Vitamins before pregnancy planning: names, ranking of the best, indications and contraindications

The birth of a child is the joy that all caring parents are waiting for, and his health is one of the key moments of this event. What needs to be done to help the tiny creature? One of the key pillars is taking beneficial micronutrients and vitamins before planning your pregnancy. A woman often does not know that she is already pregnant, and important systems of the child’s body are already actively forming in her body. In order to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients, a woman planning a pregnancy can protect her unborn baby by taking the necessary drugs long before pregnancy.

Why are vitamins needed?

What vitamins to drink before planning a pregnancy, and why are they needed? It is necessary to prepare a woman for a joyful event in advance, approximately 5-6 months before conception. This indicator is the best time. This will help a woman planning a pregnancy to strengthen her immunity, to replenish the balance of necessary substances.

Woman drinks vitamins

High-quality and balanced nutrition is the main component of the success of conception and pregnancy throughout the term. Since the pace of the modern world, stresses, poor ecology do not allow to maximize the replenishment of the necessary elements through a diet, vitamins for women come to the rescue before planning pregnancy. The deficit of useful elements leads to different consequences, the most common of them:

  • frequent infections;
  • decreased vision;
  • crushing of teeth;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • muscle cramps;
  • thrush.

If we add to this the reduced immunity that appears during pregnancy, this can have a very negative effect on the well-being of the woman herself and the health of the unborn child.

What does a woman need?

What vitamins to drink before planning a pregnancy for an expectant mother? This is the question that couples who are planning to become parents in the near future are asking. The most important and useful of them are the following drugs:

  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is a source of “right” energy for the body. Helps the absorption of carbohydrates, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation. He helps an unborn baby build a nervous system.
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). Helps conception of a baby. It is especially necessary for women who previously took oral contraceptives.
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). Helps to form amino acids and antibodies in the future body. With insufficient amounts, the risk of viral and infectious diseases in newborn babies increases. It is perfectly absorbed along with magnesium.
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9). Helps a woman in the prevention of hormonal imbalance, improves immunity and copes with violations of the digestive organs. The body does not produce this vitamin on its own, and it is only possible to make up for its shortage with vitamin preparations. Dosage for women planning pregnancy is at least 400 mg per day. For women who have problems with conception, the gynecologist prescribes a larger dosage.
  • Tocopherol. It is also called vitamin E. Before planning a pregnancy, the finished egg helps to pass implantation into the uterus qualitatively. With a reduced content of this substance in a woman's body, the risk of miscarriages and the absence of conception in general may increase. The daily dosage is approximately 300 IU.
Vitamins for conception

  • Calciferol. This vitamin has an interesting feature - it acts as a hormone, taking a direct part in the production of protein, which is so important for the bone skeleton and muscles of the future crumbs. With a lack of it, muscle weakness or osteoporosis can occur. The dose per day is about 400 IU.
  • Biotin. It renews all tissues in the human body. For a woman planning a conception, the dose is approximately 300 IU per day.
  • Retinol This element accumulates in different tissues, so the daily dosage for a woman is 3000 IU.
  • Phylloquinone (Vitamin K). Without this element, the correct blood coagulation process will not occur. The dose for women planning a birth is determined at 1 mg per day.
  • Ascorbic acid. As everyone knows ascorbic acid, this is at least good immunity. Its normal dose is about 60 mg per day.

All of these substances can be found in drugs designed by pharmacists to support women in such an exciting period.

Precautionary measures

It is worth knowing that vitamins before planning pregnancy should be used according to the instructions and with extreme caution. The future mother, who is now only planning a happy event, must not forget that the vitamins are prescribed by a specialist, and for each individual case, the dosage can be changed. An excess or deficiency of vitamins can adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman. It is especially necessary to note vitamins that must be used with caution:

  • With excessive consumption of retinol, the baby may form severe defects of the nervous system and heart.
  • Excessive intake of ascorbic acid may cause spontaneous miscarriages.
  • With a too large dose of calciferol, there is a likelihood of severe violations of the musculoskeletal system in a child.

Before taking any vitamins, you should consult your doctor

The most popular vitamin complexes

Pregnancy Planning Vitamins

Everyone knows that in order to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, you need to think about this issue in advance. Modern pharmaceutical developments will come to the rescue. Today, there are a huge number of drugs with vitamins for women. Before planning a pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor about taking one of them:

  • “Aevit”;
  • "Mom's Health Alphabet";
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte
  • "Complies mom";
  • "Drive";
  • “Centrum Materna”;
  • "Elevit";
  • "Femibion-1";
  • Super Complex NSP;
  • Pregnoton.

Below you can find a detailed description of each of these drugs.


The components that make up the drug help conceive a partner, increasing sexual activity, motility and sperm life expectancy. Also, the drug helps to reduce the hormonal background in the expectant mother. The drug also plays an important role in the development of the future baby, positively affecting the general formation of the fetus.

There are risks of taking the drug. According to some experts, in the first trimester, the drug can cause the opposite effect. At this stage, the drug can harm the development of the child. However, expectant mothers generally respond positively about these vitamins before planning a pregnancy.

"Mom's Health Alphabet"

A good alternative for preparing future parents for the birth of a full, healthy generation. This complex is designed to fill the necessary lack of vitamins. It helps not only the development of the fetus, but also the maintenance of the health of the mother. It fights against problems such as hair loss, slows down the aging process. That is, it is actively struggling with the emerging deficiency of vitamins during pregnancy.

The drug is divided into parts. It must be taken 3 times a day. Each tablet complements each other. The course of admission is 1 month. During this time, the body of the mother and baby will be saturated with the necessary amount of mineral and nutrients. Reviews about this drug are only positive.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

When asking future parents about what vitamins to drink before planning a pregnancy, experts are increasingly recommending Vitrum Prenatal. It contains a balanced complex of vitamins, minerals and a number of useful substances that help to cope with such unpleasant consequences as toxicosis. Due to the magnesium content in its composition, the drug avoids nausea, vomiting. In addition, vitamins help maintain a sufficient level of calcium, and this is an important point for the appearance of mom.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The drug compensates for the lack of iron, which affects the well-being of the future mother and baby. Mom speaks positively about this drug. The only negative is the high cost of the drug. But here the choice is yours.

"Complies mom"

What vitamins to drink before planning a pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby? Complivit Mom is the most popular drug in many pregnant women. Its popularity is associated not only with the complex composition, but also with pricing policy. Taking the drug should be started in advance. 1-2 months before direct conception. This period is enough to saturate the body with everything necessary for the normal development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.

An important advantage of these vitamins is the fact that they can be taken after birth and during feeding. They will help to restore the necessary reserves of useful substances for the health and well-being of mom.

Thanks to its complex composition, the drug helps to maintain a normal state of the body, to avoid toxicosis, fatigue. The only unpleasant moment is the large size of the tablet. But here it is already necessary to proceed more from the advantages.


Another remedy that is actively recommended by doctors after asking which vitamins to take before planning a pregnancy is Pregnavit. This complex of vitamins also helps future parents to fully prepare for an important event. Due to the complex composition, many mothers prefer this particular drug.

Due to its great benefits in the preparation, planning and management of pregnancy, it helps to properly form the fetus, to develop it. Thanks to vitamins, the expectant mother remains healthy and enjoys a wonderful period in the life of the family. Another significant advantage of these vitamins is that they help to increase the level of hemoglobin without any side effects.

Of the shortcomings, of course, is the price issue.

Centrum Materna

What vitamins do specialists recommend before planning pregnancy? This drug advises expectant mothers to use the Komarovsky pediatrician, known in the CIS countries. In his opinion, these vitamins to a greater extent cope with such a difficult task as preparing for conception and childbirth. They normalize the weight of the unborn child and contribute to the overall development.

Centrum materna

Reviews about this drug are mixed. There are opponents and supporters. Of the benefits, a decrease in toxicosis, an overall satisfactory condition, is distinguished. Of the minuses, there are opinions that these vitamins before planning pregnancy adversely affect the development of the future baby. They also say that the drug can cause allergies. In any case, every mother chooses the drug that suits her the most. It is necessary to focus on the advice of your doctor.


Another drug that contains a multicomplex of vitamins and organic salts. It is recommended to take before conception, during and during the growth of the baby. As a replenishment of nutrient reserves, you can use the drug after childbirth.

The main advantage of the drug is that it contains a large amount of substances necessary during the period of growth and development of the baby.


Currently, a large number of couples have problems with having children. Many believe that Femibion-1 can solve it. In reality, the situation is somewhat different. A complex of vitamins only fills a woman’s body with the required vitamins and minerals. This is a unique set of all important elements, carefully selected to meet the needs of women before conception.

A nice addition to the main task of the complex is a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin and hair, nails, as well as overall well-being.

In general, the drug is one of the most preferred means at the planning stage of pregnancy. The nutrients in it are used in bioavailable form for their optimal absorption by the body. The beneficial effect of taking the vitamin complex has a prolonged effect.

Super Complex NSP

So which vitamins are best before planning a pregnancy? Super Complex NSP - the most expensive of the presented vitamin complexes. They combine all the properties of the above drugs. Their main advantage lies in the fact that each capsule inside consists of individual microcapsules containing a certain set of vitamins, which are released at different times and do not interfere with the absorption of each other. Due to this, a balanced saturation of the body with all necessary nutrients is ensured.

NSP Vitamin Complex

Women in their reviews note the absence of artificial dyes and preservatives in the composition, as well as an enhanced formula containing an increased dosage, which contributes to obtaining quick results from the use of the drug. The natural formula of the complex is suitable for the planning stage, directly during pregnancy and after childbirth.


What vitamins does a woman need to drink in order to get pregnant? The description of Pregnoton will help to answer this question. This product has a loose base, which is prepared for oral administration by dissolving in water.

The ingredients are folic acid, zinc, selenium, magnesium and various trace elements, the role of which in conception cannot be underestimated. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and use this tool only until the moment of fertilization of the egg. After the onset of the long-awaited state, it is necessary to stop taking vitamins.

Doctors mainly prescribe a prescription for this complex in cases where there are hormonal disruptions, which are the main problem with conception. This drug has the maximum number of positive reviews on the Internet from women who could not get pregnant for a long time, and finally, their dream came true after using the described product.

There are also negative reviews that say that the drug influenced their cycle, but there was no long-awaited pregnancy.

Vitamins needed by the stronger sex

Successful fertilization and the correct formation of the child’s body is directly dependent on both participants in the procreation process. Therefore, supporting your well-being is an important part of the process for all of its participants. So what vitamins do you need to drink before planning a pregnancy for men?

what vitamins are good for men

Most of the funds for men who want to become dads in the near future are aimed at strengthening their "male" health, increasing spermogram indicators. Such functions are performed by vitamins and minerals:

  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E). With an insufficient amount of this vitamin in the man’s body, the prospect of early fertilization is significantly reduced. Therefore, the sooner a person begins to consume this substance, the higher the probability of becoming parents. A relatively small amount of vitamin E entering the male body will have a significant fusion on reproductive health. Including vitamin E as a supplement to your diet, a person improves their semen, reducing the number of sperm that cannot fertilize an egg. The optimal dose of vitamin for a day is from 200 to 400 mg.
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9). From the entire list of vitamins before planning pregnancy for men, this substance is the only one that helps in the formation of the correct structure of the sperm. When the body does not receive the required norm of this element, the qualitative and quantitative composition of spermatozoa changes, the risk of abnormalities in the fetus increases. The normal daily dose is 1,000 mcg. If there are difficulties in fertilization, the daily dose is prescribed in the amount of 4-6 mg.
  • Levocarnitine (Vitamin B11). Due to the sufficient intake of vitamin B11, an increase in sperm motility occurs, and the number of non-viable cells decreases. Dose per day - 300 mg. The occurrence of difficulties with fertilization - increasing the dose to 2,000 mg.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin for men synthesizes testosterone before planning pregnancy. Strengthens the protective functions of the body. Dose per day 100 - 150 mg.
  • Zinc.Stimulates the activity of the prostate, activates sperm. Dose per day 11 - 15 mg.
  • Iodine.The main element in the life of the thyroid gland, on which the state of reproductive function depends. Dose per day - 200 mg of iodine.
  • Selenium.A participant in the synthesis of testosterone, a stimulant of the functions of the genital organs. Prevents the appearance of sperm tail defects. Dose per day - from 55 to 110 mcg.

Vitamin remedies for men

What vitamins to take before planning pregnancy for men? The most popular of them:

  • Spermstrong;
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus;
  • "Speroton."

Before taking any of these funds, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare professional.

what vitamins are useful for women


It combines vitamins C, E, B5, B6, B11 and mineral elements - manganese, selenium, zinc, arginine, plant extract of astragalus. The downside is the lack of folic acid. Duration of admission is not less than 74 days.

Orthomol Fertil Plus

The product has a wide range of vitamins (E, C, B12, B9, B6), minerals (zinc, selenium, copper), and also contains levocarnitine, carotenoids, Q10 and omega-3. Helps improve fertility.

Speroton or Spematon

Dietary supplement. It combines vitamins B11, B9, E, as well as trace elements - zinc and selenium.


Healthy sleep, walks in the fresh air, good nutrition, taking good vitamins before planning pregnancy and a positive attitude will allow you to conceive, endure and give birth to a sweet and healthy baby. In addition, at the stage of conception, one must understand that success in this difficult matter depends not only on a woman, but also on a man.

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