The computer "ordered a long life" ... Is the power supply to blame? How to run it without a computer for verification?

One day, when the computer is turned on, it is necessary to state the fact that the computer "ordered to live long." The laws of technology have worked, which state:

  1. Any technically sophisticated device will fail, the only question is when.
  2. A vital unit will fail at the most inopportune moment.

So, when you turn on the system unit, it does not give any sound or light signals. The situation may be complicated by the fact that tomorrow you need to hand over the multi-day work to the customer, which is located on the hard drive of this computer. Naturally, this titanic work is not copied to an external medium. What to do?

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power supply connection

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how to start the power supply without a computer

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• +5 V (10–50 ) – , - ;

• +12 V (3,5–15 ) – , ;

• –12 V (0,3–1 ) – ;

• –5 V (0,3–0,5 ) – ;

• +3,3 V – .

bp computer

: - ""; +3,3 V; +5 V; +12 V; - PS ON ( , ); +5 V; +5 V; -5 V; -12 V.

voltage power supply

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