Even if the baby still does not know how to talk, he perfectly understands that every object, object and even living creature that surrounds him has his own colors and shades. Regularly engaged with a child, you can teach him to distinguish colors in two years. And as soon as he starts talking, parents will have many questions like: “What happens in red?”
If you start showing bright cards or toys to a three-month-old baby, then he will learn a lesson much earlier. The main thing is to name each item and say what color it is. Then the baby will gradually begin to understand what is red.
How to teach a child to distinguish colors?
An interactive form of cognition is perfect for this. To begin with, it is worth stocking up with bright objects for drawing - felt-tip pens, colored pencils, gouache, watercolors or finger paints. To remember the red color, you can pick up, for example, a wax crayon of a given shade, then transfer it to the baby. It is necessary to tell, for example, what color this chalk is, what happens in red, and what can be drawn with it.
At the stage of remembering flowers, some parents make mistakes that prevent the correct assimilation of new information. For example, you should not call red “red”, and blue “blue”, otherwise the child will simply get confused. Shades and diminutive names must be introduced later.
Some children may know the colors, but still not be able to call them out loud. Therefore, there is no need to rush things. It is enough that the baby will sort the objects by color in silence, without naming them as they call dad and mom.
What items can be red?
Perhaps, of the main colors, red is the most catchy, festive and bright. It has maximum saturation. If we turn to oral folklore, we can establish that this word was synonymous with the word “beautiful”. After all, red girls in the old days called very pretty representatives of the fair sex.
You can play the game of guessing red with children at some social event - for example, a birthday or a matinee. At first, you can simply ask to name things of this color, and then make things up in a certain letter.
Combinations of red with other colors.
So, the basic colors are learned, the baby pretty well distinguishes between them. So you can go to the combinations. For example, ask a child a question: “Tell me, please, what happens in red and black?” The further answer depends on the accumulated experience and imagination of a young student. In most cases, the kids answer: "Ladybug."
If the answer was given correctly, the child must be praised and shown the image of the guessed animal or object. But even if at first you can’t answer correctly, you should not scold the baby. It is better to pay more attention to those moments that are most difficult for him to remember.
What happens red and white?
And the child can ask this question to parents after learning the previous lesson. As in the case with the previous answers, here everything rests on the vastness of the imagination. It can be, for example, a red mug in white peas. It can be an apple - red outside, white inside. Even a balloon can be made in the appropriate color scheme.
It should be remembered that not only inanimate objects are red, but also insects, fish and birds. Some animals have this color. For example, small rats. After all, their fur is white, and their eyes have a red tint.
Games with red color
An excellent lesson in memorization called "Name the subject." The baby is offered to look at a few cards or objects - an apple, a car, a ladybug, a tulip. After that, you should ask what happens in red to understand how much he has learned the lesson.
Once the first part of the game is completed, the task can be complicated. For example, to ask to classify all objects into categories: in one carry fruits, in the other - toys, in the third - berries. Later, you can add shades - burgundy, cherry, coral and scarlet. Be sure after a while, otherwise the child will get confused.
The simplest game, which does not require any costs from parents in terms of purchases of "development", is called "Looking for red!". The kid should walk around the house in search of objects that are painted in such a color. There is no doubt that there will be no limit to the delight of the things found: “Hurray! I found mom's dress! Dad’s book! A little brother’s typewriter! ”
Children's cartoons will also come to the rescue. A series of developing under the name "Toddlers" is just devoted to remembering red:
As quickly and simply as possible, children will be able to learn colors and highlight red among them if parents approach the process in a consistent, positive, calm and responsible manner. If you use the game form of training, a child at an early age will be able to remember all the basic colors, and a little later even their shades.