How to become a vampire in The Sims 3 with new features?

The legendary Sims game has more than one year of history. Each version was developed as a completely new game with modern graphics for that period, a set of applications and features. After the release of the main version, developers begin work on add-ons, regularly delighting fans with new sets. Sims 3 was no exception, and in the wake of the popularity of vampire themes, of course, there was an addition that allows you to make your character a vampire.

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, 3 , , , . «Ctrl+Shift+C», . «testingcheatsenabled true», . , . , Shift, . , , , .It is likely that among the friends that appeared at once, there will also be a vampire. Having met him, in the menu with the list of friends press Shift again and extend the dating band to 100%. Here are two ways you can become a vampire in The Sims 3. Of course, the second is not an honest option, but then you will more quickly reach the goal and immediately begin the game in a new guise.

Vampire Life Features

how to become a vampire in sims 3

Starting to play Sims 3 in the guise of a vampire, you need to consider that there are differences from the usual way. So, you can be in the sun, but for a very short time. After 2 hours, the character signals to you that he has overheated, and after a few more hours, he may completely faint. Bad mood and well-being will continue for several more days.

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Unlike the prevailing opinion that vampires cannot have children, the developers of the game decided to break this rule. Unusual babies grow like other babies. The only difference is nutrition. But this is a common feature of both large and small vampires. Only you do not have to kill, although there is a hunting mode. Your character’s refrigerator always has a bottle of blood, which means you can eat without leaving your home.

Many people ask the question not only about how to become a vampire in Sims 3, but also how to return to their usual appearance. Everything is also very simple here. It is enough to find a scientific laboratory on the map and purchase a tool there. After drinking it, you again become an ordinary mortal.

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