Black bull terrier: breed description, character features, photos and reviews

Very many people believe that the bull terrier breed is a symbol of uncontrollable aggression, strength and power. However, even in the opinion of professional dog handlers, these dogs are not able to work as security guards or bodyguards, since they are not able to show increased aggressiveness towards humans.

Dog is sitting

When raising puppies of bull terriers, breeders always check the young generation for aggressiveness. If one of them behaves inappropriately or is incapable of obedience, then these representatives are rejected. Of particular interest to dog breeders is the black bull terrier. It is worth getting acquainted with this four-legged closer.

A bit of history

Many people believe because of the oblique section of the eyes that the dogs of this breed first appeared in Asia. But actually these dogs came to us from England. The breed was created by James Hinks, who in the 50s of the 19th century decided to create a completely new, perfect dog.

Initially, he dreamed of a snow-white dog, in which all the shortcomings of the English bulldog and terrier would be completely absent. It was possible to translate the plan into reality in 1862. The bull terrier appeared due to the crossing of an English bulldog, a white English terrier and a Dalmatian. According to the results of this experiment, according to the creator, an ideal bull terrier appeared.

However, it is worth noting that according to other sources, the English bull terrier appeared about 200 years ago. There is a lot of evidence for this. For example, in 1820, on the canvases of some English artists, images of animals were found that very much resembled these unusual dogs. The breed was officially introduced in 1862 in Birmingham.

If we talk about black bull terriers and dogs of other colors, then they began to be withdrawn only in the middle of the 20th century. Today you can meet four-legged pets of the most unusual colors.

Why is the dog considered evil

However, why are people sure that the representatives of this breed are incredibly aggressive and strong? It is worth noting that even though the black bull terrier looks quite serious and even menacing in the photo, it does not pose any danger to humans.

Playing with bone

Nevertheless, do not forget that the blood of a real fighting dog flows in it. Like many other representatives of four-legged animals, representatives of this breed are happy to hunt cats. Perhaps this is precisely what served as the basis for the first legends about the aggressiveness and ruthlessness of these animals.

On the other hand, it should be noted that for many years the bull terrier was bred exclusively as a fighting dog. It was never used for security or service, exclusively for competitions. That is why this animal has such a compact body and a large mass of muscles.

The white or black bull terrier has a really steel jaw and reduced sensitivity to pain. All these qualities make the animal a real fighter. That is why it was used for a very long time exclusively for the amusement of people who gladly relied on the bloody fights of four-legged. Perhaps, over the long years of such entertainment, a clear opinion has formed that this animal is extremely aggressive and furious.

Indeed, dogs of this breed show very serious aggression towards their rivals. However, if we talk about how animals relate to humans, then in this case, a black and white bull terrier or pet of a different color shows exceptional friendliness and obedience.


If we talk about how white (this color is considered to be original) or a black bull terrier looks like, then, of course, its strong physique and pronounced musculature are most striking.

In terms of dimensions, the dogs of these dogs are much larger than the β€œgirls”. The dog weighs about 20-25 kilograms. His height rarely exceeds 45 cm.

The bull terrier has a slightly elongated oval head. From the back of the head to the nose, you can see a smooth arc. In the area between the ears, the skull becomes almost flat.

Separately, it is worth describing the face of the animal. If you look at the photo of a black and white bull terrier, you will clearly see the massive jaws, the lower part of which is set a little deeper.

Black and white dog

The lips are very tight to the jaw apparatus. Eyes a little slanting, black color. When animals are at rest, their visual organs seem much smaller. However, as soon as the dog is excited, his pupils greatly enlarge. Because of this, it seems that his eyes are really changing.

The bull terrier has very thin small triangular ears that are set quite close. As a rule, they stick up vertically. Most muscles are observed on the neck, shoulders and back.

Black and white bull terriers have a rather short tail, which tapers slightly towards its end. The hind limbs of the dog are distinguished by very powerful bones, so when running the dog is able to develop a fairly high speed.

The coat of the animal is quite short and smooth. It is evenly distributed throughout the body.

Character Features

Of course, the bull terrier is distinguished by courage, perseverance and fearlessness. Thanks to such qualities, it is necessary to timely engage in the upbringing of a small puppy. He needs training and the realization that a person is his master. If the owner of the animal does not follow the standard recommendations for upbringing, then this dog will be impossible to control and she will begin to demonstrate her temper with pleasure.

Tiger Bull Terrier

If we educate puppies of the black bull terrier and at the same time turn to specialists, then the animal grows up absolutely calm and friendly. These dogs are loyal friends of people.

If we talk about the main character traits of this breed, then dogs are distinguished by endurance, curiosity, energy and stubbornness. Meanwhile, the bull terrier is very touchy, so you need to understand that if you show aggression towards this puppy or punish him too much, there is a risk that he will remember this for many years.

Despite the fact that in a critical situation the bull terrier can come to the rescue, you need to understand that this breed of dog is not protective. These animals are not able to attack an adult or a child.

You need to be prepared for the fact that on the site with other animals the behavior of the dog will radically change. The bull terrier is very aggressive towards other four-legged animals, so you need to carefully monitor the pet.

Good to know

If we consider the characteristics of this animal, then it becomes obvious that not every owner is suitable for such a dog. If a person is not able to spend a lot of time training and dog training, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. Otherwise, even a mini-bull terrier of black or white color can grow uncontrollable and bring its owner a lot of trouble.

Two puppies

The dog is distinguished by tremendous physical strength and a persistent character, therefore, the person himself must be strong and powerful enough to be able to suppress the will of the animal and show who is the boss in the house. If the future owner of the pet is famous for its mild disposition, then he should pay attention to other dogs.

Bull Terrier color

Initially, this breed of dog was bred exclusively in white. However, after some time, when the popularity of the bull terrier became simply huge, the breeders decided to diversify the market a little. Today, both classic white bull terriers and black ones are very popular.

At the same time, even in the most elite nurseries of Moscow, bull terriers are found in brindle, red, red or tricolor colors. Today, such dogs are also considered purebred. However, if it is a blue or sand color, as well as interspersed wool, then in this case the breed is a crossbreed.

Funny dog

A bull terrier may have distinct spots.

How to choose a puppy

In order to purchase such a dog, you must contact only professional breeders. The seller must provide a complete list of documents for the animal. The puppy must be 2 to 2.5 months old, but no more. It is also worth paying attention to its appearance.

The kid-bull terrier of a black color or any other should be healthy. All data on vaccinations and other procedures are indicated in his passport. He must undergo anthelmintic prophylaxis.

Bull Terrier Content

Before buying a puppy, it is important to understand that he needs his own corner, which will belong only to him. Accordingly, it is recommended to find a place where the pet will be comfortable. It is better to install a sunbed in a place with dim light. The animal should not be in a draft.

He definitely needs to buy toys that are strictly forbidden to touch other family members. The puppy should always have clean drinking water.

Such puppies can be brought both in a small apartment, and in a large country house. Keeping the dog outdoors is not recommended, as the bull terriers are very poor at tolerating cold, damp and temperature changes. In summer, the animal can overheat in the sun, so you need to ensure that the dog is always under a canopy.

Dog is standing

It is worth noting that this animal requires a rather serious approach, and therefore, a person who has not encountered pets in the form of dogs before should be careful.

Training and training

It is worth noting that these dogs are very difficult to train. Education is only possible if experienced trainers are involved. Bull terriers are very restless and wayward, they prefer to do exclusively what they like.

Therefore, you need to be strict since childhood puppy. It is important to teach him to calmly react to the fact that a person selects his toy or bowl. During communication with the animal, aggression or obvious discontent cannot be shown. You need to behave very calmly. Do not imitate anger or try to behave too noisy. The dog understands very well when he is deceived.

Do not put much pressure on the dog. You can try to train the bull terrier at home, give him goodies when performing certain actions, however, if the animal refuses to do this, you do not need to push it.

Power Features

If we are talking about ready-made feeds, it is recommended to give food only premium or natural food. However, in no case should you mix these two types of food. Dry food is selected based on the indicators of a particular animal, that is, its weight, as well as age.

During the period of its active growth, it is necessary to supply the puppy with a large amount of nutrients, minerals, as well as vitamins. Food should be balanced. In no case is the use of expired canned food or other products allowed.

What to feed

First of all, this animal can be given poultry and animal meat. Despite the fact that these dogs are recommended raw products, it is worth pre-pouring meat with boiling water in order to avoid infection with helminths.

Additionally, you can give chicken ventricles, necks, hearts and other offal. If we talk about fish, it is allowed exclusively boiled seafood. You can sometimes spoil your puppy with a raw egg, vegetable oil, dairy products and cereals.

What can not be given to puppies

The only type of meat that is strictly forbidden to give to representatives of this breed is pork. You should also refrain from using smoked meats, sweets, pastries, seasonings, river fish and spicy foods in the animal’s diet.

You need to immediately teach your puppy to eat. It is best to feed him immediately after a walk. Serving size depends on the age of the animal. As a rule, the smaller the puppy, the more he needs, because he burns a huge amount of energy.

The food bowl should be filled within 10-15 minutes. If the pet refuses to eat, then it is necessary to remove the plate in the refrigerator until the next feeding. If the dog knows that she always has food, then she can start to eat uncontrollably and will not follow the regime.


According to the owners of dogs of this breed, they are loyal. However, the owners do not advise to show too strong loyalty, as the puppy may become uncontrollable. Therefore, even experienced dog breeders are not always easy to deal with such animals. Therefore, choosing the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in black or white, as well as any other variety of this breed, it is worth considering several times.

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