Feline immunodeficiency virus: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Pets in many families are in a privileged position, they are fed, cared for and cherished. And they are very worried if something happens with dogs, cats or fish. This article will focus on one of the most serious diseases caused by the immunodeficiency virus of cats. Let's try to find out what kind of pathology is, what are its causes, symptoms, and are there any ways to salvation.

general information

The first cat immunodeficiency virus was discovered in 1986 in the United States. Veterinarians of one of the nurseries located on the territory of Northern California, conducting studies of the frequent cases of the spread of chronic immunodeficiency in cats, found the causative agent of the disease.

hiv cats

Following this, pathogens were found already in Europe, first in Switzerland, then in Holland, France, and Great Britain. Today, experts say that the infection is endemic in nature, which means that there are more and more sick animals.

The main area of ​​defeat in four-legged friends of a person is the immune system, hence the term "cat immunodeficiency virus". It is considered the feline equivalent of HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS. A similar name was introduced into practice - VIC, in the English transcription FIV, which stands for Felineimmunodeficiencyvirus. Further in the material these terms will be found (in abbreviated or full form).

Causes of the disease

Experts attribute the chronic immunodeficiency of cats to retroviruses, which, in turn, belong to the lentivirus family. In cats and humans, viruses are somewhat similar, but have their own specifics. The main cause of the disease is a virus, which is transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one through contact. An animal living on the street and a pet can get sick, for which constant care is provided.

healthy cat

One of the frequently asked questions on the forums is: "Is the cat immunodeficiency virus dangerous to humans?" There is only one answer - VIC, which causes pathologies in pets, has no effect on human health, just as HIV is not transmitted to a feline tribe.

Statistical data

The Americans are most active in the study of this pathology, because it is on this continent that the virus was first discovered. According to statistical studies, immunodeficiency occurs in 1-3% of cats.

Risk group

At risk are wild or stray animals that do not have a permanent home and care. VIC is more likely to get sick in adult animals aged 5 to 10 years. Pets can get sick by contact with sick cats, and that, only in special cases.

The main ways of spreading VIC

For any person who has a cat, the health of the pet is in the first place, because it is so important to know which ways the VIC is transmitted to protect the pet. Scientists have made several important conclusions, the main one is that the virus is contained in the saliva of diseased animals.

Another research result - females acquire VIC much less often than males, this conclusion is obvious, since representatives of the strong half of the cat tribe are a priori more aggressive and ready to find out the primacy in the fights. While cats are much less aggressive, for example, in the case of protection of the cubs.

the cat is sick

In vivo, perinatal transmission of the virus is theoretically possible, although scientists at the moment cannot accurately determine whether the transmission of the virus occurs during pregnancy or during childbirth. There were also no cases of transmission of the infection from animal to human.

In order to infect a healthy animal, it is necessary that saliva with the virus enter its body, thus inoculation, that is, the vaccination of the virus from one animal to another, occurs with bites and fights, typical for adults.

These conclusions can please owners of domestic cats, because, firstly, kittens are safe because of their age, and secondly, simple contact, accidental contact can not cause transmission of the virus and, consequently, lead to diseases. The same can be said of mating, in which infection does not occur. Knowing the distribution paths helps owners take proactive measures.

The mechanism of development of pathology

The immunodeficiency virus of cats, entering the body of an animal, attacks T-lymphocytes, has a cytopathic effect. The disease progresses, the number of helper T-lymphocytes in the body, which are called CD4, is sharply reduced. This leads to a change in the proportion of the ratio of clones of SD8 and SD4, the indicators sharply differ from the norm.

Viruses are characterized by lability. May persist for more than 3 days at room temperature. Elevated temperature helps reduce the number of viruses, at a temperature of 60 ° C they die. Viruses are relatively resistant to ultraviolet radiation, lose activity when treated with alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids, ether or hypochlorite.

cat blood for hiv analysis

Variations of the strain of the virus were discovered by scientists in other representatives of the feline family living in the wild. But their pathogenicity is reduced compared to cats living near a person. Experts attribute this to the fact that in the wild, animals initially have stronger immunity, which helps withstand stress, transfer diseases, including VIC.

Symptoms of the disease

At the first signs of malaise in an animal, it is important for the owner to determine: is it a common infection or a cat immunodeficiency virus, the symptoms of the last pathology are pronounced, although at the first stage the changes in well-being are not very noticeable. The incubation period for FIV lasts from four to six weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the pet.

Then comes the acute stage of the development of pathology. High temperature (40 ° C, and in some cases even higher) is the first sign that the animal has the immunodeficiency virus of cats, the symptoms of a different plan are associated with the digestive and endocrine systems. Cats may experience the following:

  • anemia;
  • indigestion and diarrhea;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • leukopenia;
  • neutropenia.

Another important symptom of VIC is lymph nodes, which are enlarged; it is easy to determine this by palpation.

The next stage of the development of VIC (cat immunodeficiency virus) is latent, that is, hidden. Its minimum duration is several months, the maximum period when the disease did not manifest itself, as determined by scientists, is three years. During this time, the animal acquires immunodeficiency syndrome, the disease becomes chronic.

The late stage of the disease in animals takes place against the background of irreversible exhaustion, it is also possible the manifestation of behavioral abnormalities, obvious signs of damage to the central nervous system.

What pathological changes occur in the body?

FIV in animals takes place in several stages, each of them has a different duration and nature. The final stage of the disease is a chronic immunodeficiency virus in cats, the symptoms become less pronounced, but the pets acquire a whole bunch of different pathologies. The most common diseases are:

immunodeficiency of cats

  • damage to the mucous membrane of various organs, primarily gums, and the oral cavity;
  • diarrhea, and in chronic form;
  • exhaustion due to loss of appetite;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, occasionally accompanied by fever.

Inflammatory processes are common in immunodeficiency syndrome in felines. Inflammation affects the organs of hearing, vision, and the genitourinary system.

It is interesting that the same pathologies develop in oncological diseases of pets, cancer and leukemia. The explanation is simple: with oncological diseases, the same immunodeficiency states occur.

Diagnosis of feline AIDS

In order to find out exactly what pathology develops in the cat's body, whether it is related to VIC or is associated with other, less serious problems, various diagnostic methods are used. Most often, specialists offer the owners the following medical studies:

  • serological;
  • immunological.

The first direction allows us to find out how sero-negative antibodies to the cat immunodeficiency virus belong. The purpose of the research is to determine the state of T-lymphocytes, what is the ratio of the subpopulations of these same lymphocytes to each other.

sick cat

The most difficult thing is when the disease "subsides", enters the latent phase. In studies, a positive serological reaction is noted. Therefore, individual researchers believe that antibodies to the fiv immunodeficiency virus fiv sero-negative can help cope with the disease.


Establishing the correct diagnosis by the veterinarian allows you to start treatment in a timely manner. Unfortunately, at present, scientists can not offer a drug that allows you to end the problem once and for all. Queries of this type often appear on special forums: "Does the cat immunodeficiency virus (FIV) disappear during antibiotic treatment?" The owners, worrying about their pet, are trying to find a panacea in these medicines.

But the use of antibiotics, like other medicines recommended by veterinary services, helps to cope with individual symptoms or solve the problem with only one pathology, for example, inflammation. Modern medicine is still powerless to solve the problem as a whole. It is proposed to work in two directions:

  • elimination of symptoms, treatment of certain diseases;
  • increased immunity in pets.

What to treat

As a treatment, it is proposed to introduce the following types of immunoglobulin:

  • measles;
  • anti-influenza.

In this case, normal human immunoglobulin is used. It is administered once every few days, either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. And the same antibiotics prescribed in parallel should have a wide spectrum of action and suppress pathogenic microflora. Most often, veterinarians recommend the following drugs:

  • Ampioks;
  • Ampicillin
  • "Penicillin".

In addition to treatment, or rather, to strengthen the immune system, multivitamin preparations become. Antihistamines relieve allergic reactions, also contribute to the normalization of the functions of various internal organs. Routine vaccination helps the body of a sick animal to withstand the emergence of new infections.

Preventive actions

What to do with a sick animal, as described above, now I would like to pay attention to the prevention of diseases. Various preventive measures can conditionally “stop” the cat immunodeficiency virus (symptoms). And treatment is good, but preventing disease is even better.

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet come up with a formula for preventive vaccination against the so-called feline AIDS. The owners need to carefully monitor their pets, follow these recommendations:

  • limit contact with stray cats;
  • Prevent pets from participating in street fights.
sick cat

Veterinarians also say that castration of cats affects the activity of animals, reduces their desire to participate in "battles" for the territory, that is, in fights. If several pets live in the house, it is recommended from time to time to conduct studies for the presence of immunodeficiency syndrome. When identifying an animal that is a carrier of the virus, measures should be taken to isolate it.

Recommendations for owners of cat nurseries

Health and preventive measures should not only be carried out by pet owners. Particular attention is required by the inhabitants of cat nurseries. Owners should clearly understand that when a large number of animals are in close proximity to each other, the chances of transmission of any infection increase dramatically.

The same applies to the immunodeficiency virus: animal attempts to prove their leadership, to become masters in one or another territory, can lead to fights. This, in turn, promotes the entry of the saliva of an infected animal into the body of a healthy cat, leading to the spread of infection in the nursery.

If possible, it is necessary to create conditions for pets for free, separate living, living. It is necessary to prevent fights, respectively, injuries and injuries. Cats that have come out of childhood should be regularly examined by a veterinarian and clinical trials for the presence of a virus in the body.

A positive reaction when performing tests on the FIV is not a reason to euthanize an animal or part with it. If pathology is detected at an early stage, then most recently a cat immunodeficiency virus has entered the body. Treatment and care can bear fruit. The animal will live for many more years and will delight the owners.

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