Nuppi formula: composition, manufacturer, reviews of pediatricians

What is the best food for a newborn? An infant's diet should ideally consist of breast milk. No artificial formula can surpass breast milk in composition and benefit.

But not always the situation allows you to fully feed the baby. The reason may be a lack of milk in a young mother, then you have to select milk formulas.

In this article, we consider the Nuppi mix, analyze its composition, evaluate the manufacturer and reviews of pediatricians.

Overview of Standard Blends

Often the use of artificial nutrition is a way out of the situation when there is no breast milk. Then parents think about choosing the best suitable baby formula. Such a product is designed to feed an infant aged 0-6 months and beyond.

Studying standard starting mixtures intended for healthy children will help to understand the appropriateness of using the Nuppi mixture.

nuppy mix

The main selection criterion should be the availability of the mixture in the nearest pharmacy or grocery store. After all, sometimes unforeseen situations happen.

The Nuppi mix can be compared with the domestic mixes Nutrilak, Agusha, and Baby. Also in the stores a wide selection of imported products for babies is presented. If you live in a remote location, choose a mixture that is available for purchase in your area. It is possible to order the mixture over the Internet, if this option suits you.

Choosing a quality and inexpensive product

Young parents quite often seek to find such a mixture for baby food, the price of which will be affordable. After all, they have so much to buy for a new man.

The purchase of Nuppi baby formula will be an excellent choice for the healthy development and growth of the baby. They are widespread and loved by babies and their mothers.

Mixture analysis

It should be noted that no matter what the baby food, including the Nuppi mix, it cannot be called a product consisting only of natural ingredients. As a rule, raw materials in the form of cow's milk or whey powder are used to prepare such food. Complex chemical processes contribute to the adaptation of such a mixture, bringing it closer to the quality of human milk. Manufacturers care about creating the most useful product for the younger generation.

nuppy mix reviews

Maximum similarity to breast milk

Depending on the composition of the proteins, which are very important for this product, you can characterize the products from the manufacturer "Nuppi".

The Union of Pediatricians informs that breast milk contains from 0.8 to 1.2 g of protein in the calculation of every 100 g of milk. Opinions regarding the exact amount of this component in the mixture are mixed. According to some, an artificial product should contain more protein than mother’s natural milk.

Manufacturers of Nuppi infant formula take care of the maximum approximation of the composition of the product to the composition of breast milk. These mixtures are characterized by a content of 1.4 g of protein. According to the Union of Pediatricians, this is the best option for the health of the child. The manufacturer produces several product options with different contents of the protein component.

Value of proportions

It is important to consider the ratio in the composition of the infant mixture of whey proteins and casein. Breast milk has proportions from 80:20 to 60:40. These indicators are important for observing them in the diet of the child in the first half of life. Starting mixtures 0-6 months must comply with such requirements. For cow and goat milk, a reverse sequence ratio of 20 to 80 is applicable.

Nuppi infant formula contains not only milk powder. The addition of whey helps in changing the ratio. Upon reaching the optimal ratio of the amount of protein, this mixture is called whey. If whey is not used in the mixture, it will be called casein.

The presence of taurine

Reviews of the Nuppi mixture indicate the presence of the amino acid taurine necessary for infants in the composition of the product. She is responsible for the successful functioning of the body, strengthens the nervous system, vision, helps absorb and absorb fats. Taurine should be 4 to 5 mg per 100 ml. When choosing a mixture for artificial feeding, it is important to consider these indicators. After all, every mother is primarily concerned about the benefits for her child.

baby food prices

Analyze the composition of fats

Many parents are concerned about the content of palm oil in the baby food , which is considered harmful to the child’s body. Its effect on the mineralization processes occurring in the bones has been proven by scientists. A similar effect is observed with the use of rapeseed oil. Although it should be noted that palm and rapeseed oil is officially approved for use as part of infant formula. All nutrition institutes claim that these components are sources of nutrients such as polyunsaturated fatty acids. For this reason, palm and rapeseed oil is also a part of Nuppi infant formulas.

The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids is also important for a growing body. The Nuppi milk mixture contains such components in sufficient quantities. Linoleic and linolenic acids in the mixture should be in a proportion of 7 to 1. If linoleic acid is added in larger quantities, this will be unfavorable for the heart, blood vessels, immune and nervous systems.

In order for the nervous system and retina to develop successfully, it is important to ensure a sufficient amount of fatty acids such as arachidonic and docosahexaenoic in the baby’s diet. Their ratio should be 1 to 1 or 2 to 1.

nuppy mix composition

We study the carbohydrate composition

The main carbohydrate in all mixtures is lactose. Its addition is necessary, as cow's milk contains much less of this component than female milk.

Depending on the carbohydrate composition, Nuppi mixtures are divided into those in which starch is present or absent. The presence of maltodextrin, which is a product of its cleavage, is also important.

The use of these substances increases the viscosity of the mixture. For this reason, the product moves much more slowly in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to an increase in the intervals between feedings. However, it is known that starch helps to regulate the intestines, protects the baby from constipation. The content of prebiotics helps to ensure soft stools. The manufacturer of Nuppi also has mixtures containing prebiotics.

nuppi milk formula

Characterization of the mineral composition

Baby food, the prices of which differ depending on the manufacturer and composition, must have a sufficient amount of minerals. It is important that proportional minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are maintained.

The composition of the Nuppi mix fully complies with the listed requirements. This product is used for feeding infants up to 1 year old.

The presence of a rich complex of nutrients ensures the full development of the child of the first year of life.

mix nuppi

Advantages of Nuppi Baby Mix

Nuppi contains vitamins and minerals selected in the right ratio. Whey proteins and casein in the composition of this mixture are added in a ratio of 50 to 50. Such indicators maximize the composition of nutrition to the composition of mother's milk, guaranteeing the quick adaptation of the baby in its first year of life to a new product.

The presence of lutein, prebiotics, nucleotides ensures the harmonious development of the child's body, strengthens the baby's immunity.

The manufacturer also took care of the supplements of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances of choline, inosine, taurine, L-carnitine. They provide the correct growth and formation of a healthy body.

Overview of Baby Food Reviews

When choosing a mixture for artificial feeding, many mothers are guided by the advice of experienced friends and acquaintances. Reviews about the Nuppi mix from mothers who have already raised two children carry information about the success of using such a product when there is no way to breastfeed. Also, some parents use the mixture in addition to breast milk if the baby does not receive enough.

The beneficial effect of the Nuppi mixture on baby stool has been noted. Thanks to the presence of prebiotics, the child does not suffer from constipation, his digestive system works without failures.

dry adapted milk formula


Dry adapted milk formula is popular among parents. The study of reviews of its use is mostly represented by positive characteristics. Some reviews about the appearance of allergic reactions are not a regularity and may be caused by other nutritional errors of the child.

The product "Nuppi" has in its composition useful components that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the baby's systems and organs. The mixture is available for purchase in stores and pharmacies. Manufacturers took care of the maximum approximation of the composition of the product to the quality of breast milk.

Therefore, this artificial nutrition can be purchased for the baby, as it is recommended by experienced mothers. The manufacturer took care of a harmonious combination of useful trace elements and vitamins for each baby.

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