Pregnancy is a special, difficult period in a woman’s life. As far as this time is interesting and filled with events, gentle forebodings, it is just as difficult for the organism of the future mother. During pregnancy, all organs and systems in our body begin to function "for two", get double the load. From the first weeks of an interesting position, the back often begins to ache, legs are pulled, a woman is tormented by chronic fatigue, apathy, unwillingness to do something, or even early toxicosis.
Special period
Gradually, by the beginning of the second trimester, by the thirteenth week, the situation begins to stabilize, the pregnant woman gets used to the changes. The body is finally adapting to the new life that it carries within itself. If a woman has this first pregnancy, then the tummy is not visible from the side for a long time, it begins to appear by about twenty weeks or even later. And if this is the second or subsequent, then the rounded forms of a woman can be seen from the side at thirteen and at fourteen weeks, it also depends on the structure of the body.
The grown-up child presses on the internal organs, making room for the growth of a new person, the load on the spine increases. The gait becomes a duck, and experienced observers can only determine pregnancy by it. The woman’s weight is growing, and it’s becoming harder and harder for her legs to wear a sunken body.
No matter how hard it is, there is a way out! There are ways to ease the hard work of the spine and legs. This, of course, is a bandage. Pregnancy with this simple item will be easier and calmer. All gynecologists who observe the girls in position, from a certain period of time, are advised to pay attention to this subject of the female “wardrobe”. Also, if you read the reviews, the bandage for pregnant women greatly facilitates the woman's movement with a tummy.
What is this subject?
A bandage is a special device that supports the pregnant woman’s stomach or promotes quick care of excess skin and muscle tightening after childbirth. It is made most often from elastic fabric using natural ingredients, such as cotton, because the skin in the bandage must breathe.
During an interesting situation, the load on the spine and legs is not the worst thing. Many women are afraid to get stretch marks, or the scientific “stria". This unpleasant phenomenon arises from rapid growth of the abdomen (or after childbirth with rapid weight loss), the skin simply does not have time to regenerate and “attach” new rows of cells. It is scientifically proven that the use of a brace minimizes the risk of striae.
As you know, the best position of the fetus during childbirth is head down. With the hardest and hardest part, the baby presses on the birth canal of the mother and gives a signal to the end of pregnancy and the beginning of childbirth. Some babies in their mother’s tummies are calm, do not spin, almost immediately occupy the correct position. And others are like fidgets: on one ultrasound scan (ultrasound examination) he is upside down, on the other examination he is up again. Although this happens quite rarely, gynecologists say that in this case the most important thing is to put on a bandage for pregnant women (you see a photo of it in our article) and wear it before delivery. After all, this device “prevents” the baby from turning over back to the wrong position, even if he is really a fidget.
Many women who tried to walk in the bandage and without it left their feedback on the network. The bandage for pregnant women, in their opinion, really greatly facilitated the complexity of their interesting situation. One of them even said that this thing helped to facilitate contractions directly in childbirth.
When to start?
The time when you should start putting on a bandage depends on many factors. This is the size of the abdomen, and the weight of the baby, and the degree of the daily load of the future mother (if a woman's work involves everyday being on her feet, then this toilet item may be needed earlier).
It is optimal to start wearing it from the twenty-fourth to the thirty-second week of pregnancy and continue to wear it until the birth. In order to determine whether it is time to put on this device or not, a woman should listen to herself, determine her feelings, is there a feeling of heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen, and so on.
Not all pregnant women know how to choose a bandage and especially what they are. And there are many types of them. Let's look at them. So, initially the bandage is divided into prenatal, postpartum and universal. The names speak for themselves. Prenatal implies wearing during pregnancy, postpartum will help you restore your figure after giving birth. The universal will adapt to both situations.
Antenatal bandage - this is mainly described in this article. This is one of the main purchases that you should pay attention to during pregnancy. The main purpose of wearing a prenatal bandage is to support a growing tummy without squeezing it.
Who needs a bandage?
Particularly in need of a bandage are women expecting a child who continue to work after the twentieth week of pregnancy, as well as those who lead an active lifestyle and are often in an upright position.
During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the need to maintain the abdomen increases, since the abdominal wall tends to stretch and lose its elasticity.
Indications for wearing support belts are also some obstetric pathologies, such as polyhydramnios, low water, large fetal size, placenta previa, its low location and others.
If the woman’s previous birth ended with a caesarean section, then wearing a bandage in a subsequent pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of uterine rupture in the scar and reduces the load on the muscles.
Bandage Briefs
Bandages also vary in appearance. There are corset-type devices, and there are bandage-pants for pregnant women. This, as the name implies, underpants with a supporting belt of elastic material. Models are different: there are those that are easy to take off to use the toilet, with fasteners. The main disadvantage of such products is that, like any underwear, they require daily changing and washing, so for constant wear it is necessary to purchase several of these bandages.
Wearing this thing is necessary, according to the instructions, only lying down, and when you visit a doctor or public toilet , certain difficulties may arise - this is also a minus of this type. Again, the undoubted advantage of panties is that they are made of thin fabric and are invisible under clothes, this is especially good in the summer, when a woman wears light clothes. It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the bandage pants are an individual thing, and you can not borrow it from a girlfriend, that is, you need to purchase them only with new ones, in the package. They are usually sold in pharmacies or specialty stores for expectant mothers.
Features of choice
Some women are not indifferent to beautiful, elegant underwear, and even during pregnancy do not want to give up their preferences. Such products in the form of panties are very different. Including with beautiful lace accents and elegant decor.
The size of the bandage for pregnant women is very important. Bandage-underpants should be selected strictly in size, there is no need to purchase "for growth". For the correct selection of this toilet item, consult a specialist. You will need to know the circumference of the abdomen on the most prominent line and hips.
Bandage belt
The second variant of such a product is a bandage belt. It must be worn while lying down, as well as bandage underpants. Unlike the first option, such a wardrobe item can be adjusted in size in accordance with the growing tummy of a pregnant woman. It is not necessary to wash such a bandage so often, so for the whole pregnancy you may need only one. Given their price, this is a considerable plus. Such a bandage is suitable for the cold season, since it creates an additional layer in clothes and, therefore, retains heat.
Before buying this item, in case of doubt, you can talk about it with friends, a gynecologist, read reviews, a bandage for pregnant women in each case can play a different role. In most cases, it really helps to maintain a pregnancy and feel more comfortable.
One of the most famous companies producing underwear and goods, including bandages for pregnant women, is the company "Fest". This company has proven itself in this market and is usually recommended by gynecologists. The bandage for pregnant women "Fest" is convenient, pleasant to the body and does not lose its properties over time. In addition, the company’s website has detailed recommendations for women in the position of choosing a bandage.
For all the listed benefits of wearing this garment, there is one contraindication. The wearing of the bandage should be delayed if, by the thirtieth week, the fetus has not yet taken the correct position inside (head down), but has a transverse or pelvic presentation.
So, the most important thing to remember while pregnant:
- As for wearing support, consult your gynecologist who is conducting your pregnancy.
- You need to choose as carefully as underwear.
- About this or that model you need to find out the reviews. The bandage for pregnant women can be of different types and does not suit everyone equally.
- You need to buy this thing in a pharmacy or specialty store, and not with it.
- You should wear it while lying down and wear no more than three hours in a row.
A competent choice of a bandage, wearing it according to the rules can make your pregnancy calmer, help get rid of many obstetric problems and ease the load on the spine and legs. Now there is a huge selection of these wardrobe items. And your attending gynecologist will help you choose the best bandage for pregnant women.