Why do children suck a finger and how to deal with it?

One of the important reflexes of newborns is sucking. It is very important that he be satisfied. If the mother suddenly noticed that the baby began to suck on her finger, then you need to think about the fact that the baby does not suckle a lot or a dummy.

children suck a finger

Each child is individual. Needs, of course, also manifest themselves in different ways. One baby can suckle a breast for about 15 minutes, and this will be quite enough for him, while another will need at least half an hour. Gradually, such a need will decrease, but it is also unknown when exactly your child will refuse to suck at all - perhaps by the year, or maybe a little later.

Normal behavior can be considered when an infant puts fingers in its mouth before feeding. He is just hungry. But if children suck their fingers in between meals, you should think about it.

baby sucks thumb

Babies that mothers breastfeed rarely replace her with a cam. Currently, pediatricians recommend feeding at the request of the child, so the baby's sucking reflex is completely satisfied. With artificial feeding, children suck a finger much more often. It is important to choose the right nipple that is worn on the bottle with the mixture. The hole in it should be such that the baby "extracted" droplets. Firstly, otherwise the child may choke. Secondly, it will suck the bottle longer. Also in this case, there is no need to rush to reduce the number of feedings.

When children suck their finger, they should offer them a dummy. This is, firstly, more hygienic. Secondly, her sucking does not affect the growing teeth of the baby so much. And the so-called "orthopedic" soothers contribute to the formation of a normal bite in an infant.

baby started sucking a finger

Very often, children suck their fingers during the period when their teeth are cut. The gums itch, it really bothers the baby, and he pulls everything in his mouth, including pens. To prevent this behavior from becoming the norm for a child, special means must be used. Calgel or Kamistad medicinal gels will help relieve pain and itching. You can also offer baby teething toys. Typically, these gizmos are filled with a special gel that can be cooled, which helps to remove discomfort.

But what if an older child sucks a thumb? Why is this happening? As already mentioned, the baby’s need for sucking can fade away at different times. That is why now many people advise not to stop breast- feeding a child until he refuses it.

If the baby is already more than a year old, then sucking for him is a kind of sedative. It does not matter what it is: a breast, a bottle or a dummy. The finger becomes a kind of substitute for them. He can put it in his mouth when he is tired or wants to fall asleep.

If your child sucks a finger, do not be angry with him. Perhaps he is simply bored. Try to make his pastime more interesting and enjoyable. Remember that this habit passes by itself, but not overnight. Although you can take some measures too. For example, bandage a finger. Perhaps in this form the baby will not like it.

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