Golden clover: all resource information

In the famous online masterpiece of the gaming industry called World of Warcraft there are a huge number of useful items. They are extracted in a variety of ways and it is impossible to keep information about all of them in your head. This guide is intended for all players who do not know where to collect the Golden Clover. Here is all the useful data that is associated with this thing.

general information

Beginners in the game may have incorrect information about what exactly is Golden Clover. This is a grass with four large leaves. It grows with bushes and stands out for its bright yellow color.

The first feature is that this ingredient can only be found on the territory of the Northrend mainland. It was added in the Lich King Anger expansion and brought a lot of content. Despite the general snowyness of the locations, the plant is present only on clean land. This makes it easier for players to find him. It is also important to note that you need to start collecting clover from the 350th level of the Herbalism profession. Otherwise, the user will collect only leaves instead of the whole plant.

golden clover

Collection locations

There are three proven places on Northrend where Gold Clover should be mined:

  • The first of them is the Roaring Fjord location, where it is best to fly along the edges of the location, as well as on both sides of the river crossing the territory. There are a huge number of plants in this area, pumping a profession and collecting an important ingredient is not difficult.
  • Many users choose the farm of Golden Clover in the 3.3.5 patch in the location "Grizzly Hills". There are 57 bushes in total, which is three times less than in the Howling Fjord. It is convenient to collect it because of the simplicity of the route. It is enough to fly along the western edge of the map, then to the north and east, and then return.
  • The third territory in the list of amenities for the extraction of plants is the Borean Tundra. Here you will have to fly for prey along the northern, western, and southern edges of the location.
  • There are also some bushes near the War Song Fortress and Kaskala.

But to save time, it is recommended to choose the Howling Fjord. There will be no fear that other players will take all the loot, because there is a huge amount of it. In addition, for pumping Herbalism here you can immediately switch to Tiger Lilies.

what is golden clover for

Item Benefit

The Golden Clover plant many users farm during the relevance of the “Lich King Anger” supplement even after reaching the maximum level of 80. The reason was that he was actively bought at the auction by players who pumped the profession of Alchemy. This herb was a necessary ingredient for creating useful jewelry called “Changeable Alchemist Stone”. The equipment was used by some characters at the start of the development of high-level content.

where to collect gold clover

Alchemists also bought clover to create the Northrend Herb Research item. This cryptic recipe allowed you to add new item combinations to your list to create unique items. That is why the plant was popular (and even now it is happening) on ​​pirate servers, where the current patch 3.3.5 is installed. On official resources, players have not been engaged in farm plants for a long time.

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