Physical education: concept, definition, characteristics and essence

The concept of physical education originated in ancient times. Primitive people, getting their own food and shelter, were constantly in motion and became stronger, faster and more enduring. All this happened because every day they performed the same physical actions - exercises. The awareness of this process by the members of the tribe formed the basis of physical education. Later, people came to understand that the earlier a person began to perform exercises, for example, in early childhood, the more perfect his body became to adulthood.

An organized form of physical education originated in ancient Greece. In antiquity, young people were specially trained in exercises, sports and war games, so that they became stronger and more enduring. In our article, we will consider such concepts as physical culture, sports, physical education, training and excellence. All of them are inextricably linked and are part of a complex process of harmonious development of a person’s personality.

Physical education: definition, concepts, purpose, objectives

The essence of physical education

For the harmonious development of the child, three components are necessary: ​​physical development, cultural and spiritual. To be healthy and calmly perceive any flow of energy, a person must be strong and hardy. Without a doubt, all three components are interconnected and the development of each of them should occur evenly and not to the detriment of the others. But physical education is a prerequisite for the comprehensive development of the individual. Parents make a big mistake, emphasizing aesthetic, moral and labor education, but forgetting that it is in a healthy body that a healthy mind is formed.

So, physical education is a learning process that is aimed at maintaining and strengthening health during physical activity. The goal of this process is to optimize the physical qualities and personal culture of a person to realize the potential laid down in him, as well as to instill a healthy lifestyle in general. Physical education begins from the first days of a person’s life.

The tasks of such a pedagogical process are as follows:

  1. Health promotion, prevention of flat feet, hardening, the formation of proper posture.
  2. Mastering the technique of performing elementary sports exercises.
  3. The development of motor qualities (speed, flexibility, agility).
  4. Introduction to the independent implementation of physical exercises, daily morning exercises, the formation of interest in sports.
  5. Development of coordination (balance, accuracy and speed of response to signals, orientation in space).
  6. The formation of knowledge on personal hygiene, the need to observe the daily routine, the effect of motor activity on health.
  7. The education of discipline, determination, courage when performing physical exercises.

In theory, the basic concepts of physical education include:

  1. Physical development.
  2. Physical training.
  3. Physical perfection.
  4. Sport.

The latter concept should be considered separately from physical education, which is aimed at strengthening physical health. The main goal of the sport is to achieve maximum results and receive awards.

Consider all these concepts of the system of physical education in more detail.

The principles of physical education

The principles of physical education

In the process of achieving this goal, most teachers adhere to the following general provisions of the system:

  1. Harmonious and comprehensive development of personality. Throughout his life, a person should strive to achieve harmony. Moreover, both in spiritual and in physical development.
  2. The development of the relationship of physical education with life practice. This principle can be considered from two aspects. On the one hand, physical education is aimed at making people more relaxed in social terms, and on the other, it is designed to train personnel who can work with high productivity and courageously defend their homeland.
  3. The development of the improving orientation of physical education. When developing an exercise system, it is important to ensure not only the preservation of health, but also its strengthening. When planning training loads, it is necessary to take into account the age, gender and health status of the person performing the exercises.

The general principles listed above are aimed at creating favorable conditions and opportunities for achieving the set goals and objectives of physical education. For their implementation, a number of effective methods and techniques are used.

General pedagogical and specific methods

A number of tools are used to develop physical qualities and form motor skills and techniques. The basic concepts of methods of physical education include two groups of methods: specific and general pedagogical. To solve the problems posed above, it is optimal to combine methods and techniques from the first and second groups.

Specific methods include:

  1. Strict implementation of regulated exercises. This method involves the mandatory organization of activities of people involved. All the actions they perform are regulated by a specially designed program that takes into account the intensity of the load, provides for rest intervals, the procedure for repeating exercises, etc.
  2. Game. The basis of this method is the interaction between children in the process of performing physical exercises or during a sports game. It allows you to develop such qualities as dexterity, initiative, quick orientation.
  3. Competitive. This method is similar to a game. It is used to increase the activity of children involved in exercises. Competitions can be control, official, team.

The general educational group includes:

  1. Verbal methods. This group includes methods of speech impact on students.
  2. Visible. The methods of this group involve a demonstration of physical exercises before performing them.

Physical education as part of physical education

Throughout life, human activity should be aimed at physically developing, improving its physical activity, strengthening health and adhering to a healthy lifestyle. All this can be achieved through physical education, development, preparation and perfection. All of the above processes are part of physical education. The main goal of this area of ​​social activity is to improve the health and development of the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of his physical activity. Thus, the concepts of physical culture and physical education are inextricably linked.

From birth, such qualities as strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and dexterity are inherent in man. To verify this, just look at the five-month-old baby, who easily brings his foot to his mouth. Such flexibility can only be envied. But mother begins to perform elementary exercises with her baby almost from birth. This is charging, and massage, and the use of other developing techniques.

The concept of physical education in theory involves the development of all human qualities inherent in nature. But since this process is pedagogical, it is strictly organized in nature. Thus, the upbringing of the physical qualities that are given to the child from birth takes place. Performing the exercises stipulated by the program, he becomes more resilient, strong, flexible. In the process of such education, the child is taught motor skills and abilities, the formation of his need for physical education.

Physical development

Physical development as one of the concepts of physical education

Throughout a person’s life, the formation, formation and change of the morphofunctional properties of his body takes place. This is physical development. In each person, this process proceeds differently under the direct influence of age-related changes, genetic factors and environmental conditions.

Physical development is 1 concept of physical education. It is accompanied by changes in indicators of three different groups:

  1. Body development. This group includes the following indicators: body weight and length, posture, volumes of individual parts of the body and their shape.
  2. Health indicators. When assessing the physical development of a person, changes in various body systems are taken into account: nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous, digestive and others.
  3. The development of physical qualities. This group includes indicators of strength, endurance, speed. As a rule, up to the age of 25 years, their intensive growth is observed. Over the next 20-25 years, physical development remains at the same level. After 50 years of age, the performance of all three groups gradually deteriorates. At this time, growth may decrease, health conditions worsen, muscle mass decreases.

It is safe to say that the concepts of physical development and physical education arise from one another. They should be used simultaneously. So, in the process of physical education there is a direct impact on the physical development of a person, his optimization and improvement. Only through regular exercise can you improve your performance in all three groups.

Physical training

Physical training

With regular exercise, the human body is physically developing and improving. At the same time, the formation of his motor skills and abilities takes place, and his working capacity and endurance increase. This is the manifestation of the following concept of physical education.

Physical training is the result of the use of exercises, embodied in the performance and mastery of motor skills, as well as skills. Training as one of the concepts of physical education can be general and special. There are certain differences between them.

General physical training involves increasing the level of physical development and physical activity to achieve success in various fields of activity. In other words, a person develops physically in order to become more successful in all areas.

Special training is aimed at achieving results in certain activities, specific sports, and professions. In this case, certain requirements may be imposed on a person's motor abilities.

Physical excellence

The pursuit of ideal is inherent in man by nature. This is the basis for the following concept of education - physical perfection. The formation of the ideal of physical development and fitness took place historically, in accordance with the requirements of life that had developed at a certain point in time.

For physical perfection - the concept of physical education - the main indicators are:

  1. Good health. This criterion is based on the fact that only a physically healthy person will be able to quickly adapt to any, including unfavorable, conditions of life, work, life, etc.
  2. Developed physique. The body of a physically developed person must correspond to certain proportions. Particular attention is paid to proper posture.
  3. High working capacity (general and special).
  4. The development of physical qualities.
  5. Possession of general motor skills and abilities, the ability to quickly learn new movements.

Thus, a physically perfect person must be comprehensively and harmoniously developed, be healthy, have a beautiful body and have high performance.

Sport in human life

Sport as one of the concepts of physical education

The following concept of physical education is usually taken beyond the scope of physical education. Sport is a competition, special preparation for them, the desire to obtain high results, achievements and awards. On the one hand, the concept of physical education includes some sports related to movement and the performance of certain exercises. But on the other hand, all the actions performed are aimed at strengthening the health of the student, and not achieve any certain heights or receive a reward. Therefore, physical education is considered separately from sports.

The concept of physical education among the methods used in the learning process also includes competitions. They allow you to compare and contrast human capabilities. Sports competitions are always strictly regulated. They contain the conditions for the performance of certain exercises and assessment criteria specifically designed for each particular sport. Preparation for the competition is carried out in the form of a special sports training.

Physical education of the child of the first year of life

Physical education of children of the first year of life

The baby makes its first movements in the womb. With the birth of his motor activity only intensifies. At the same time, reflexes appear: grabbing, crawling, walking. With the development of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, the child takes possession of his body. And for motor development to occur in accordance with age, it is necessary to create conditions for the physical education of the baby. And it begins already from the first days of a crumb's life.

The concept of physical education of children 1 year old includes the following methods of exposure to a child:

  1. Massage. In relation to a small child, such methods of exposure to the surface of his body as stroking, rubbing, kneading, lightly tapping, striking are used.
  2. Physical exercises (gymnastics). When they are performed, the musculoskeletal system is prepared for further actions: grabbing, throwing, crawling, walking, running.

Particular attention in the process of physical education of the baby is given to massage. Different types of it have a certain physiological effect on the crumbs. For example, stroking improves blood circulation, vasodilation, and relaxation. As a result, sleep becomes deeper, and health is restored faster. If the child has no contraindications, starting from 1 month, he is prescribed both physical exercises and massage in the complex.

Characterization of the concept of physical education involves the regular implementation of actions in the learning process. This means that classes with the child should be carried out systematically, at the same time of the day, preferably in the morning. Massage should be performed before exercise or alternate with them.

In the second and third years of life, physical education classes are connected - one of the forms of his training and education. They are aimed at the active development of motor skills, improving the basic movements. This is crawling, rolling and throwing the ball, stepping over an obstacle, playing with adults.

Thus, from the first weeks of a child’s life, sufficient time should be devoted to strengthening his body, developing movements and the psyche.

Basic concepts of the theory of physical education of preschool children

Physical education of preschool children

Climbing, running and walking, which only developed at an early age, continue to improve during the kindergarten period. After 3 years, the child may well perform the simplest exercises with objects in his hands or engage in simulators. In order for him to physically develop, it is necessary to create for him all the conditions for this.

In preschool age, exercises on coordination of movements, balance are available to the child. With it you can play games where you need to throw and catch the ball, throw light objects. At this age, the complex of exercises must include running, jumping on one and two legs, over an obstacle or from a small step.

One of the basic concepts of the theory of physical education is physical development, to achieve which it is necessary to stimulate the child's need for performing exercises. Here, an example of an adult plays an important role. No need to forbid the child to jump and run.

The article discusses the concepts of physical culture, sports, physical education, which are aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of man and the improvement of his body. , , . , .

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