When to do a third ultrasound during pregnancy? How long do 3 ultrasounds during pregnancy planned?

Every woman is looking forward to the birth of her baby. But while the baby is still in the tummy, you can already get to know him, at least from a photograph. To do this, you just need to undergo a planned ultrasound, which will also tell about the physical condition of the baby. And although there is an opinion that such a study is not too useful for the child, he is still prescribed three times for the entire period of bearing the crumbs. Why is the third ultrasound done during pregnancy, for how long it is necessary to carry out diagnostics - this will be discussed further and a lot of useful and interesting things.

the third ultrasound during pregnancy for how long

A few words about the procedure itself

Ultrasound stands for ultrasound. For this procedure, a special apparatus is used, which does not bring discomfort to the mother and the unborn child. It is important to note that this procedure is not harmful from the point of view of the influence of radiation. Scientists have long proved that carrying out the procedure is completely safe for both a woman and a child in the womb. Especially if the study is carried out using new equipment.

Types of ultrasound

Before figuring out how long 3 ultrasounds are done during pregnancy, it should be noted that there are two main research methods:

  1. Transabdominal ultrasound. In this case, we are talking about the most common study, when the information transfer sensor is located outside, that is, on the stomach of the lady.
  2. Transvaginal ultrasound. In this case, the sensor is inserted into the vagina of the woman, and thus the necessary information about the fetus is obtained.

It should be noted that these two methods are completely safe. However, transvaginal ultrasound gives more accurate results. But at the same time, it is also more sensitive.

In addition, there are also three-dimensional and four-dimensional studies. The difference is that they give a more accurate photograph of the fetus (in a 3D image), and in the early stages they can more accurately and at earlier stages determine the various malformations of the child, compared with all the usual ultrasound diagnostics.

Sometimes it also happens that a woman is also prescribed a Doppler ultrasound. What is this procedure? Its main goal is to study the processes of blood circulation in the blood vessels of both the child himself, and in the spermatic cord and blood vessels of the placenta. This procedure is very important for detecting heart defects, various placental abnormalities and problems. I must say that this study is somewhat more expensive than conventional ultrasound, conducted mainly on the 12-20th week.

how long do 3 ultrasound during pregnancy

On the amount of ultrasound for the entire period of bearing a baby

It's time to figure out how long 3 ultrasounds are done during pregnancy. I must say that, depending on the clinic where the woman is observed, doctors may recommend doing three to five studies in all 9 months.

  1. The first ultrasound is done mainly on the 10-12th week. However, it also happens that this study is already the second. Since the first is done at the 5-6th week to accurately determine the term or even the presence of pregnancy. At this time, the doctor should evaluate the condition of the fetus and placenta, to eliminate heart defects. If the equipment is new, then you can first determine the floor of the future crumbs.
  2. The second ultrasound is performed on the 19-21st week. In this case, the condition of the child is also visible, it is already possible to talk about who lives in the stomach - a boy or a girl. Again, various malformations of the crumbs are excluded. The amount of amniotic fluid and its condition are also evaluated.
  3. When is the third ultrasound done during pregnancy, for how long? So, experts advise conducting this study at about the 32-34th week of bearing a baby. Here there is an assessment of the general condition of the crumbs, umbilical cord, placenta. Also, the doctor must correlate the size of the baby’s head and the birth canal of the mother in order to understand whether during the birth there will be problems with the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Most often, 3 ultrasounds during pregnancy (for how long it is done - sorted out) is the last. However, just before the birth, when the girl is already in the hospital, another ultrasound scan can be performed. In this case, doctors additionally look at the location of the crumbs in order to choose the right tactics of childbirth, as well as to determine whether there will be any complications in the delivery room.

3 ultrasound during pregnancy for how long

Additional ultrasound

Having figured out how long the 3 planned ultrasounds are done, as well as the second and first, it should be noted that there are also unscheduled studies. They are appointed exclusively by the doctor in certain situations, when in addition it is necessary to assess the condition of the baby, the placenta. So, most often an additional ultrasound is prescribed for bloody discharge at a variety of periods of carrying the crumbs, for pain in the abdomen, if the child is too active or very calm in the womb.

how long do 3 planned ultrasound

Preparation for the procedure

Having understood how long the third ultrasound scan is done during pregnancy (on the 30-32th week), you need to understand how you can prepare for this procedure. If, before the first examination, a woman will have to drink one liter of clean water to fill the bladder, then the second and each subsequent study does not require such preparation. A woman only needs to take a towel with her to wipe the traces of a special gel applied to her stomach. More women will not demand anything.

If the third ultrasound during pregnancy (at what period is carried out - it is clear) is done by the intravaginal method, in this case the bladder should be completely empty. That is, immediately before the procedure, the lady will need to go to the toilet.

3 ultrasound during pregnancy at what period is better to do

About the third ultrasound examination

Having figured out how long do 3 planned ultrasounds during pregnancy, you need to find out why this procedure is carried out. So, if mothers consider the second study to be the most important study, when you can accurately find out the gender of the baby, then the doctors say that after all the most useful and necessary is exactly the third ultrasound. In addition to the doctor examining the baby again, the placenta itself is carefully studied - its condition, pathology. This is all very important information, because in this case even the process of delivery of the mother can be predicted, that is, the doctor first determines if there are indications for a cesarean section.

What else is the third ultrasound important for during pregnancy? How long it is held, we have already found out - at the 32-34th week. And during this procedure, the specialist also evaluates the compliance of the lower placental margin with the opening of the cervix. This measurement is extremely important, because in this case, you can first understand whether there will be a threat of bleeding during childbirth. The doctor also evaluates the thickness of the placenta itself, its attachment to the umbilical cord, size (for example, an increase in the placenta can be an indicator of the inflammatory process).

The doctor also studies the degree of maturation or aging of the placenta. This is an important factor that says how quickly childbirth can occur, whether the baby has enough time to fully mature in the womb. Other important factors are considered that will help the doctor determine the state of health of both the mother herself and her future baby.

how long do the third ultrasound do during pregnancy

About norms

If a woman is interested in the question: "3 ultrasound during pregnancy at what period is better to do?" - you need to answer that everything is very individual. On average, a doctor sends a lady for such an examination at week 32-34. But it also happens that a woman goes to the third ultrasound much earlier, because the first one was scheduled for her on the 5-6th week, and not on the 10-12th, as is usually the case. As mentioned above, for all studies, the doctor sends his patients according to certain indicators. And do not worry if the doctor prescribes an additional study. After all, this procedure is absolutely not harmful either to the mother, or even less to her baby.

Development indicators

Having figured out at what period of pregnancy the third ultrasound is done, it must also be said that doctors put all the indicators in a special table. Depending on these figures, specialists can also draw certain conclusions about the baby’s condition, as well as about the results of future delivery. It is also important to note that deviations in the development of crumbs can be (according to the table), but they do not exceed fluctuations in 1-2 weeks. In the course of his research, the specialist makes the following measurements:

  • BDP, that is, biparietal size (measurements of the baby's head).
  • Coolant and exhaust gas, that is, the circumference of the tummy and head, respectively.
  • LZR, i.e. fronto-occipital size is measured.

The doctor must also measure the length of the forearms and the shoulder of the crumbs, the bones of the lower leg and the bones of the thigh, and the size of the bone of the nose is also measured.

at what period of pregnancy do the third ultrasound

About fetal growth retardation

When 3 ultrasounds are performed during pregnancy (at what period, we know: 32-34th week of bearing the baby), the doctor can draw conclusions about whether the baby has intrauterine growth retardation. This can be indicated by the numbers recorded by a specialist during the study. If the measurements are much smaller than those that should be according to the table, the doctor will first be able to make the above diagnosis. However, to confirm it, the woman will be sent for additional studies, where the blood flow in the uterus, the umbilical cord itself, the vessels of the fetus will have to be carefully studied, and the baby's heartbeat will be carefully listened to.

It is also important to note that you should not try to decipher the ultrasound indicators yourself. This is a very complex system that only qualified professionals understand. And even the necessary numbers, seen on the pages of medical books and reference books, will not tell you about everything you want to know. Indeed, it is also important for specialists to evaluate the correspondence of values ​​to each other, their relationship with various indicators.

About the latest ultrasound

As mentioned above, the third ultrasound may be the last. However, doctors often send the lady for additional research at about the 38th week of bearing the baby. And all in order to accurately determine the date of birth and the degree of maturity of the placenta for delivery.

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