Pregnancy outside the uterus is a very dangerous pathology. It requires urgent surgical intervention, since this is a pregnancy during which a fertilized egg is attached outside the cavity of the female organ.
An ectopic pregnancy operation is performed in the early stages, because then it does not pose a threat to the girl's life and does not entail consequences.
Women's health should be protected and paid special attention to it constantly. This will help to avoid problems, including an ectopic pregnancy. The reasons for such a pregnancy remain a mystery, but there are risk factors leading to the problem:
- unhealthy genitals, pathology of the fallopian tubes;
- in vitro fertilization (IVF);
- methods of contraception.
Sexually transmitted infections lead to a disease called salpingitis. This leads to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, and subsequently leads to pregnancy outside the uterus. Risk also includes surgical intervention in this zone, including abortion.
Pathologies arise even in utero due to the fault of the mother, who led an immoral lifestyle (alcohol, cigarettes, promiscuous sex), which lead to additional fallopian tubes, aplasia, aperture, and much more. Therefore, pregnancy should be planned and taken seriously.
An intrauterine device is a common cause of ectopic pregnancy. After all, it protects only the fallopian tubes, preventing the fertilized egg from entering the uterus, so ectopic tubes remain at risk. It is important to remember that the spiral has an expiration date, so to avoid negative consequences, after five years it should be removed. If everything is used correctly, then this method of contraception will save you from unwanted pregnancy and will not endanger the body.
Pills are also dangerous, but this is if used improperly. For many women, artificial insemination is the only way to become a mother, but it is important to know that this is a common cause of ectopic pregnancy. After all, the egg is inserted into the uterus, but it penetrates further.
To avoid an ectopic pregnancy, you must follow the rules:
- Use reliable contraception. This will help protect against many diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
- Plan your pregnancy in advance. This will help maintain the health of the mother and the health of the child.
- Protect yourself from hypothermia. They cause inflammation, which may lead to the formation of adhesions in the pipes.
- Visit to the gynecologist. It will help to avoid diseases that lead to pregnancy outside the uterus. Allows you to start treatment on time.
Remember that the doctor will prompt and help you find the right solution to the problem. This is not necessarily a surgical procedure.
There are no exact symptoms, relying on which it would be possible to say that the pregnancy is ectopic. All symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are also characteristic of a traditional uterine pregnancy. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy depend on the stage of development and the type of ectopic pregnancy.
The following symptoms are distinguished:
- Weak periods. If you suddenly started a weak, uncharacteristic period, you must immediately conduct a pregnancy test. If the second strip is weakly manifested or does not appear on the test, but anyway other symptoms of pregnancy are detected, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- Identification of bleeding from the genital tract. Sometimes the blood loss is so big that they lead to loss of consciousness. More often this is facilitated by cervical pregnancy or tubal, if a pipe rupture has already occurred.
- Menstruation delay.
- Pain in the lower abdomen. Symptoms in the form of pain begin at a later stage, after a rupture of the fallopian tube. The pain is acute in nature, often intensifying with a change in body position or walking. Pain is transmitted to the rectum or shoulder. Such pain cannot be ignored.
If an operation was performed to remove the tube during an ectopic pregnancy, then during rehabilitation, constant monitoring of the operated part is prescribed. For this, the method of dynamic laparoscopy is used.
After an operation on the ovaries, the above method will assess the quality of the operation. Also, the dynamic laparoscopy method is used to flush the abdominal cavity with antibacterial drugs, which must be done during rehabilitation.
If adhesions on the organ are detected by the above method, salpingoscopy is prescribed. The method allows you to stratify the resulting adhesions and deliver antibacterial drugs to the place of adhesion formation. An effective measure after surgery is physiotherapy.
The treatment is aimed at preventing the formation of adhesions and at restoring the function of the affected organ. Also, the effectiveness of rehabilitation is shown by the inductothermy method, which consists in local exposure to the affected organ of the magnetic field.
Initially, an ectopic pregnancy is a pathology, so it is important to identify it as soon as possible. The life of a woman depends on this. Do not immediately get scared of operations. It is likely that it will be possible to cope with such a problem with the use of medicines and procedures.
What is best for ectopic pregnancy?
For various reasons, conception occurs in the fallopian tube. To terminate such a pregnancy, methods are used:
- Milking (extrusion). It is produced if there is no risk of rupture of the fallopian tube. The fetal egg is removed without making an incision through the lumen of the fallopian tube. Effective for small egg sizes.
- Laparoscopy is a gentle method. Instead of cutting the abdominal wall, make a puncture. This speeds up recovery after surgery. When choosing this method, it is possible to save the fallopian tube. It is also an accurate diagnostic method.
- Salpingotomy. Where the ovum is attached, an incision is made. The fetal component is removed, then the pipe is sutured. If the egg is large, remove part of the fallopian tube. This allows a woman in the future to increase her chances of becoming a mother.
- Tubectomy. It is used if tubal pregnancy occurs frequently. Complete removal of the fallopian tube. The ovary is removed if the life of the woman depends on it.
Among the above methods, it is worth highlighting laparoscopy. It is carried out using small tools, under the control of a video image that enlarges. By itself, the method is less traumatic. It allows you to save the fallopian tube. The fetal egg is removed through a small incision, the bleeding vessels are cauterized, and the tube quickly regains its function.
The time of an ectopic pregnancy operation is individual for each woman.
Medical termination of pregnancy
There are drugs that stop the development of the fetal egg at the stage of cell division. As a result, it resolves. This method is used when the pregnancy is normal, with the aim of abortion.
The main condition is called the age of the fetus less than 22 days. This is a new treatment method and requires special training of doctors. Also, the method is performed after a complete examination of the woman's body. You cannot use the method yourself, it will end in death.
Surgical and medical interruptions are often performed together. Under the influence of hormonal preparations, rejection of the fetal egg occurs, which facilitates its curettage from the cavity of the tube.
Postoperative Treatment
With surgical intervention, it is important to preserve the woman's reproductive system. For this, various drugs and physiotherapy are used. Especially if there is severe blood loss. It is also important to observe the contraceptive regimen, since pregnancy can only be made after 6 months of treatment.
Physiotherapy is used to prevent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Treatment aims to rule out repeated ectopic pregnancies and infertility. It is important to note that drug termination of pregnancy leads to infertility less often than surgical.
After an ectopic pregnancy, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to prevent inflammation of the tubes from a healthy side. There are cases when both pipes are removed according to indications. The likelihood of becoming pregnant remains with healthy ovaries. Such women use in vitro fertilization (IVF).
With an ectopic pregnancy operation, the consequences are as follows:
- The greatest danger is the rupture of the fallopian tube. During tubal pregnancy, the vessels of the tube are damaged. This leads to bleeding, pain and shock. If there is spotting from the vagina, you should immediately seek help.
- Relapses are a common complication. 200 women out of 1000 are treated with repeated ectopic pregnancies. The risk of such a complication is lower with medical interruption and with a preserved fallopian tube.
In addition to complications within 10 days after surgery, there are:
- bloating;
- pain at the site of surgery;
- fatigue.
Operation duration
Many are interested in the question, how long does the operation last with an ectopic pregnancy? The duration of surgery is about 1.5 hours. The individual characteristics of the woman, as well as the complexity of the procedure, are taken into account.
Operation cost
When determining the cost of an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, a number of factors are taken into account:
- staff professionalism;
- the condition of the patient;
- type of treatment;
- Clinic popularity
- rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy.
After treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, rehabilitation is required. The process is complex and time consuming. The success of the rehabilitation will depend on the accuracy of identifying the causes of the disease. Depending on the cause, a rehabilitation course will be scheduled. During rehabilitation, both diagnostic and physiotherapeutic measures are carried out.