With intrauterine development, the rudiments of the teeth of the fetus are already beginning to form. This occurs at 6-7 weeks of gestation. In the mouth, epithelial tissues begin to thicken. At the 3rd month of pregnancy, the rudiments differentiate, and at the 4th month the tissue is mineralized. From this it follows that the more favorable the pregnancy of a mother, the stronger her baby will be, and the more correctly all organs will form.
When a newborn is born, his teeth are hidden inside the gums, they begin to erupt from 6-9 months. We will examine in more detail the question of how teeth grow in children.
The appearance of baby teeth
The first teeth are temporary fangs, incisors and molars. They are assistants in the formation of the maxillofacial skeleton, prepare places for future permanent teeth, whose health will largely depend on the condition of the milk.
All parents care about how the child’s teeth should grow, how many of them can be in a given period. The main thing for kids is not quantity, but a healthy state and proper growth.
Many mummies worry about whether they fit into the time frame and teething times, are very worried if something goes wrong. It is worth saying that all this is individual for each child. For some, the first tooth may appear as early as 2 months, for someone only six months. This is not scary. All norms are compiled according to average indicators that are inherent in most children. The process of teething has unpleasant, painful symptoms that all babies have to experience.
First symptoms
According to the first painful signs, parents can conclude that the baby's teeth begin to cut. Symptoms are as follows:
- Gums swell, the baby feels itchy, I want to scratch them.
- Salivation increases, the child constantly drools. It is recommended to use bibs, more often you need to wipe the baby's mouth and chin with a clean cloth. Drooling often irritates baby's delicate skin.
- Cough due to profuse salivation. Throat irritation occurs, voice begins to wheeze.
- Drooling can also get into the middle ear of the child, a runny nose develops.
- Drooling in the intestines disrupts motility, diarrhea develops, and vomiting occurs.
- When injuring the mucous membrane in the mouth, irritation, inflammation can occur. An increase in temperature occurs.
- The kid is naughty, sleep is disturbed.
- The power mode also goes astray. The child refuses food, spits out a breast, a pacifier, does not take a bottle.
During this period, the child’s teeth grow slowly, their long-awaited appearance is expected by the whole family. Such symptoms are very similar to the course of infectious diseases. At the same time, the kid experiences enormous loads, his immunity decreases. During this period, the child must be shown to the pediatrician so that he can refute the presence of any infectious diseases.
Milk teeth up to 1 year
On average, in many children, the first tooth appears at six months of age. For someone this happens in 4-5 months. Some absolutely healthy babies at the age of 8-9 months do not yet have teeth. All this is considered normal.
Some mummies worry about the fact that the child’s teeth grow out of order. The pediatrician will reassure you at the appointment and tell you how the teeth appear. This usually happens as follows:
- The first incisors are cut, which are located on the lower jaw.
- After this comes the turn of the top - two side and two in the center.
- Closer to the year, two lateral incisors begin to appear below.
Usually by the year the kids already have eight teeth. It is also considered normal if there are only two or twelve of them.
Dentists claim that the appearance of incisors, molars, fangs in all children occurs in different ways. Most often, it depends on the genetic predisposition, hereditary characteristics.
If your child is cheerful, healthy, has an excellent appetite, do not worry about why your child does not grow teeth for a long time. Teething occurs individually.
Milk teeth by 3 years
The complete process of the appearance of milk teeth in babies is completed by about 2.5-3 years. In the child’s mouth there are already 20 teeth at this age, ten on each jaw (lower and upper). The average norm of a baby of two years is a set of 16 teeth (molars, fangs and incisors). In what order do children grow teeth?
- In the first year and a half, the first molars erupt.
- Then fangs come out.
- By the age of two, second molars begin to appear.
At the age of three, all temporary teeth are usually already erupted. It's time to go to the examination to a good pediatric dentist, he will tell you how the teeth develop and how to properly care for them.
How permanent teeth grow in children
Milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones also depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Usually the first incisor begins to stagger at the age of four.
How do permanent teeth grow in children? Gradually change all 20. Over time, the molar and masticatory permanent teeth become larger. By 17 years, this figure reaches 28. Wisdom teeth grow after 18 years, and for some they do not even appear. This is not considered an abnormality in dentistry. This is the answer to the question of how old children’s teeth grow.
The formation of indigenous molars begins as early as the period of dairy growth. There are times when an old milk tooth interferes with the development of a molar tooth; it is necessary to consult a dentist. It will be necessary to make room for the growth of a new tooth, remove the old milk one, otherwise the formation of a new one will go wrong, pathology will develop.
Considering the order in which teeth change, we can note the main periods:
- 5-6 years - the lower and upper incisors stagger and fall out, new ones replace them;
- 7-8 years - upper lateral fall out, in some - lower incisors;
- 8-10 years - upper and lower molars;
- 9-11 years old - fangs above and below;
- 11-13 years old - large molars (above and below);
All incisors grow immediately after the loss of primary teeth. Fangs and molars do not appear immediately. The body rests for a while. They begin to erupt at the age of 12-13. In 14-15 years, large molars appear.
We should also talk about adentia. Adentia is characterized by a partial or complete absence of tooth rudiments. What can cause such a pathology? Failure in the endocrine system of the body, as well as due to various infectious diseases. If in the process of teething there are serious deviations from the norm, you need to seek help from doctors. An X-ray will help to see if there is a tooth germ in the gum, in the absence of it the dentist prescribes a series of measures to restore the correct dentition.
Complete adentia is extremely rare in dentistry. In this case, complete prosthetics is recommended. Young children should not resort to such measures, the pressure of the prosthesis can disrupt the formation of the jaw. The modern development of dentistry gives hope that soon and at an early age this problem will be eliminated more effectively.
How to facilitate teething
Many mothers know well how much their children begin to grow teeth, the first symptoms are familiar, this process is painful for the whole family.
How to alleviate the suffering of the baby, relieve the unpleasant sensations of itching and pain? Doctors are actively working on this and give their advice. Physiologists offer a variety of devices to reduce the suffering of children. These are various teethers, massagers for gums, medications. How to choose a teether for your baby?
What are teething
All funds are divided into three categories and differ among themselves.
- Designed for teething central incisors. Products are round in shape, lightweight, soft in quality, made of silicone. It is convenient for the baby to hold the teether in his hand, bring it to his mouth and gnaw, combing the central gums.
- These products have medium rigidity and are convenient for the first molars, incisors and fangs. They are oval in shape, very light. It is convenient for the baby to massage the lateral surfaces of the gums. The material for such teethers is soft plastic or silicone.
- Teethers for second molars. Rigid products having a ribbed surface, side protrusions. Made of hard plastic, silicone or wood.
The following requirements apply to all teethers:
- they must be completely safe for the baby;
- not have bright colors and odors;
- the design should not have any removable parts;
- correspond to teething, each product is taken depending on the teething of a particular group.
Before giving the baby some kind of teether, parents should examine the baby’s gums and determine where the swelling occurred. The massager or teether should be appropriate. If the product is not selected correctly, it can harm the baby's gums.
By their design, products can be with vibrators, fillers or simple. Rattles-massagers will help not only scratch the gums, but also distract the child from pain. Various excipients (water, gel) help cool the inflamed areas. Massagers with vibrators massage well the painful areas, relieve itching. Such a product begins to work when the baby presses his gums.
All teethers require strict care. Their constant processing will not allow any infection to enter the child's body. You can clean them with plain water or boiling water. Store required in a clean cloth. Teethers with fillers are cooled for half an hour before use in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer).
If the product has any damage, you should not use it, as the baby may choke on particles.
How to grow teeth in children, we figured out, introduced and mechanical teething. And how to relieve pain and inflammation with medication? For this, pharmacists suggest using various gels. Before use, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Many gels contain lidocaine, which relieves pain.
- "Dentinox" has an anesthetic effect, thanks to being in the composition of lidocaine.
- Cholisal is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic without lidocaine. The active substance here is choline salicylate.
- "Kalgel" with lidocaine has an analgesic effect.
- "Dentol baby" relieves swelling, pain, itching due to the presence of benzocaine.
Why do teeth grow crooked?
If the child does not grow teeth after tooth loss, you should check it with the dentist, he will indicate the reasons, perhaps this is an individual feature and soon everything will return to normal. And why do some have crooked teeth? What to do? There may be several reasons:
- The rudiments of the teeth were incorrectly formed during the pregnancy of the mother. A woman could suffer an infectious disease, developed severe toxicosis, decreased immunity.
- The mother did not consume enough fluoride and calcium during pregnancy.
- The growth of teeth occurs faster than the development of the jaw, they go on top of each other, preventing the formation of cracks.
- The baby breathes more with his mouth, not his nose. This factor affects the formation of linearity of the dentition. Rare habits: sucking a finger, nipples, bottle feeding. After a year, the baby should get used to eating solid food.
If the dentition is even, but the cracks are too wide, this is not considered a pathology in dentistry. If there is a mismatch, roughness of the cracks, the dentist must determine whether the jaw develops correctly.
Tooth color
We found out how children grow teeth. But what about their color? The baby’s milk teeth should be especially white. If their color changes, this is a cause for concern, you should consult your dentist.
- A green hue may indicate metabolic disorders in the body.
- Black in the cervical region means that iron is poorly absorbed.
- A yellow hue indicates that the mother used antibiotics (tetracycline) during pregnancy.
- A reddish hue indicates impaired porphinin metabolism. This genetic disease is commonly found in boys.
- Gray shades indicate a thin layer of enamel, while teeth often collapse.
To receive comprehensive treatment, the dentist will refer you to a nutritionist and endocrinologist for an examination.
The influence of factors on the development of the dentition
Largely on how baby teeth grow in children, the health of the constants for which they will be replaced also depends. Shape, color are laid genetically, but also have a great influence on the condition of the dentition and other factors.
- The diet of a pregnant woman and his character.
- The composition of the water used, its fluorine content.
- Oral hygiene from early childhood.
Tooth enamel is destroyed by exposure to acids, due to a lack of fluoride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, due to endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal problems.
Despite the fact that milk teeth will fall out, they must be treated if necessary. Caries may cause future decay of a permanent tooth.
Parents are required to provide the baby with proper nutrition with the most essential vitamins and minerals. An important role is played by breastfeeding, in which the correct formation of the jaw apparatus occurs.
Oral care
The baby's oral cavity must be looked after immediately after birth. Before the appearance of teeth at night, you need to wipe the oral cavity with a clean, sterile cloth.
At 4-6 months, you can already use a soft silicone brush. She puts on her mother’s finger. Cleansing is done twice a day. To wash such a brush is necessary in saline. Do not use toothpaste.
From two years old, you need to start teaching your baby to use a silicone toothbrush. You can already use baby gel for brushing your teeth.
At 3 years old, you can use children's toothpaste. The brush is selected with soft bristles.
At 4-5 years old, the child should already independently clean his teeth twice a day. The paste should not contain abrasive substances.
Strictly monitor the condition of milk teeth, then the constants will grow strong and healthy.