A lot has been written about the viruses of the Hijackers group, which are browser hijackers. Almost all of them are identical in terms of impact on the operating system and the installed Internet browsers (browsers). As a rule, neutralizing such threats and completely eliminating them is not difficult. But among all this diversity there are real unique ones. One of those is the Yamdex.net virus. In most cases, it cannot be deleted using standard methods, because, unlike its counterparts, it does not appear in the list of installed programs. So, if such an urgent problem arose, it would be necessary to use completely non-standard solutions for disposal.
What is Yamdex.net?
, -. , Yamdex , , .
? , Yandex. . , .
. . -, , . -, , , , . , Yamdex.net , -.
. Yamdex.net, .
, AdwCleaner, , . . Yamdex ? . , , .
, , , .
Yamdex , , . , Browser Cleanup Avast.
, , ( ). , « » . , FixerBro, .
, Yamdex, . (regedit). (Ctrl + F) (Yamdex). F3. .
Yamdex , . , Chrome HKLM SOFTWARE DefaultSearchProviderEnabled .
DefaultSearchProviderSearchUrl. ( ).
, . , . . , .
«» "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers" ( ). , , .
, Yamdex, "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy" «». , , .
, «» gpupdate /force, .
, , , RD /S /Q.
, Yamdex, . , , , .