Child development for parents plays an important role. Parents try to learn as much as possible about what skills and abilities their child should have at a certain point. But around school age a poor memory may appear in a child. What to do in this case? Why can a baby have problems with memorization and memory in general? When is this considered the norm, and in what cases do you need to raise the alarm and take decisive action? To answer all this is not as easy as it seems. Every child is an individual. And therefore, it is difficult to predict the true cause of poor memory. What are the most common scenarios in practice? And is it possible to somehow improve children's memory?
Does the child have a very bad memory? What to do in this situation? From the first year of the baby's life, you can notice memory problems. Under such circumstances, it is recommended to visit a neurologist. After all, the problem may lie in neurosis.
With this disease, the nervous system and the brain of the child suffer. Not a very dangerous phenomenon, it is common among children and adults. But the memory affects the nervousness is not the best way. It is difficult for the child to understand what is happening, with remembering there are also some difficulties.
If it is a neurosis, the neuropathologist will definitely prescribe a set of exercises and can even prescribe pills to increase mindfulness and mental development. In the case of young children, usually only the first treatment method can be dispensed with. But older children are often prescribed medication. In any case, you first have to find the cause of the neurosis and cure the disease. It will go away - memory will return to normal. But you still have to train her.
Bad memory in a child? What to do? The next reason, and very common, is not the best heredity. It's no secret that intellectual opportunities are passed on from parents to children. And therefore, if mom or dad had memory problems in childhood or already in adulthood, then the baby may also have them.
You can correct the situation, though not always. Quite often, if a child has poor memory and attention, you just have to train your brain. In other words, engage in the development of memory. Several techniques for training attention and quick wits will be discussed later.
But if we are talking about very young children, it is recommended that you simply play more with a variety of logical games with your child, as well as take him to development groups, to early development circles. There, children will be engaged in a playful way, devoting enough time to training attention and memory.
Lack of sleep
Did the baby show a bad memory? What to do in order to help the baby develop in the right direction and remember things in normal mode? Find the cause of the memory disorder.
Sometimes it consists in the usual lack of sleep. In children it is rare, more relevant for school children. How to determine if the baby is sleeping enough? This is easy to do.
From a biological point of view, the body needs about 10 hours of sleep to rest. That is why it is important to comply with the regime. If the child sleeps little (no matter for what reasons), over time, he will develop a memory disorder. The minimum sleep time should be 8 hours.
Accordingly, if a child with memory has problems, you need to give him a good night's sleep. And more than once. Some doctors recommend that before bedtime send the child to bathe in tinctures of chamomile and other soothing herbs. Sleeping baby will not suffer from problems with attention and memory.
The following reason is common among preschool and school age children. Usually manifested by 3 years. Does the child have a bad memory? Treatment of a neurosis, for example, did not bring any results? Provided that the baby gets enough sleep, it can be assumed that he simply had hyperactivity syndrome. This, as already mentioned, is a common CNS disease. It is diagnosed without problems by good neurologists.
Hyperactivity is manifested in the fact that the child behaves very actively, he is just a "zinger", constantly does something, jumps and runs aimlessly. But at the same time, he doesn’t manage to sit in one place for a long time, problems arise with attention and memory.
It is treated with GGDV (hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder) in various ways. Typically, neurologists suggest the following methods:
- devote more time to the child;
- train memory;
- allow the baby to move more (give it to sports clubs).
Drug treatment also takes place. As a rule, a variety of vitamin complexes are most often prescribed from tablets to children. For example, "The Jungle." Some “serious” medications are rarely needed. Hyperactivity is usually treated. But parents need to be patient. This is a difficult and time-consuming process.
Lack of training
Why does the child have a bad memory? The reasons may be different. For example, if in the field of neurology everything is in order, with heredity and a sleep mode, too, then you need to pay attention to how often the baby experiences mental training. This is extremely important.
If the brain does not undergo constant training, then it loses its development. More precisely, it stops. As a result of this there is a violation of memory and mindfulness. And at any age.
Correcting the situation is not so difficult. It is enough to regularly train the brain for mindfulness and quick wits. Exercises are developed depending on the age of the baby. As a rule, it is enough for children to go to various development circles. But students are most often recommended to attend additional classes and solve math problems. They contribute to the development of not only thinking, but also logic.
Does a child have a bad memory? What to do? Medication is far from the only treatment. As practice shows, the cause of distracted attention and memory problems is the wrong diet. Not so often, but a similar scenario takes place.
The treatment is simple - it’s enough to adjust the baby’s diet, especially when it comes to the student. And add vitamins. Once the power has been established, memory problems will disappear.
It is important for parents to know: the child should have a varied and healthy diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals. Only then will the brain receive enough energy to remember the incoming information.
No interest
Does the child have a very bad memory? What to do? Psychologists and neurologists very often encounter situations in which kids can talk about what they are interested in, remember the information that is important to them in great detail. But as soon as you need to forcefully remember something, problems arise. It is quite common.
That is, absent-mindedness and memory problems are not a disease at all. And not even a real disorder of mindfulness. Just a child is not interested in this or that information. Because of this, he does not remember the information received.
Everything is explained by the structure of the human brain. It filters information. What is important for a particular person and person is laid down in long-term memory, everything else is in short-term. Of course, in the second case, the information will be forgotten very quickly.
There is only one treatment - interest. For a child to remember something, he must be involved in the process. To make the kid interested in learning something, gaining knowledge and developing. Then there will be no problems with memory. Interest is the key to successful development of a child.
The rule applies to all children who do not remember this or that information due to a lack of interest in it. Even for schoolchildren. They will also have to be interested. And in no case do not bully! It will not bring success. Rather, on the contrary, the child will not be able to remember anything at all.
A lot of information
Poor memory in children? Consultation for parents, which is often offered by pediatricians, neurologists and psychologists, necessarily includes such a point as a large amount of incoming information. In other words, the child learns a lot of things. His brain is not able to retain any information for a long time in his memory, because new ones are already on the way. Hence the phenomenon under study arises.
How to be If it is really a large flow of information, you need to reduce its volume. For example, reduce the number of circles attended by a child. The expression "live a century - learn a century" does not particularly apply to children. They already grow and develop, every day they learn something new. And a big load will not give the desired results.
How to help a child of 10 years in the situation under study? Bad memory? What to do? How to find out the cause of this phenomenon, if all the previously listed situations are not suitable?
It is worth paying attention to the general condition of the child. It is likely that the student, especially in high school and high school, overwork. Because of this, his brain stops working at full strength. This is not laziness, but the need of the body. Under conditions of stress and fatigue, the body goes into energy saving mode. From here comes a bad memory and a certain inhibition.
That is why children need to be allowed to rest and relax. And the way they want. You should not load the student with numerous circles and tutors, you should not be forced to do homework right after school, and use the weekend as a perspective for more training. Children are not robots. Like everyone else, rest is important to them. A cheerful, rested and cheerful baby will not suffer from poor memory.
Not by age
Sometimes it happens like this - parents think that the child has problems with mental development. But at the same time, doctors say the opposite. And the kid remembers some specific, it would seem, not the most interesting information. And what parents require is not.
It is likely that this information simply does not fit the child's age. The human brain is designed so that at a certain point in time it is at a specific stage of development. And if you try to put knowledge into the baby that is not peculiar to one or another age category, the received data will be entered into short-term memory. The brain just does not need this or that information.
For example, if a 3-year-old child is given a textbook in physics, the maximum that he can do is read what is written. But no more than that. It is not necessary to force the baby to learn formulas, and even more so to explain some intricate physical phenomena. This information is not suitable for him by age. All parents should remember this feature. And if there is a suspicion that the baby has a bad memory, you must first make sure that the material submitted is appropriate for the age of the child.
Early age
Modern parents begin to sound the alarm for almost any abnormal phenomenon. Suppose there is a child, 4 years old. Bad memory? What to do? First off, do not panic. The thing is that at this age in children the memory and concentration of attention are not yet fully developed. It is good to remember these or those things, as a rule, children begin from 3 years. But at 4 years old, some problems still persist.
Secondly, you need to deal with the child. Only the development of memory will help get rid of problems in the future. Training, training, and training again. In no case should you forget about the interest of the child - it needs to be nourished.
It turns out that at 4 years the baby does not need to be overloaded. The main thing is to deal with the child and pay enough attention to its development.
Toddler Exercises
The following tips are for parents of young children if you suspect a bad memory, but not because of any illness. It has already been repeatedly said that the child needs to constantly train the brain. For children, the following exercises are good:
- often repeat phrases and words, write them with a child on a piece of paper;
- use prescriptions to improve writing;
- read a lot to the child, focus on the key points of the story;
- speak in short sentences;
- consider more pictures with the baby, condemn them.
You can also apply the "Box" technique. It's a game. There is a box divided into several compartments. In front of a child’s eyes, a toy is placed in a particular cell. Next, the box closes. The baby is invited to find the placed object, remembering which compartment it is in. The game is relevant for children from 2 to 6 years. Initially, it is recommended to start with a box divided into 2 parts, increasing the number of departments with age. By school, their number can reach 12 pieces.
Now it’s clear why children have memory problems and how to fix them. Most often, treatment is not prescribed on its own. It is better to take the child to a neurologist. Before the visit, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the brain and a general blood test.
By the way, low school performance is not a sign of poor memory. This phenomenon is associated with the puberty of adolescents. It is necessary to wait it out and, of course, to interest the child in learning.