How to set up WiFi at home in a couple of clicks

Now generations of computers are changing at an incredible speed: technical solutions that predicted a brighter future yesterday, are now on the sidelines of progress, safely forgotten by everyone.

how to install wifi at home

And some new products, the appropriateness of introducing which was in doubt among the entire computer community, after a short period of time become incredibly popular, becoming Must Have (it should be indispensable for everyone). The first include the Rambus memory, which at one time was unsuccessfully promoted by Intel, as well as a slot for expansion cards, installed on motherboards and intended, in fact, for software and hardware modems. An example of solutions from the second group is the Wi-Fi standard.

, ,  WiFi , . , . . , , WiFi  , . . .

best home router

Everyone understands that the lack of the Internet drastically limits the computer’s capabilities in terms of searching and issuing information, so it’s hard to find a person whose home computer would not be connected to the global network. Moreover, providers offer more and more attractive offers at a cost. As a result, the scheme is most often realized when a twisted-pair cable is directly inserted into the house and connected to the computer's Ethernet port. Everything works fine until there is a need to provide access from another computer system (two computers in the house - this is not news). How can I do that?


There are several options for accessing the Web from multiple computers:

  • №1 ( ) «» . , , №1 №2 ;
  • choose a router for home

    , «» Ethernet . , , MAC ;
  • .


– , . (WiFi). , ( ), .

, WiFi ? , , , WiFi. , . , IPTV. , WAN Dual PPPoe Multicast. MAC MAC clone. - – . IEEE - . .

, WiFi . WAN. ( ). ( ) . . DHCP ( ), . , , .

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