In any group of kindergarten, classroom collective, there is a body that helps the teacher in work. The regulation on the parent committee in kindergarten is created at the organization level, approved by the Council of the school (preschool educational institution). Consider his duties and rights, as well as the functions that this body performs.
The regulation on the parent committee of an educational organization contains information about its quantitative and qualitative composition. It includes representatives from the group (class team), who are selected at a general meeting from willing parents. The optimal number of parents is from 3 to 7 people. From them choose the chairman of the parent committee, the secretary.
The regulation on the parent committee provides for the distribution of responsibilities among all members, the results are noted in the minutes of the meeting. Parents approve the charter, according to which they work closely with the class teacher (educator).
The regulation on the parent committee implies the unification of primary bodies functioning at the class (group) level into a single committee at the level of the entire educational organization. A group of proactive parents deals with issues related to the activities of a preschool institution (school).
The regulation on the parent committee contains a section that indicates the main purpose of this body:
- clarification of what is necessary for children, which the school (preschool institution) administration is not able to provide;
- fundraising for the different needs of the class, group, contests and events, gifts for children;
- the acquisition of things necessary for the group (class), materials for repairs, funds for which are not allocated by the educational organization.
What else do initiative parents do? The regulation on the parent committee involves the purchase of gifts for the holidays to teachers (educators) and children, solving current organizational issues that do not require the convening of a general meeting.
Committee members assist educators in organizing and conducting a variety of events.
Important points
The regulation on the parent committee of the DOE (school) involves a detailed report on the expenditure of material resources by the representatives of the initiative group in front of the other parents at their first request. Among the “unofficial” duties of members of the parent committee can be called the ability to find common ground with the teacher (teacher), similar groups that function in other classes (groups).
The provision of the classroom parent committee contains information on the main powers vested in proactive parents:
- demand from the administration of the kindergarten (school) a detailed report on the spent material resources, if they were transferred to the organization from the committee;
- to make rational proposals that are related to the organization of the pedagogical process, educational activities, equipment of the educational organization, to receive information about decisions adopted in the DOU (OS);
- receive a report on the work, technical and material condition of the organization from the administration;
- quality control of food that children eat;
- initiating parent meetings on serious issues that cannot be postponed until a scheduled meeting.
What other rights are given to proactive parents? The regulation on the parent committee of the class allows them to attend teacher meetings (if there is an invitation from the teacher team).
They also have the right to search for sponsors for children's parties and competitions among commercial and public organizations.
Tips for beginners
The regulation on a school-wide parental committee involves reporting to the competent (supervisory) authorities information on violations of children's rights by employees of a kindergarten (school).
Parents who first appeared on the parent committee do not imagine what they have to do. We offer some useful tips for them:
- To avoid the constant collection of material resources for small purchases, it is better to immediately draw up the annual budget of a class or group.
- It is necessary to estimate that amount of money (taking into account the costs of holidays, repairs, gifts, events) and other necessary acquisitions, add to them about 10 percent for unforeseen expenses.
- The resulting figure needs to be announced to the rest of the parents for approval.
- It is necessary to make a list of all teachers and parents' phones so that they can be contacted if necessary.
- Establish relationships with the parent committee of the parallel class, a school-wide body.
- Be patient, because initiative parents will have to overcome the resistance of other mothers (dads) who do not plan to spend money and time on their children.
Useful Information
The regulation on the parent committee of the educational institution is formed taking into account the specifics of the organization, the wishes of the parents (legal representatives). This body in a group (class) is an association of parents whose functioning is aimed at all possible assistance to a team of teachers, a class teacher in organizing cooperation between schools and families in the name of class students (pupils of a preschool educational institution).
Frequency of meetings
They are held about 2-3 times during the academic quarter. All decisions taken in the framework of such meetings are necessarily recorded in the minutes, for which the chairman of the parent committee is responsible.
Duties of the group (class) committee
The Parent Committee is required to:
- help establish relations between the class teacher and the parent team;
- involve other mothers and fathers in collaboration with preschoolers (schoolchildren);
- influence the formation of a culture of parental communication;
- mediate between school, kindergarten, family, public organizations in difficult life situations;
- stimulate asceticism and responsibility in the formation and development of the younger generation;
- make suggestions and initiatives to improve the educational and educational process in a preschool institution (educational organization);
- comply with ethical standards in dealing with children, parents, teachers (educators).
With well-functioning and clear functioning of the parent class (group) team, you can count on positive results. Younger students are happy that their fathers and mothers attend classes, conduct extracurricular activities for them, holidays, trips, and excursions.
Distribution of duties
In the composition of the parent committee allocate;
- position of chairman;
- substitutes;
- treasurer.
The chairman of the parent committee of the class (group) is responsible for the functioning of his activities. Together with his deputies, he draws up an activity plan, helps the class teacher (teacher) in organizing and conducting parent-teacher meetings. He takes an active part in protecting the rights of children, together with other representatives of the school (pre-school educational institution), visits dysfunctional families, helps to resolve conflict situations that appear in the classroom collective.
The chairman of the classroom parent committee is responsible in general, and his deputies are responsible for specific activities. It is the deputies who help teachers organize other parents to attend class and extracurricular activities. Also, the competence of the deputy chairman of the parent committee includes assistance to the classroom tutor (educator) in acquiring the required teaching and methodological aids, organizing a variety of competitions, competitions and festivals. They contribute to the organization of assistance to children who have difficulties in learning. It is the representatives of the parent committee who are engaged in the search for material means to encourage children who have distinguished themselves in educational (extracurricular) activities.
The deputy chairman of the classroom parent committee, which oversees the participation of children and parents in extracurricular activities, must perform multifaceted activities.
His competence includes the involvement of parents of a group (class) in conducting parental lessons, circles, and lectures. Together with dads (mothers), he is an active participant in hiking, holidays, excursions, and entertainment events. Together with a classroom mentor, he contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the realization of the creative individual abilities of each child in a class (group).
Among the documents that state the activities of the parent committee of a class (group), there are:
- meeting minutes;
- regulations on the parent committee of the class (school, kindergarten);
- quarter activity plan (half year, academic year);
- meeting schedule.
Participation in the work of the parent committee has both positive and negative parameters. With a good organization of this body, one can count on its performance of various functions.
Parents not only undertake the organization of competitions for the best diary, notebook, they help the teacher to organize and conduct open house days, extracurricular activities. For example, within the framework of the organized parenting lessons, the opportunity arises for improvisation and creativity for each family. The joint activity of parents and children is the best option for the formation of citizenship in the younger generation, and in addition, it is also a great way to transfer social experience.