Dry spots on the skin of a child: causes, diagnosis, treatment options

From the day of birth, the baby's skin is too vulnerable. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands cannot yet function in the right volume and do not immediately begin to produce a secret that forms a protective film.

If the mother noticed dry spots on the skin of the child, this can cause a lot of questions and worries. As a rule, she will turn to a pediatrician out of habit, although a dermatologist or an allergist leads skin diseases. We will try to understand why dry spots appear on the skin of a child (a photo usually gives a clearer picture of this) and how to get rid of them.

Sudden appearance

All parents want the baby to grow up not only healthy, but also beautiful. Therefore, as soon as the baby was born, they carefully study the rules of caring for his tiny body and begin to worry if at least some problem is discovered. Dry flaky spots on the skin of a child can occur completely suddenly, for no apparent reason, and in children of any age. This may be the result of diathesis, allergies, or some kind of infectious disease. Most of all, parents are afraid if they cannot understand the reason why these spots occur.

Dry skinned kid

You need to know that any element of a rash on children's skin in babies of the first two years of life is the first sign of disorders within the body. Therefore, during the first year of life, spots appear if the peanut has allergic and exudative-catarrhal diathesis, or diaper rash. A little later, dry spots on the skin of a child may appear due to eczema, contact dermatitis. And if the baby attends kindergarten and spends part of the time in sandboxes, then worms. In older children and adolescents, in some cases, they can be diagnosed with psoriasis and lichen.

Why is baby skin dry?

As a rule, dry skin of babies appears in the first three years of their life and, most often, in the autumn-winter period or in early spring. This phenomenon can be observed both on the entire surface of the skin, and on its individual parts (handles, legs, face). The baby’s skin is quite sensitive to external factors, because its protective function is still in development. That is why, as soon as dry spots or rashes appear on the body, it is important to determine which of the personal care products can cause irritation of the epidermis. So, it is necessary to exclude gels, shampoos, washing powders, soaps, to which crumbs may have an allergic reaction.

With dry skin in the baby, parents should choose exclusively hypoallergenic detergents for washing and hygiene, it is best if they do not have a bright color and strong smell. There is absolutely no need to bathe the crumbs in hot water: some water can dry the skin, so the optimum temperature for bathing is 37 ° C.

Reasons for the appearance. Physiology and the environment

Consider the main reasons for the formation of such strange spots in babies.

Physiological. From the first seconds a baby is born, his skin is very vulnerable due to the fact that while the sebaceous glands can not function to the required extent and do not immediately produce the very secret that forms a protective film. In some cases, the baby’s delicate skin can dry out and begin to peel off, especially often in areas of natural friction and folds so beloved by mothers. In order to try to eliminate dry spots on the skin of a child, it is permissible to use products that have a moisturizing effect.

Dry baby skin

How does the environment work? Such spots sometimes appear while bathing a small child in fairly hard water. To reduce this stiffness, some experts recommend adding emollients to the water with each bath, and treat dry skin with moisturizing oils.

About temperature

One of the reasons for the baby’s skin dryness can be quite sharp changes in temperature. Redness and irritation on the small arms and face causes a cold wind and severe frost. Therefore, before going out, it is necessary to lubricate the exposed areas of the baby's skin with a special cream.

In apartments, air heating systems that work in the winter dry out. For this period, it is recommended to use special humidifiers.

Also, dry skin in babies can be a common allergic reaction of the body, so parents should pay attention to the food products of the kids. Among these products may be those that are allergy provocateurs. In particular, these include chocolate and citrus fruits, which almost all babies love.

Reasons for the appearance. Dermatitis

Diaper. It is a red spot on the skin of a child in the genital area and buttocks. In some cases, peeling and scuffing occur in inflamed areas. Also, if the baby does not tolerate laundry detergent or soap, single pale pink spots appear on its delicate skin. If at these spots the mother notices a dirty white coating, there is a chance of a fungal infection.

Diaper dermatitis in a child

Atopic. It looks like single dry pink spots on the skin of a child, in some cases - red. Quite often they disappear on their own. Elements of these spots are usually localized on the neck, arms, legs or torso. Moreover, they are arranged both in a chaotic order and in a grouped manner.

Contact. Dry rough spots on the skin of a child appear in the area of ​​friction of the connecting seams of the clothes. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the formation of spots, then the foci of inflammation pass in about a couple of days without the use of any means. If they have not disappeared, you need to seek help from a pediatrician, because there is a possibility that lichen is hidden under the mask of contact dermatitis.

Seborrheic. Dry spots appear on the skin of the baby, which cover the crusts of yellow. She, as a rule, is removed quite hard. The provocateur of the disease is a fungus that affects the skin on various parts of the baby's body. A similar pathological condition often develops at the very beginning of the life of the crumbs - in the second or third week. If you do not start treatment immediately, the duration of the disease can be several years.

Eczema in a baby

Deprive pink. This disease has a fungal origin. The surface of the body of the baby is "decorated" with rounded dry spots that protrude slightly above the level of the skin. Such a disease is treated quite simply, but it is capable of rapid spread and is often found in children who are pupils of kindergartens.

Dry white spots

If white dry spots on the skin of a child are visible, which are accompanied by peeling, this is a possible symptom that pityriasis develops. Such a disease develops due to the effects of the fungus, which have a damaging effect on the skin, and has a long course.

Eczema in a baby

To establish a diagnosis and start treatment, you must consult a dermatologist. White spots on the skin, having a different size and shape, may be the result of another disease - vitiligo. To differentiate the symptoms and prescribe the right treatment, a comprehensive examination should be done.

White rough spots

Such spots are characteristic of either pityriasis or multi-colored lichen. The cause of the disease is the development of the fungus on the surface of the skin. Here he can exist for quite some time without showing himself in any way. And the impetus for the development of the disease can serve as a disease of the endocrine system, increased sweating of the child, a decrease in his immunity and much more.

For a correct diagnosis and determination of treatment tactics, you should seek the help of a dermatologist.

We treat dry skin with vitamins

We have already found out the reasons for which spots appear on the skin of a child. Now you need to understand how to properly treat and get rid of these spots.

Since the epidermis in babies is not yet able to retain sufficient moisture, it needs to be replenished from the outside. Choosing a moisturizer is necessary quite seriously, because the baby's skin can too sharply react to external irritants.

Dry pink spots on the skin of the baby

If the skin is too dry, you need to consult a pediatrician. As a rule, in such cases, doctors can recommend external use preparations that contain urea. For example, Excipial M lotion, with which it is advised to take a two-month course of vitamin A. It will be better absorbed if you drip it on a small piece of black bread before eating.

In some cases, if the baby has too sore skin, the doctor prescribes vitamin E, fish oil and calcium preparations. The dose of medication should be determined by a specialist.

Proper bathing baby

Bathing a baby who has such skin problems is best without the use of foaming detergents. A great effect in this case will bring plant baths. In equal proportions, chamomile flowers and rose petals are mixed. All this is poured with boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Then it is filtered and added to water. Toddler to bathe in such a water for at least 10 minutes. Effective will be a bath with flax oil (one tablespoon will be enough).

It is allowed to give the baby a slight massage after taking a bath, and at the same time treat the skin with a cream that contains vitamin A.

To summarize

So, from all of the above, we will try to draw a useful conclusion.

Dry spots on the skin of a child can appear quite often. True, this is not unusual: the skin is quite sensitive. Parents should pay attention to the fact if these spots do not pass for a long time.

Firstly, one of the reasons for the appearance of spots is physiological (the functioning of the fatty glands is not fully - this was mentioned above).

How to cure baby's skin?

Secondly, environmental factors (food, water - its hardness and temperature, soap, air humidity) influence the condition of the skin. To begin with, in order to mitigate the affected areas, it is permissible to use means purchased at the pharmacy, for example, Panthenol. If the dry spots do not disappear, you should seek the help of a doctor, because they can indicate quite serious illnesses, such as psoriasis, eczema or atopic dermatitis.

It’s hard enough to deal with skin ailments, but if the right diagnosis is made on time, the task becomes easier. If at an early age there are signs of a skin disease, you should immediately take measures and prevent its progression. The disease can become chronic without the necessary treatment in this situation, and the best thing is to carry it out in a medical institution.

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