The pattern of education is a repeating, stable, objectively existing connection in education. Their implementation ensures the effective development of the personality of the child.
Patterns of the educational process
The essential laws of the modern educational process are:
- The relationship of education with social needs. Those changes that occur in society cause serious changes in the educational process. For example, in the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to the formation of a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, respect for the traditions, culture and history of the country.
- Education occurs under the influence of various factors. A special role in this process belongs to the teacher and parents. A student can become successful in an environment in which there is a national culture, tradition, customs, nature.
- The essence of the laws of education depends on the impact on the spirituality of the student, his inner world. It is about the formation of his beliefs, views, thoughts, emotional sphere, value orientations. The process of education should systematically transform external influences on internal spiritual processes: attitudes, motives, attitude.
- The main laws of upbringing in pedagogy are in combining the behavior and consciousness of a child with his participation in sports, games, labor, and educational activities.
What determines the effectiveness of education
First of all, the effectiveness of upbringing is associated with the attitude of the individual to the surrounding reality. Those views and beliefs that will be formed in the student in the educational process, determine his life values.
The patterns of education in pedagogy are taken into account when modeling the educational situation. The teacher creates a certain scheme of actions that are aimed at achieving the goal.
Basic principles of education
The organization of educational work is carried out on the basis of uniform principles; both educators and the school should follow them.
The pattern of education - these are certain provisions that determine the basic laws, contain requirements for the content of methods and forms of work. The educational process is based on the following principles:
- The focus of the process. The teacher selects certain areas of educational work that correspond to the main goal - the formation of a comprehensively developed personality, ready for an active and conscious work. The patterns of training and education are well studied by psychologists and teachers, they imply a structured work, do not allow spontaneity, chaos.
- The relationship between life and education. The main laws of the process of education in preparing children for life in society, feasible participation in work. For this, in educational programs, a separate block is allocated for the study of local history information, the acquaintance of children with political and social events taking place in the country. A talented teacher who knows the basic laws of the upbringing process attracts children to public life, involves them in environmental, patriotic actions. Meetings with the older generation (veterans, participants of the Second World War) contribute to the formation of moral qualities in the younger generation.
- Harmony between behavior and consciousness in education. Behavior is consciousness in real action. Nurturing such an interconnection is a complex and controversial process, because it is much more difficult to form the right skills than to nurture consciousness. To cope with this complexity, we analyzed the basic patterns of personality education, identified the most important areas of development. The teacher develops from his students immunity to negative influences, willingness and ability to deal with them.
- Parenting at work. The main regularity of physical education is built on the relationship with the harmonious development of the individual. Labor is the only source of satisfaction of spiritual and material needs, an opportunity for harmonious development.
An integrated approach to the educational process
The basic laws of the learning process are the same in all educational institutions. Differences are only in the areas selected as priority in a particular school, lyceum, gymnasium. A comprehensive educational approach is based on the dialectical relationship of social processes and pedagogical phenomena. The implementation of this approach implies a unity of purpose, content, tasks, methods, forms, methods of education. A special place in the development of a child’s personality is held by the interconnection between school, family, society, and the media.
How is the educational program
There are certain requirements for the content of the education program, they are indicated in the regulations of the educational institution (school charter, job description of the class teacher).
Before starting to write an educational program, the class teacher, together with a psychologist, studies the individual characteristics of students. For this, the children are offered a variety of test tasks, they are offered to find the answer to life situations. Simultaneously with the identification of the level of development of each child, an analysis of the formation of the classroom team is carried out. After analyzing the results, problems that exist in the class are identified. The educational program created by the teacher is aimed at eliminating the identified problems, developing the creative potential of each child, and establishing the class team, taking into account the basic laws of education education. He studies the class teacher and the families of his wards in order to make a complete picture of each child, the social environment in which he is outside the school walls.
Next, the main goal of the educational program, tasks, and areas of activity is formulated. The program should also indicate the general patterns of education that will be used by the teacher in the work. In thematic planning, the teacher indicates the main sections of the work, their substantive aspect, as well as ways to achieve the task. The program is accompanied by a list of methodological literature, tests, development of events. Then the program is considered at the methodological meeting of class teachers or the pedagogical council. A simple majority of votes makes a decision on its suitability (unsuitability) for implementation in the OS. An integrated approach to the educational process takes into account the basic laws of raising children, individual and age characteristics of students. If necessary, the teacher makes certain adjustments to the program, makes additions. The interconnection of moral, mental, physical, aesthetic, labor education helps the teacher to form full-fledged citizens of the country.
Patriotic education
A special place in any educational program is given to the formation of schoolchildren's feelings of patriotism. In many educational institutions appeared cadet classes, groups. Cadets are an example of honesty, good breeding, courage, love for the motherland for their peers.
Patriotism is formed through communication with the older generation, the study of traditions, customs, the history of their region, country. In many schools, school local history museums have been created as part of patriotic education. The children, together with their mentors, collect material about school graduates who have become participants in various military operations. The information collected is processed, based on it, exhibitions are made, tours for teachers and school guests are conducted. The pattern of education is the ability, on the basis of certain algorithms and actions, to obtain the desired result - harmoniously developing a personality. Sukhomlinsky noted that it is impossible to remove any aspect from the education system. Otherwise, it loses its meaning, will not cope with the goal set before it.
Environmental education of schoolchildren
Among the priority areas is the environmental education of schoolchildren. This interest is not accidental, because when communicating with nature, the following qualities are formed in schoolchildren: love of nature, respect for living creatures. The goal of the program is to develop tolerance for wildlife. Among the tasks: compilation of "ecological paths", the study of the flora and fauna of a certain region, region, region. The teacher engages the employees of the ecology department of local authorities, biology teachers, and specialists of national parks.
Personality formation
The main pattern of education is the development of the individuality of each child. When communicating with peers, the child receives teamwork skills, gets the opportunity to fulfill his needs, improve as a person. Students get the opportunity to participate in self-government, to show their initiative. The teacher plays the role of a mentor, adviser, oversees how relations between members of the class team develop. Humanitarian pedagogy is based on a combination of reasonable exactingness and respect for the personality of the student. The teacher does not allow himself negative statements that could humiliate the dignity of the pupil, respects his dignity. An individual approach is an important condition for quality education.
The concept of national education
It includes the following principles:
- unity of national and universal: mastery of the native language, the formation of love for the native land, people, respect for the heritage, culture, national traditions, customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation;
- taking into account individual, physiological, anatomical, psychological, national characteristics of students;
- the connection of upbringing with folk crafts and crafts, the formation of unity of generations;
- creating optimal conditions for unlocking the creative potential of students;
- democratization: the authoritarian style of upbringing is abolished, the personality of the child is perceived as the highest social value, the right to freedom, the manifestation of individuality is recognized.
The combination of these principles ensures the successful determination of goals, objectives, selection of funds, methods, forms of education.
What determines the productivity of education
It is influenced by several factors. First of all, it is necessary to note the relations that have developed in the team. Relations between the class teacher and his students are formed, which affect the productivity of the process. As the children communicate, their views and life position are formed. If the teacher is not an authority, educational relations become negative. The teacher must clearly set a real goal for the children, together with them, draw up an algorithm for the proposed actions, and analyze the result. Education should correspond to the realities of modern life. When separated from practice, it is difficult to obtain the desired result; education will be untenable. The guys are deeply disappointed, making sure that the deeds and words, life and theoretical knowledge do not match.
The scientific picture of the educational process involves a detailed description of all the laws governing the process of educating schoolchildren. The pedagogical laws of this phenomenon are an adequate reflection of the objective, independent of the subject, reality of the educational process, which has stable parameters in certain circumstances. If the teacher is able to determine such a pattern, he will draw up an ideal plan for his pedagogical activity, get the desired result. In the case of neglecting the laws, all the teacher’s activities to educate the younger generation will have low productivity. The first pattern is to raise a child only if he is actively involved. The educational process is, from the point of view of psychology, a continuous upward movement, suggesting new and greater efforts. Any educational task involves the initiation of a certain activity. During physical development, sets of exercises are used, for the moral formation of the personality, orientation to the feelings of other people is needed, intellectual development is impossible without mental activity. To create a pattern, the teacher must monitor the condition of the child, to prevent overload and overwork. Dosing of different types of activity is a genuine pedagogical art; it is only possible for true professionals.
The use of game situations, elements of competitiveness, an individual approach, other methodological techniques guarantee the creation of a sparing mode of activity for the student, helps to shape his patriotism, tolerance, determination. A good teacher can be considered a teacher who knows how to organize active cognitive activity of students, aimed at the full development of their creative and intellectual abilities.