Food Freeze Bags: Harvest Vegetables and Fruits Wisely

How can vitamins be preserved in vegetables, fruits and herbs for the whole winter in the simplest and least costly way? Of course, freeze them. The most common packages for freezing food will help you in this matter.

Primary requirements

Packages can be of any price category or manufacturer. The main thing is that the following conditions are met:

  • The container must be impervious to oil, grease and any liquid.
  • The package should not tear or crack when exposed to low temperature.
  • The package should well protect the products stored in it from external unpleasant odors.
  • Especially valuable are packages for freezing foods with a lock, because they will firmly and reliably preserve your supplies.

What packages can be?

Some people use ordinary plastic bags to freeze foods , rejoicing at their low price. However, this is not worth it - most plastic bags are made from recycled materials, so during prolonged storage (and even more so freezing) of food products in them, they can emit harmful substances. Products can change color or smell, get an unpleasant aftertaste. And all because polyethylene is not designed for freezing! Bags for freezing food, the price of which is not so high, will suit much better. In the store you can purchase high-tech bags and films for storing and freezing products that can be used repeatedly.

bags for freezing food with a lock

This container is hermetic and reliable. In addition, packages often have a window for recording. There you can put information about the date of freezing of the product. Bags for freezing food with a clasp are very convenient to use, when cooking you can easily take the right amount of component. They do not take up much space in the refrigerator.

General Food Freezing Rules

  1. Try to freeze food as soon as possible after purchase or collection. The fresher it is, the longer it can be stored without losing important properties and qualities.
  2. Be aware that not all products are frozen (see the list of prohibited products in the same article below).
  3. If you want to freeze cooked food, then at first it should be completely cooled. So it will remain better.
  4. Bags for freezing foods are often used as containers for storing berries. But it is important to thoroughly rinse the berries or vegetables before freezing, free from excess debris. If the product is too large - cut it. Put the dried fruit on a tray and freeze in this form. Only then berries or fruits are gently poured into bags to freeze food. If you want the fruits to retain the maximum taste, aroma and aesthetic appearance, then dip them first in sugar syrup.
  5. To preserve the taste, color and vitamins in vegetables, they are blanched in boiling water before the freezing process.

food freeze bags Price

What products are better not to be subjected to prolonged freezing?

There are a number of foods that should never be stored in the freezer. If you do this, then after defrosting you will get a completely different product that has lost its taste and original consistency.

food freeze bags

Cabbage, cucumbers, radishes and radishes after thawing will become excessively watery, change the taste and smell. True, pickled cucumbers and cabbage can still be frozen. Do not store ready-made fried foods in the freezer - they will lose their attractive crust and become bitter. Do not expose boiled eggs and pasta, potatoes and dairy products to prolonged exposure to low temperatures.

Freezing bags can make life easier for any housewife. But do not forget that the products must also be properly defrosted!

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