We are sure that, having read the title of our article, most dog handlers will disagree with this interpretation. The fact is that the owner who incorrectly raised his pet is to blame for the unjustified aggression of the animal by 97%. It is no secret that even small breeds of dogs can be uncontrollable and evil. But this does not mean that they are killer dogs. No one will argue with this. Of course, they will not cause serious injuries, unlike large animals.
What does a fighting dog mean?
If we analyze everything that the media write about fighting dogs (namely, they are considered to be killers), it seems that we are surrounded by some bloodthirsty monsters who do not feel pain and feed exclusively on lapdogs, cats and people. In this regard, dog lovers were divided into two camps. Some owners want eternal taboos to be placed on these “monsters”, others try to prove that fighting breeds are strong, courageous and devoted animals.
Around many dogs of fighting breeds (pit bull terrier, amstaff, rottweiler and others), which are especially popular, there are many myths. Sometimes they are completely unfounded. Moreover, the phrase “fighting dog” itself is a myth. In fact, these animals are divided into official, decorative and hunting. A fighting dog is, so to speak, a title. It can be applied to any breed.
It should not be forgotten that large angry dogs once actively participated in bloody battles. This is a Caucasian shepherd, Alabai, bulldog, Great Dane, etc. But today no one says that “Caucasians” are killer dogs. In fact, any pet can be raised so that it becomes aggressive and dangerous to humans. Therefore, does it make sense to ban certain breeds? France can share such an experience. The government initially included 96 breeds in the list of permitted, but gradually it decreased to 17. Then it became clear that this was a dead end. Aggressive dog is the result of human irresponsibility.
Dangerous dogs
Below we will present you a list of the most dangerous, according to experts. However, this cannot be said to be killer dogs. With proper upbringing, these are reliable human helpers. Perhaps some of our readers will be surprised that some dogs, which most animal lovers consider to be cute and charming creatures, have entered our small top killer dogs. Find out what it is connected with.
Central asian shepherd dog
These beautiful giants are often called Alabai, and in Turkmenistan they are called the "wolfhound." This is a natural breed. Man did not take part in its development. These rather aggressive animals became strong and fearless as a result of natural selection. They are used to protect livestock from predators. The nature of the animals has hardened in harsh climates.
This is a very formidable adversary who develops tremendous speed at short distances. Alabai is hardy, he learned to rationally spend his energy. Until now, too loyal representatives of the breed are not allowed for breeding. An animal that is not able to repulse the enemy cannot be called a wolfhound.
Fila brasileiro
Cute cheeks, folds hanging skin, large hanging ears - this is what this giant looks like, which ranks fourth in our ranking. Looking at this handsome man, it seems that he is a kind creature, calm and even a little lazy. Yes, for his master and members of his family, fil can be affectionate and kind. But this does not apply to strangers at all.
This dog does not tolerate strangers. When someone else tries to “talk” with her, let alone stroke her, she can growl menacingly. Stop, do not test the patience of the animal, do not bring to trouble. If the brave man did not heed the warning, a throw will immediately follow and, as a result, moderate injuries from the lover to communicate with the dog. Who is to blame for this situation?
Brasileiro, guided by instinct, attack vital areas, so dog training should begin at a very young age. In addition, the owner is obliged to suppress attempts by strangers to get acquainted with his pet.
Brasileiro desperately protects the owner’s house, and, given its impressive size, there is no doubt that he will succeed easily. In some countries, you can become a Brazilian host only if you have a permit that is issued by court order.
So we came to the representative of our rating, whose participation among many will cause bewilderment. Are these pretty speckled white creatures killer dogs? After all, they are still depicted in the paintings of the ancient Greeks. Surely it seems to many that this cheerful beauty got into the company of dangerous dogs by mistake.
But this is not an accident or a mistake. Dalmatian requires special and strict education. These animals need persistent and long training. Dogs with black spots should be trained only by professional trainers, beginners simply can not cope with them.
Owners of these animals should remember that the Dalmatian is a hunting dog, not a decorative dog. Any innocent provocation coming from a person’s side can lead to serious injuries. And it’s no secret that this happens quite often. This dog is strong and hardy, he is a great hunter. It is for this reason that it can be dangerous for strangers.
Chow chow
Another case where appearances are deceiving. This sedate (seemingly) teddy bear is not a toy at all. This animal has many advantages, but nevertheless it is not for everyone. An independent and alienated, restrained, strong-willed and often domineering and stubborn dog will not suit an inexperienced owner.
She is completely devoted to the family and is ready to protect her. A person who understands the nature of Chow Chow and has worked on the socialization of a pet will raise a faithful and peaceful companion. Otherwise, an evil, aggressive and uncontrollable dog may come out of this animal.
American pit bull is a killer dog?
It is difficult to find another breed of dog about which so many legends would go about as a bull terrier. Someone considers him to be the kindest animal, a nanny for babies, someone is sure that this is an indispensable guard, and someone is convinced that this is a killing machine, insensitive and devoid of pity. Everyone has their own arguments and seemingly believable stories. But they are all so different that it seems that we are talking about different animals. What is he really, this powerful and powerful dog?
The ancestors of these dogs were Staffordshire Terriers. When looking at them, there is no doubt: in front of you is a real fighter. This is a powerful and strong dog with well-developed muscles, a rough and large muzzle, incredibly strong jaws.
This breed got a bad reputation back in the 80s, when these brave and strong animals increasingly began to symbolize crime. So we come to the main thing - the goal of breeding this breed and training. The bull terrier was not displayed as a fighting dog, but, like any strong and courageous animal, it can be raised as an excellent watchman or as a killer dog.
Worst of all, when the upbringing of this dog is entrusted to a minor, and sometimes a spoiled child, who is still alien to the concept of morality. Often in this case, such a dog becomes a means to clarify relationships with peers.
An undressed pit bull can attack people. In many countries, the person acquiring such a dog violates the law. According to experts, the American pit bull is the most dangerous dog.
To summarize
Again and again we want to repeat that the most dangerous dogs are the result of the activities of irresponsible owners. We are sure that any dog, regardless of what size, temperament and character it is, must definitely go through a training course. It is advisable that this work is done by professionals. Any breed whose main function is to protect a person can be dangerous to humans.