The birth of a baby is not only great joy, but also the excitement, as well as the cares and troubles associated with this event. Many new questions and concerns torment young and inexperienced parents. A child is born so small and fragile that sometimes it is scary to touch it, not to mention anything else. But the baby just needs proper and accurate care. In the first days of life, a child is taken care of in the hospital. The baby's mother does not take almost any part, only observes and listens to the instructions of doctors and nurses. When you get home, you have to do everything yourself. The very first question that arises for parents: "Do I need to process the navel of a newborn?"Sure! Until its complete healing. This seems to be nothing complicated, but at first, this procedure can cause panic. Do not worry. Everything is extremely simple.
Belly Button Tools
Expecting a child, each family prepares a first-aid kit for the baby, which includes everything you need. It should contain all the means that may be needed when processing the navel of a newborn. Firstly, it’s green and hydrogen peroxide. Secondly, cotton swabs and discs, as well as a pipette, should be available.
The process of healing and processing of the navel of a newborn
After the baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord, which previously connected it to the mother. On the rest of the baby put a clip (clothespin). After some time (most often within four days), the remainder of the umbilical cord dries up and disappears, forming a small umbilical wound. From this moment it should be very carefully treated twice a day daily until complete healing (occurs on average 10-14 days).Processing steps
1. Before processing the navel of a newborn, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
2. Starting the procedure itself, the navel must be moved apart with the thumb and forefinger, and 1-2 drops of hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the wound with a pipette . If the wound is bleeding, then it is better to apply the product on a sterile cotton pad and apply it for a while. As the navel heals, yellow crusts will form on it. Some parents do not attach any importance to them. However, they should be removed before processing the navel of the newborn with green, as It is an excellent soil for the development and reproduction of various bacteria. When peroxide is applied to these crusts, they become soft and easily removed with a sterile cotton swab. If they themselves do not leave, efforts should not be made to remove them, because it can cause bleeding from the wound.3. After using hydrogen peroxide, use a clean stick to collect all the foam and allow the navel to dry thoroughly.4. The last final stage is the use of green. It should be carefully applied with a sterile cotton swab to the wound itself, being careful not to get on the skin around the navel.
How to process the navel of a newborn with Chlorophyllipt
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