Choosing a Maternity Harness

The first seat belts appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, and they became widespread only after fifty years. Nowadays, riding without this protective equipment is strictly prohibited.

maternity harness adapter

Technology is advancing; pregnant belts are now in place. They appeared not so long ago, and work on improving the characteristics of the device is ongoing. However, it will be a deliberate and right step to decide to use a seat belt for pregnant women right now, without waiting for improvements.

Using an ordinary belt for a future mother is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. But a special seat belt for pregnant women is able to ensure the safety of the driver without causing inconvenience. Of course, if the tummy is already large and the belt is a big hindrance, most women prefer not to fasten it at all. However, referring to the statistics, one can see that forty out of a hundred pregnancies that were interrupted as a result of the accident could have been preserved if the woman had been fastened. So think about whether to use a seat belt for pregnant women.

Fasten correctly

maternity harness

The maternity seat belt adapter allows you to remove the standard belt from the abdomen to the pelvic area. A special valve secures the product in an acceptable position. Maternity restraints can also be equipped with seat racks that increase the height of the seat. Such a device is designed, if necessary, to reduce the risk of a blow to the stomach. You can install it in any vehicle: in cars of all brands, in buses, airplanes. It is intended for installation with a belt and has fastenings at two or more points of any of the seats. The maternity seat belt does not press on the perineum during sudden braking and emergency situations.

Doctors recommend

maternity seat belts

Riding behind the wheel is always fraught with danger, especially for pregnant women, but the flea market in public transport negates such a statement. If you prefer to move in your own car, you should follow the advice of doctors:

1. Feeling unwell - this is an occasion not to drive, but to call a taxi.

2. Adjust the steering column so that it does not rest against the stomach. Maybe a little

push back the seat itself. There should be a distance of at least ten centimeters between the steering wheel and the stomach.

3. Try to get out of the car and do exercises every half an hour. Even if you have to stand in traffic for a long time.

4. Pregnant women eat more and more often go to the toilet. Provide a supply of water in the machine, put a few bags of dried fruit or nuts. Also have โ€œpocket toiletsโ€ with you - something between a diaper and a duck (they are sold at gas stations).

5. Pregnant women should not be driving for a long time, especially in a city where high

gas contamination and a lot of traffic jams.

6. Adjust the lumbar support of the seat or use a pad, roller. This will save the spine from the load.

Have a good trip!

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