Scarlet fever is a contagious disease. It can exist in a mild form, but if complications begin, they are very dangerous. The article will give signs of scarlet fever in a child and a photo with explanations. A complicating factor in the prevention of this ailment is the lack of vaccinations, therefore it is extremely important to correctly recognize the initial symptoms, immediately starting treatment.
Infection mechanism
First you need to clearly define what scarlet fever is. This is an acute infectious disease in which such unpleasant symptoms appear as a rash, fever, poisoning of the body (intoxication), redness of the throat, tongue. Considering the question of how scarlet fever begins in children and the first signs of this insidious misfortune, one cannot but say a few words about the main causative agent of infection. It is a streptococcal bacterium of serogroup A.
It enters the body mainly by airborne droplets, through the nasopharynx or oropharynx. At the site of settling of the bacillus, an inflammatory process develops dynamically. The blame for toxins that appear during the life of streptococcus. These toxic substances spread without problems throughout the body. In the early days, the disease is easily confused with angina. The incubation period varies greatly. It can be from 24 hours to one and a half weeks.
Inflammatory tonsils of the palate can serve as external manifestations of signs of scarlet fever in children. The throat will be reddened, and the tongue will acquire a characteristic crimson color, on which papillae will be present. Sometimes it has a white coating.
Erythrogen toxin, when it enters the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, strikes red blood cells (small blood cells), causing poisoning of the body and including its protective mechanisms. This is expressed, first of all, in raising the body temperature, immunity thus tries to “burn out” the bacteria. Most of all, small blood vessels are affected. Because of this, a rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes.
Antibodies produced by the body try to stabilize the situation. By binding toxic substances and removing them from the body, they directly affect the rash. Gradually, it passes, but puffiness of the skin appears. The situation is aggravated by the fact that liquid exudate is released from the wounds, pimples. Where it has saturated the skin, keratinization appears. Over time, the skin regenerates, and then begins to peel off. Most affected by the palms, soles of the feet.
What happens if you ignore the first signs of scarlet fever in a child? Naturally, this is fraught with a complication of the course of the disease. In the most dangerous, complex cases, rheumatism, tonsillitis, necrosis and even damage to the dura mater were recorded. Unfortunately, this is not all that this insidious disease is capable of. Therefore, at the first signs and symptoms of scarlet fever in children, it is necessary to immediately seek qualified medical help. Self-medication and neglect of such a disease is criminal in relation to the child.
Methods for transmitting harmful bacteria
The source of the spread of the disease is a person who carries various forms of respiratory streptococcal infection. The largest percentage of infection occurs due to the ingestion of the bacillus by dropping by coughing or sneezing. You can get infected through objects if the patient's saliva falls on them. There have been cases when the parents of a child who has this ailment unwittingly contribute to the spread of a dangerous infection. There are sometimes no signs of scarlet fever in children - the disease is asymptomatic. Unsuspecting adults take their child to kindergarten. And all ... "the heat has gone."
Specialists rarely, but record cases when the disease penetrates through injuries and wounds on the skin. In addition, the infection is sexually transmitted.
The most dangerous age period for children, when you can catch scarlet fever, is the age of two to ten years. Infection becomes possible with weakened immunity. Having been ill, the body gains resistance, but do not relax. Relapses are sometimes possible. There is a chance of re-getting this dangerous infection.
Symptoms of scarlet fever
Thomas Sydenham, who first described this ailment in the second half of the 17th century, called it purple fever, although it was known about him back in the 16th century. In Sicily, this disease was allocated in a separate group. Later, thanks to the efforts of a number of distinguished doctors, a streptococcal theory was developed in the etiology of scarlet fever.
The main signs of scarlet fever in children are temperature, a rash on the skin, pain in the head, throat (sometimes abdomen), general malaise, weakness, and lack of appetite. The disease can occur in a typical and atypical way.
Various forms of typical scarlet fever
Typical scarlet fever has several forms of the course of the disease, due to varying degrees of symptoms. A brief description to identify the first signs of scarlet fever in a child.
With this form, nausea, headache and vomiting are absent. Body temperature also does not cause serious concern. Usually, it does not rise above 38 ° C. Describing the signs of scarlet fever in children (see the photo of the initial stage above), it should be noted that although characteristic papillae appear on the tongue and it turns red, but the rash may be absent, or its manifestations on the skin hardly noticeable. Concomitant tonsillitis does not turn into a purulent form and can last for several days. This is achieved through timely contact with the clinic. A number of necessary measures, together with proper nutrition, will contribute to strengthening the protective functions of the body, and the disease will pass easily. Therefore, it will be useful for each parent to study a photo of the initial stage of signs of scarlet fever in children, in order to quickly navigate the situation if necessary.
It is noted by an increase in temperature, which causes delirium, hallucinations. The child experiences painful sensations with headache and vomiting. Worst of all - the appearance of pain behind the sternum. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, shortness of breath appears. If you pay attention to the skin, then a bright red rash rushes into the eyes. It merges into spots. It is possible to note the characteristic features of the manifestation of signs of scarlet fever in children (pictured) of a rash.
Such redness is noticed in the inguinal folds, in the armpits, neck and at the bends of the elbow.
In severe form, three types of scarlet fever are distinguished, which in some cases can cause death. They are characterized by the presence of a pronounced rash, fever, hallucinations. Here is a brief listing of them:
- Toxic As the name implies, its main characteristic is severe poisoning of the body.
- Septic. Purulent inflammation affects not only the oral cavity, but also the lymph nodes.
- Toxic septic. This is a hybrid of the previous two types, combining all of the above symptoms, so it is the most dangerous.
Despite the fact that recently the photos of the first signs of scarlet fever in a child have been widespread, nevertheless this is not a disease that can be experimented with using traditional methods. Only a timely qualified medical care can save a small person. There are simply no other options.
Existing forms of atypical scarlet fever
Nowadays, according to the available signs of scarlet fever in children, this disease is diagnosed unmistakably even in the early stages of its origin. The classical clinical forms were considered above, but, as practice shows, other options are often found that do not fall under the definition of typical scarlet fever. It is worth listing the signs of scarlet fever in children (you can find the photo in the article):
- Erased. In this form, when studying the tests, practically no inflammatory changes in the blood are detected. Signs of the disease are invisible. The body independently copes with it over the next 2-3 days. As a result, a powerful immune defense is formed.
- Extrapharyngeal. Angina is absent. What can not be said about the other symptoms (intoxication, rash, swollen lymph nodes). Infection gets through wounds or cuts on the skin.
- Hypertoxic. With this form, the score literally goes for seconds. This is not a hyperbole. The infection spreads rapidly, causing toxic shock. Even fatal cases have been recorded.
Stages of the course of the disease
Scarlet fever has several stages of development:
- Incubation. The time interval, which is considered to be from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms, or, as it is also conventionally called, the cumulative period.
- Initial. During the first day, signs of scarlet fever in children, like the disease itself, begin to progress. The appearance of pain in the throat, loss of appetite, well-being. Itching appears due to a rash. In some cases, increasing heat can cause delusions, hallucinations. With a mild course of the disease, the rash can not be detected. The temperature also does not cause great concern. She will stay stable around thirty-eight degrees.
- Sharp. Its period is usually 5 days. The effect of erythrotoxin acquires pronounced features and all the signs of scarlet fever, as in children in the photo. During these few days, the child does not find a place for severe headaches, fever, nausea. Otitis media, pneumonia, or other complications may appear. The tongue acquires the same color, the papillae already described above in the article.
- Recovery. Depending on the body, it can take a maximum of three weeks. To do this, it is necessary that the rash completely disappears, and the skin ceases to peel off. Over time, the tongue will return to its normal color, the throat will cease to hurt. The rush to restore the body is inappropriate. Premature termination of the course of treatment can lead not only to the return of inflammatory processes, but also to chorea (when the body makes involuntary movements due to uncontrolled muscle contraction).
There is another aspect why parents should not rush to send their offspring to various children's institutions, so that later they can easily join the race of labor achievements. This is a banal concern for the health of other children. Even a recovered child in the first few days can be a threat to their peers.
Early complications of scarlet fever
Specialists identify the early and late complications of this ailment. As a rule, they arise for two reasons: the pathogenic effect of the bacillus and the individual tolerance of the organism to foreign exposure. Most often, organs and systems of the human body are exposed to infection.
One of the most unpleasant features of scarlet fever is that its course is always accompanied by inflammation, swollen lymph nodes. In size, they can surpass a chicken egg. Eating in such conditions becomes difficult. In its normal state, the lymphatic system is a natural barrier to pathogenic microflora. Alien cells are destroyed. The most dangerous complication is the formation of a purulent focus (abscess). Against this background, adenoflegmon can develop - purulent inflammation between the muscles in the subcutaneous fat. If you miss the moment, it will lead to inevitable death.
Other complications:
- Otitis. Purulent inflammation of the ear. In some cases, just can not do without surgical intervention.
- Sinusitis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
- Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the pharynx, making it difficult to eat due to unpleasant pain during swallowing.
- Nephritis. Kidney inflammation. The blood stream carries harmful bacteria. First of all, kidneys and liver are pathogenic. Weakened young children are at risk.
- Hemorrhage. With the destruction of the vessel wall under the influence of a toxin, blood coagulation increases. This can lead to hemorrhage in the internal organs, forming a spotted blood rash on the skin and mucous membranes.
To this we can add that the heart muscle, tissues near the tonsils (phlegmonous tonsillitis), pneumonia can develop , can be affected. Signs of scarlet fever disease in children suggest that the immune system is weakened, which gives a wide range of different variations of the disease.
Late complications
With prolonged course of scarlet fever or repeated streptococcus ingestion, a change in sensitivity to external influences of the body and the formation of specific proteins (antibodies) can occur. Under their influence, autoimmune processes appear. The body destroys itself, destroying living cells.
The most common cases of late complications of scarlet fever may be rheumatoid arthritis. As a rule, large joints are affected. There is pain, swelling, impaired function, redness of the skin. They pass independently, without consequences.
A more complex manifestation of autoimmune processes is damage to the heart valves. With the growth of this pathogenesis, there is a very high probability that in the future it will be necessary to replace valves with artificial ones.
Glomerulonephritis, or damage to the glomeruli and tubules of the kidneys. When analyzing urine, an increased protein content is detected. The pressure rises, there are severe back pain, swelling.
The mechanism of treatment of scarlet fever is carried out by eliminating streptococci, removing toxins from the body, knocking down the temperature. Sore throat and existing itching should disappear. This is usually achieved with home treatment. Small patients are required to be hospitalized if their illness proceeds in a complex form.
If signs of scarlet fever are found in children, the infection is treated with antibiotics. When calculating the dosage, the age and weight of the child are taken into account. The treatment period takes at least 10 days. It is imperative to meet deadlines and not succumb to the temptation to stop taking medication at the first sign of improvement. Such a decision can entail various complications. The most important thing is to eliminate the pathogenic microflora, therefore, if necessary, resort to biseptol or metronidazole. Streptococci are very susceptible to penicillin antibiotics. After several receptions, the patient is noticeably recovering. The main thing is to consider what is the individual tolerance of penicillin in a baby. If he does not tolerate it, then other antimicrobials are used.
"Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol" are used as antipyretic drugs. Their versatility lies in the fact that they relieve sore throats. It will be useful to gargle with soda, infusions of chamomile, calendula.
Additional support for immunity is carried out with the help of vitamin preparations, and if necessary anti-allergenic drugs minimize the effects of various complications.
Is it possible to bathe a child?
Parents of small patients ask this interesting question. The answer is yes. Compliance with hygiene standards is extremely important. This procedure will reduce itching and the child will experience less discomfort. However, this matter must be approached with caution, following a number of simple rules.
Water should not be too hot or cold. If you have a fever, it is better to limit yourself to wrapping. Sponges, washcloths are inappropriate, like any excessive rubbing of the skin. This also applies to the use of a towel: you can only slightly dampen the body.
Signs of scarlet fever in a 5-year-old child are found more often than in young children. There are several reasons for this. One of them is mother’s milk, which provides the baby with the necessary immunity until a certain age. The second reason is the different nature of the game activity of young children and five-year-olds (the game is “near” and joint).
What measures should be taken if, nevertheless, it was “lucky” to seize the ailment? Almost all specialists are inclined to the opinion of strict observance of quarantine rules. Especially if there are children in the family who have not yet had time to get sick.
For this, the patient is allocated a separate room in which regular wet cleaning and the necessary ventilation are carried out. In addition, it is provided with separate utensils, a gauze mask, favorite toys, etc. It is important that none of the remaining healthy family members touch his things, and any contacts are minimized.
The article describes the features of treatment and photo signs of scarlet fever in children. However, to diagnose, and even more so, self-medication is categorically impossible. Only the timely help of competent specialists can defeat this once-deadly disease.