Many cat owners give their pets ready-made food. This is much more convenient than making a balanced diet from natural food. However, it is very important to acquire high-quality prepared food for the animal. One of the best foods is considered "Go" cat food. The reviews of veterinarians indicate that this series of ready-made foods helps to maintain the health of the animal and the good condition of the coat. What is included in the feed? And what kind of product does the Go lineup include? We will answer these questions in the article.
general characteristics
Product Go Natural Holistic ("Go Natural Holistic") is manufactured by Petcurean (Canada). The company's credo is that prepared food for animals should be of the same quality as human food. The product is certified by Human Grade. This means quality for people.
As ingredients, only natural raw materials are used. It is supplied from nearby farms. Components are not frozen and transported. The food is made from fresh fish and poultry meat. Some types of product contain vegetables, fruits and berries grown in ecologically clean places.
The product belongs to holistic class for cats. This means that it fully meets all the needs of animals in nutrients and trace elements. This is the highest quality variety of ready-made food. If you transfer the cat to fodder of the holistic class, then there is no need to additionally include natural food or veterinary vitamins in the diet.
What are the components of the feed
Let’s take a closer look at the composition of the Go food for cats. The product contains the following ingredients:
- Squirrels. Food is 48% protein. This is a fairly high indicator even for feeds of the holistic class. The source of protein is poultry and fish. The product lacks low-quality offal and waste. In the manufacture of dry food, dehydrated meat is used, and canned food is made from fresh fillet.
- Fats. As a source of lipids, fish and chicken oil is used. Such ingredients are easy to digest and safe for the liver. Fish oil is good for animals. It contains omega-3 acids, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
- Carbohydrates. The manufacturer does not report the amount of carbohydrates in the product. However, it can be easily calculated that the concentration of these substances is about 13%. Potato and sweet potato are used as a source of carbohydrates. In some types of feed line "Go" there is a small amount of legumes. Such ingredients are harmless to cats.
- Fiber The composition of the feed includes fruits and berries, rich in fiber. Most products of the Go line are grain-free. They can be given to cats without fear of allergies and obesity. Daily Defense feed formulations include brown rice and oats. These types of cereals are harmless, as they are well digested and absorbed by the animal organism.
- Vitamins The feed contains herbs rich in nutrients. The rosemary plant is also used as a natural preservative.
- Lactobacillus. The probiotics in the feed improve digestion and maintain an optimal balance of microflora in the intestines.
There are no genetically modified organisms, hormones, dyes and flavor enhancers in the feed. The product is thoroughly tested for harmful substances.
The feed pellets have a pleasant appetizing smell, so cats eat them with pleasure. This is achieved due to the presence in the feed of a natural flavoring - boiled chicken or fish broth. This component is absolutely harmless to the cat's body.
In reviews of food for cats "Go" vets note the merits of the product. According to experts, this type of ready-made meal has the following advantages:
- using natural fresh meat as a source of protein;
- high quality ingredients;
- lack of substances causing allergies and obesity in animals;
- small granule size;
- natural flavors and preservatives;
- nutritional value;
- the presence of vitamins that strengthen the immune system.
This food is universal. It can be given to both adult animals and kittens from the age of 3 months.
The product consists of natural and fresh components of high quality, so it’s difficult to talk about its shortcomings. Some veterinarians believe that dry ash contains too much ash - more than 7%.
Previously, experts believed that this component could provoke the development of urolithiasis. Today, scientists have found that the formation of stones is not ash, but a high cereal content and a low percentage of natural meat in food. If a cat eats holistic food, then there is no reason to be afraid of ICD. You just need to remember to give your pet a sufficient amount of clean water.
There are no products for sterilized cats in the Go line. All feeds contain a lot of protein. After castration, the activity of animals decreases slightly and they do not need such a large amount of protein in the diet. High protein foods can cause excessive weight gain. Petcurean launches the “Now Fresh” line of feeds designed for weight control. This product is ideal for sterilized animals.
The disadvantages of feed, some owners attribute its high price. But it should be noted that animals are quickly saturated with a relatively small amount of holistic. When a cat is fed a low-quality cooked meal, much more food is required for full satiety. In addition, you have to additionally purchase vitamins and minerals, which are practically absent in cheap feed. Therefore, the cost of food is approximately the same.
Petcurean produces the following types of Gow dry food for cats:
- Fit + Free with four varieties of meat ;.
- Sensitivity + Shine Limited - with a duck.
- Sensitivity + Shine - with trout and salmon ;.
- Sensitivity + Shine Grain Free Pollock Cat Recipe - with a bang.
- Daily Defense - with chicken, fruits and berries.
More recently, there was no wet food in the Go line. However, the production of canned food of this series has recently been launched. They are available in the form of pastes with chicken, turkey or duck meat.
At the bottom of the packaging with granules, you can see a strip of a certain color. Its shade depends on the type of feed. Jars with paste are also marked with the same marking.
The price of dry food depends on the weight of the bag with granules:
- 230 g - about 220 - 240 rubles;
- 1.8 kg - from 1500 to 1800 rubles;
- 3.6 kg - 2100 - 2600 rubles;
- 7.2 kg - from 3400 to 4000 rubles.
The cost of canned food varies from 120 to 150 rubles per 100 g jar.
The following is a brief overview of the Go food for cats.
Four types of meat
Fit + Free food packaging is marked in purple. The composition of the granules includes several types of meat: chicken, turkey, duck and salmon. Cereals are completely absent.
This product is high in protein. It is suitable for moving animals, leading an active lifestyle. The manufacturer claims that this food can be given to kittens from the age of three months. However, veterinarians do not recommend this. High-protein food may not be suitable for calves, it is more suitable for adult animals of a young age.
The food is not suitable for elderly and sedentary cats. Also, it is undesirable to give this product to animals with digestive problems. Their stomach may not be able to handle so much protein.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the coat after the inclusion of the high-protein variety of Go feed in the menu. In the reviews, pet owners report that some of the pets began to molt after switching to the Fit + Free product. An off-season change of coat was associated with an excess of protein in the diet. In such cases, you should transfer the cat to a special diet to improve the quality of the hairline.
Grainless duck feed
On the Sensitive + Shine Limited food packaging, you will notice a yellow stripe. This product has a lightweight composition and contains less protein than Fit + Free. The source of protein is duck meat. There are no cereals in the composition.
This product is primarily intended for animals with a sensitive stomach. Such cats suffer from frequent digestive upsets. This type of food will help pets get rid of dyspeptic symptoms. It includes duck meat, which is considered a dietary product and does not irritate the stomach.
Food can be given to kittens from 2.5-3 months. It is also suitable for elderly pets, leading a calm lifestyle. Veterinarians recommend including this product in the menu of longhair cats. Such animals often suffer from digestive problems, as hair lumps get into their stomach during licking.
Grainless fish feed
The Sensitivity + Shine food packaging is marked in green. This is a grainless product with trout and salmon. It is designed for cats with a sensitive stomach, as well as for allergic animals. This food differs from Sensitivity + Shine Limited only in taste, since it does not include poultry, but fish.
There is also a variety of product called Sensitivity + Shine Grain Free Pollock Cat Recipe. This food composition is practically no different from Sensitivity + Shine. But the source of protein in it is not red fish, but cod. The product is marked with a blue strip on the packaging.
Whole Grain Chicken, Fruits and Vegetables
Daily Defense is the only Gow food product that contains cereals. It consists of brown rice and oats. These grains do not harm the cat's body. They are added to improve palatability. There are no undesirable types of cereals (corn, wheat, soy) in the feed. The packaging is marked in pink.
The composition of the product includes chicken meat, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables. This allows you to saturate the body of the animal with proteins, vitamins and minerals. Such food is suitable for fastidious cats, who hardly switch from natural food to ready-made food. The product has a delicious smell and improved taste.
Canned food
Wet food allows you to diversify your cat's menu. If the animal eats granular food, then veterinarians do not recommend giving him natural food. Ready canned food goes well with dry food and does not cause digestion problems.
Currently, the company produces Petcurean the following types of canned pastes for cats:
- Grain Free Turkey Pate. The product contains turkey meat. The can is marked with a blue stripe.
- Grain Free Chicken Pate. This food contains chicken. The packaging is marked in pink.
- Grain Free Chicken Stew with Turkey + Duck. The paste consists of 3 types of stew of poultry: chicken, turkey and ducklings. On the bank is a purple stripe.
All types of canned foods do not contain cereals. They are cooked in a delicious vegetable broth. In addition, they include extract of yucca shidiger. This ingredient removes toxins from the intestines and reduces the smell of bowel movements.
The opinion of experts
The veterinarians' feedback on Gow food for cats is mostly positive. Specialists often recommend this type of ready-made meal, as it has a natural and balanced composition. It is only necessary to pay attention to the product series and the marking on the package.
For example, food with four types of meat is not suitable for old and calm cats. But this type of food will fully provide the need for protein for young and active animals. The variety of ready-made food must be selected for each pet individually, taking into account the characteristics of his body and lifestyle. It is advisable to consult with a specialist in advance.
Medical products are not available in the Gow cat food line. In the reviews, veterinarians emphasize that this series of ready-made meals can only be recommended for healthy animals. If the pet suffers from any chronic disease, then it must be transferred to diet food of other manufacturers.
Specialists note that this product is extremely rare to cause allergies and digestive upsets. It has a pleasant smell and taste. Therefore, even a sharp transition from natural food to “Go” food is easy and painless for the pet.