and hardware used by organizations and that allow you to use electronic services and electronic messages when providing municipal and state services, as well as guaranteeing interaction between electronic information systems of organizations that are used when providing state and municipal services in the form of digital workflow, the system of interdepartmental electronic onnogo interaction (SMEV).

System Development Purpose

8.09.2010 697. , , , , , , ( ), .

Interagency Electronic Interaction System

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Unified system of interagency electronic interaction

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Electronic services

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System of interagency electronic interaction, SMEV

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, 13.07.2015 № 218-, . .

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SMEV, Rosreestr

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, , , , . ( ) – Oracle Enterprise Service Bus. :

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SMEV request

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- provide information and / or documents that are in the information databases of bodies performing municipal or state services;

- apply to other municipal or state bodies for any municipal or state services, with some exceptions, regulated by the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-.

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