Absolutely every mother who feeds her baby with breast milk or mixtures is faced with the problem of regurgitation. It is equally observed in babies who are both on natural and artificial feeding. Parents worry about this, suggesting the occurrence of various diseases. Why does the baby spit up? The article will discuss the main causes and features of this unpleasant condition.
Causes of regurgitation
Parents, usually young, are concerned about this physiological condition. They wonder why the baby is spitting up. The main causes of this condition include:
- The most popular is overfeeding. A small stomach eliminates all that is not fit in it.
- Common causes include pathological processes that occur in the intestines of the infant. In the first months of his life, it can be colic and constipation, which interferes with the normal movement of food along the digestive tract. As a result, it is ejected.
- In violation of the feeding technique, the baby absorbs air along with milk. As a result, it pushes food out. This is due to the baby not grabbing the breast or nipples on the bottle properly. The emergence of regurgitation also contributes to the rapid sucking of the breast or mixture.
- In infants, the underdevelopment of the muscles of the esophagus sphincter is thus manifested. It is necessary so that food that enters the stomach does not flow into the esophagus. After normalization of the sphincter, regurgitation will stop. This usually happens closer to the year.
- With tight swaddling, the baby spits up from excessive squeezing. His body is very sensitive to external influences. Therefore, even slight squeezing causes regurgitation.
- In some cases, the cause of reflux is an allergy to milk, vegetables, fruits and other products.
- Another reason for this condition is the early introduction of complementary foods. As a result, a lot of liquid food stretches the walls of the stomach, which causes regurgitation.
- After each feeding the baby must be vilified in an upright position so that he gets rid of air. Immediately after eating, you do not need to turn it over and shake it.
- In rare cases, the cause of regurgitation are diseases of the nervous and digestive systems.
If the child spits up constantly, then parents must definitely find out the cause of this condition. Various diseases should be excluded, for which you need to contact a specialist.
Intense regurgitation
If the child's digestion process is accompanied by constant reflux in large volumes, then there are several reasons for this condition:
- If the baby was born prematurely, then the fault is his unformed digestive system. It functions in a slow mode, and therefore the child spits up after eating a fountain.
- Transition from breast milk to the mixture. Sometimes for some reason they do not fit the baby.
- Colic in the intestines - do not allow food to move freely.
- Deformation of the internal organs of the child.
If the baby vomits intensively after eating, then there are explanations for this. Parents should make sure that this is not caused by any disease of the internal organs.
What do we have to do?
When it is established that the baby is spitting up after feeding constantly, it is necessary to examine the remaining trace. If the milk is curdled and looks like cottage cheese, then there is no reason to worry. To finally verify this, you need to pour a spoonful of water next to it, and compare the size of the spots. If they are the same, then you should not worry.
When spitting up a child, the following recommendations will help:
- Overfeeding the child should not be. When breastfeeding is well established, he will consume the required amount of food. If the baby does not want to eat, then it should not be forced. Mom needs to control breast capture. Indeed, otherwise the baby can swallow air, which will become a reason for regurgitation. Therefore, the mother of the baby must monitor its proper feeding.
- The condition of the abdomen in the newborn. Swelling should not be noted. The tummy of a baby that is soft to the touch is a guarantee that everything is in order and that it does not bother him.
- Chair. In a child, he should be regular.
Watching the stable digestion processes in the baby is an important task for mom.
Artificial Feeding
Why does the baby spit up after feeding mixtures? Usually, the factors that cause this negative condition, completely coincide with the use of breast milk.
The causes of regurgitation include:
- First of all, this may be due to overeating. In this situation, the amount of food eaten by parents is easier to control. They should feed the baby so much mixture that is appropriate for his age.
- The nipple on the bottle should not have a large hole. So that the baby does not swallow air, it must be completely filled with milk.
- With an improperly selected bottle, physiological reflux also occurs. Therefore, it is best for parents to purchase anti-colic milk dishes.
- Perhaps the mixture just does not fit the newborn. In this case, the pediatrician must choose another. Currently, there are mixtures that prevent regurgitation.
The tummy of the baby should be soft, and bloating completely absent.
If the baby spits up after feeding, this does not mean at all that he has a serious illness. Just parents need not to leave this process unattended.
First aid
If the baby spits up after feeding, then mothers should follow simple recommendations. This is primarily necessary to protect the newborn.
If he lies on his back when he spits up, his airways become clogged. This can lead to pneumonia. In this situation, you need to turn the baby on her tummy or take it in her arms. Thus, he can get rid of food particles.
For the normal functioning of the intestines, the child is given Motilium. Against spasms, he is most often prescribed Riabal.
Parents give these funds to the newborn only after consulting a doctor.
Why does the baby spit up milk? To prevent the occurrence of such a state, you must perform the following steps:
- Before feeding the baby, spread on the tummy for 5-10 minutes. Effectively holding a firming massage.
- In the process of eating, it should be in a reclining state. The baby's head should be raised. Mom controls the correct nipple grip or the fullness of the nipples. During feeding, it is recommended to take short breaks. The child will rest, and excess air will come out of the stomach.
- Before feeding, the mother should check the condition of the nose of the baby. If necessary, it is thoroughly cleaned.
- After feeding, you need to place the baby upright. This situation will save him from regurgitation. It is necessary to wait for burping, which means the exit of air from the esophagus. After that, you can play with the child, but not too actively.
- Immediately after eating, the baby should not be put in the crib. It is best to blame it for 10-15 minutes. Only then put the baby in a crib on a barrel with a small pillow next to it. In this position, it should be a quarter of an hour, and it is not recommended to turn it on the stomach.
Until the baby reaches the age of one year, sleeping on a pillow is not worth it. It can be used for prevention. If the baby is lying on a pillow, then mom should always be nearby. Then the pillow is removed.
These recommendations are suitable for parents whose baby spits up after feeding. If this continues further, then parents can not do without consulting a pediatrician.
Doctor's help
Why does the child often spit up? Due to the fact that this is a natural process, mom can cope with this condition herself.
There are situations when you can not do without the intervention of a doctor. One reason is frequent spitting up. In some cases, the discharge changes its volume and smell. In this situation, you need to visit a pediatrician, who will give directions to other specialists. Timely revealed pathology is easily treatable.
Why does the baby spit up breast milk? Another condition should alert mom - if the baby begins to bend during reflux. This suggests that the walls of the esophagus are irritated.
Fountain regurgitation and high temperature are a must to visit a pediatrician.
If after the child is 1 year old he constantly spits up, then mother should be worried. After all, by this time all such problems should disappear. If regurgitation continues, then this means the presence of pathological processes in the body of the child. The cause of the disease can only be found out by specialists.
What is the difference between vomiting and vomiting?
First of all, it is established how one state differs from another. Vomiting is a sign of problems in the body. It manifests itself repeatedly, and its occurrence does not depend on food intake. Vomit is yellow.
Their consistency is liquefied, and the reflux looks like a curd mass. When vomiting, the child feels unwell. He is capricious, his temperature rises. Vomit proceeds abundantly and under pressure. And physiological reflux occurs in a small amount. With him, the baby is absolutely calm and does not feel any discomfort.
These are the main differences between vomiting and regurgitation. Intuitively, any mother will understand when a child is really sick. The appearance of vomiting requires an urgent call for an ambulance.
Dizziness-induced regurgitation
In some cases, this condition is a consequence of the pathology that has arisen.
Why does the baby spit up milk after feeding? There are the following signs that indicate the abnormality of the natural process:
- The child spits up constantly after eating. This process is accompanied by his continuous crying. The baby has pain in the stomach and intestines.
- Reflux appears every few minutes.
- Later regurgitation in the form of curdled milk an hour or more after eating.
- The condition is accompanied by constipation or upset stool.
- Intensive regurgitation, which may indicate neurological disorders.
- In the secreted mass, inclusions of mucus and blood were noticed. In this case, parents should immediately call an ambulance.
With pathological regurgitation, the volume of rejected food is significant. An alarming symptom is poor weight gain in infants.
Now you know why the baby spits up after breast milk. In a serious situation, parents should visit a specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis.
Regurgitation can occur in the presence of the following diseases:
- Pyloric stenosis. It can appear in the baby 20 days after birth. The disease is characterized by constant regurgitation and weight loss. In such a situation, the help of a surgeon is needed.
- Premature babies. The sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus is much less developed than in children born on time. Therefore, a premature baby usually spits up to six months, until in physiological development he catches up with his peers.
- Abnormal development of the digestive tract. In addition to regurgitation and weight loss, the child does not have regular stools.
- Various infections. They could have arisen due to the illness of the mother during pregnancy. The baby changes the color of the skin and a rash occurs.
- Circulatory disorders of the brain. Pathology occurs as a result of severe pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, only a neurologist can make an accurate diagnosis.
Why does the baby spit up milk? Sometimes, in order to determine the exact cause of the disease, parents must take the full course of examination, prescribed by a specialist, together with the baby.
Regurgitation within normal limits
With natural or physiological reflux, the child rejects food no more than 5-6 times a day. According to statistics, every 6th baby spits up after eating. The main factors causing this condition include ingestion of air when eating.
Why does the baby spit up after feeding milk or milk? Normally, the following condition of the baby:
- The child after burping is calm. He has no abdominal pain.
- The physical development of the baby and behavior do not go beyond the normal.
- There are no signs of dehydration.
- Regurgitation occurs no later than 30-60 minutes after eating.
- The normal number of urinations per day is 10-12 times.
- The kid is steadily gaining weight.
- Regurgitation takes place moderately, in 2-3 approaches.
As noted earlier, the appearance of reflux is caused by various factors. And regurgitation is a common occurrence that every child faces. The main thing is that the amount of undigested food should be equal to the established norm.
Most often, this condition worries a child up to 4 months old due to insufficient development of the digestive tract. By the year such a problem is solved independently. After all, the child begins to rapidly develop physiologically, regardless of whether he is on natural or artificial feeding.
Why a baby spits up after breastfeeding or formula, you now know. Usually this condition goes away in a child up to 12 months. If it does not cause a deterioration in the health of the baby, then parents should not worry. It is important that in doing so it normally develops physically and gains weight. If pathological regurgitation appears, the child must be urgently shown to the doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only a specialist, if necessary, can prescribe the correct and timely treatment.