How to find out computer id

Such a parameter as the computer id is designed to remotely activate programs, and then bind them directly to the specified computer so that they could not be launched from another machine. But then the question arises before you, how to find out the computer id? Next, a small, fairly simple instruction will be offered to help you solve the problem.

How to find out your computer id

, id . , , . , id , . « » «». . , «». . , , . «» « ». , , . id , « », , .

, . «». , «». , « », . , . Win+R. cmd, . , ipconfig/all, . , , « » id.

, id . . , . ping name_comp ping IP_comp, name_comp IP_comp IP- - . , arp – a. « » id , . Arp , ip MAC-. , .

, id , , . nbtstat – A IP_comp nbtstat – a name_comp, NetBIOS . « ».

getmac id , , . , , .

, , id , . , .

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