How to put a quote icon (copyright)

When working with documentation or just “walking” on the Internet, we have seen this quote icon more than once - ©. In fact, initially this symbol was created in order to notify others about copyright protection for a work, but today it is often used to quote someone’s statements, although this is incorrect.

Many faced him, but not everyone knows how to put him on the keyboard. If you are one of those who are interested in learning how to make a quote icon, then this article is designed specifically for you.

Copyright icon: how to recognize it?

quote icon

Probably each of us knows what this symbol looks like - the Latin letter C (from the word - copyright) placed in the center of the circle. Using this mark does not guarantee additional rights, but only notifies other people that the copyright belongs to you. Often this symbol is used to quote someone else’s statements, despite the fact that this does not comply with the spelling standards.

What does this sign mean?

The symbol © was created for copyright notice. The absence of this sign does not mean that they are not protected. The reason is that for the protection of copyright does not require any registration, and it occurs at the time of creation of any work. It is used by those people who own the copyright. It can be both individuals and legal entities.

how to make quote icon

When using such a symbol, as a rule, an additional year of publication, and sometimes a date range, is indicated. In Russia, the presence or absence of a copyright icon does not affect the licensing of a work, but in other countries it is necessary to provide copyright protection.

This symbol is widely used when quoting someone’s words, but according to the norms of the Russian language, this is considered not quite correct, since the purpose of creating the © icon is to inform other people about copyright protection for an object.

How to put a quote icon: the most popular ways

Want to put a quote icon, but don’t know how to do it? No problem! This is actually all very easy. So, the most common methods are given below:

  1. Windows, Alt 0169.
  2. Mac OS X, Option G.
  3. HTML , , ©.
  4. Windows, . , Win R, charman. Enter .
  5. , .
    how to put a quote icon

Microsoft Word

, , Microsoft Word. , , :

  1. Alt 0169, .
  2. «», «». , , .
  3. Microsoft Word , ().

, . , , .

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