Useful gymnastics for pregnant women (1 trimester). What kind of gymnastics can pregnant

For every woman, pregnancy is a magical state of expectation of a miracle, an extraordinary, joyful period. The expectant mother completely changes her lifestyle and tries to do everything so that the birth is successful and the baby is born healthy and strong. Nutrition, taking vitamins, giving up bad habits, healthy sleep and, of course, useful gymnastics for pregnant women - all this should be included in the regimen.

Movement is the key to health

gymnastics for pregnant women 1 trimester

Thanks to all of the above points, the chances of having a healthy baby are much greater. To date, it has been proven that gymnastics for future moms is simply necessary. With moderate physical exertion, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, blood flow improves in the capillaries of the placenta, and this helps to increase the oxygen supply to the fetus.

To those who doubt whether it is possible to do gymnastics for pregnant women, gynecologists around the world give many facts of a positive effect on the body of the future mother in labor of moderate exercise. To easily overcome a physical test such as childbirth, you need to strengthen the muscles and constantly maintain them in good shape. A prepared body will quickly and easily recover.

Where and how to do gymnastics

Modern opportunities allow you to do gymnastics at home. The Internet presents many courses for pregnant women. A lot of video lessons, photos, pictures, detailed instructions make it possible to choose the necessary landmark. It is only important to know that for each stage you need your own gymnastics for pregnant women, the 1st trimester will be different from the subsequent ones. If you decide to engage in a clinic, knowledgeable experts will advise what kind of physical activity is required specifically for your body. For each trimester, special exercises are developed.

what gymnastics can pregnant

Gymnastics for pregnant women. 1 trimester

In the first trimester, it is very important for pregnant women to maintain a good mood, since it is at this stage that an unexpected change in mood, irritability, and despondency are often observed. Gymnastics for pregnant women by week will help to smoothly, without unnecessary stress, go through all the stages of bearing a child. During this period, it is very important to study breathing exercises. In an “interesting” position, intrauterine pressure increases significantly, it must be learned to restrain the elastic muscles of the abdomen, as well as the pelvic floor. This will help proper chest breathing with the help of the muscles of the diaphragm. It is worth noting that with such breathing, the supply of nutrients, as well as oxygen to the fetus, is stimulated.

In the first trimester, it is useful to perform the following exercises:

1. Stand in the knee-elbow position.

Lift and extend one leg, then slowly lower it. Do the same with the other leg.

Pull one arm forward, remaining at three points, slowly lower it. Identically with the other hand.

2. Raising your right arm and left leg at the same time, stay on two anchor points. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat by raising your left hand and right foot.

3. Exercise "Cat".

For starters - "Affectionate kitty." The body moves forward, the weight is smoothly transferred to the palms, the spine bends, starting from the cervical region, ending with the lumbar. At the beginning of the exercise, the head is lowered, towards the end it rises.

Then - "Angry Cat." The back is arched, the head is lowered, the body begins to move back, then forward.

Each exercise is repeated four times.

What kind of gymnastics can pregnant

Below we consider in more detail what types of gymnastic exercises pregnant women can do. Some types of gymnastics can be performed at any stage of pregnancy, and some only in the trimesters. What sets of exercises must be mastered during pregnancy?

  • Morning gymnastics.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Gymnastics with the ball.
  • Water gymnastics (water aerobics).
  • Trimester gymnastics.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, as well as decompression.
  • At certain stages, knee-elbow gymnastics, leg gymnastics for pregnant women are necessary.

Morning gymnastics

pregnant gymnastics

For those who are used to doing morning exercises daily , it will not be difficult to continue to do this in an “interesting” position. Pregnancy is not a reason to abandon the usual rhythm of life, including morning exercises. Is gymnastics for pregnant women different from usual? 1st trimester allows you to move more actively if there is no threat of interruption. The instructor will help to develop a suitable complex, which can include swings with legs, arms, ball exercises, turns, tilts of the head and body, squats. The main condition is that all exercises should be performed without causing any discomfort, after class you should feel a surge of vigor. Normal morning walks in the fresh air are very useful.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics is recommended to be performed at all stages of pregnancy. She has no contraindications. She teaches to relieve stress, to completely relax. When emotions go off scale, there are constant changes in mood, it will come in handy.

A unique course is respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova. This course will be useful for all expectant mothers. Breathing exercises enrich the blood with oxygen, increase immunity not only in the mother, but also in the child, and prepare the baby for proper breathing immediately after childbirth. Strelnikova’s course is specially designed in such a way that pregnant women can deal with it at any stage, even with any deviations. These breathing exercises also apply to therapeutic exercises for pregnant women. Classes in the 1st trimester are a certain foundation, the key to a successful outcome and easy delivery.

useful exercises for pregnant women

Gymnastics with a ball

Engaging with the ball is much more interesting than, for example, just doing inclines, walking or doing swings with your feet and hands. Exercises train the necessary muscle groups, while the back is not loaded, and this is very important in late pregnancy. In the last trimester, you can just sit on a big ball, swaying a bit, so your spine will get full discharge and rest.

Water aerobics

Water gymnastics for pregnant women is perhaps the most enjoyable sporting activity for women in position. It is unfortunate that not everywhere and not for all available pools. Water aerobics is indicated at any stage of pregnancy, has no contraindications. For the third trimester, this is ideal, since other types of gymnastics are no longer within the forces, because a huge belly restricts movements, and this is not felt in water, in a weightless state. Aqua aerobics calms well, improves well-being, mood, tempers. Some types of water exercises contribute to turning a child from gluteal presentation! Water gymnastics also helps in the fight against overweight.

water gymnastics for pregnant women

Joint, ligament, muscle training

From the first days of pregnancy, you need to prepare the body for the upcoming loads. The training of joints, ligaments, muscles should include gymnastics for pregnant women, the first trimester should become the base. At this time, you need to train your body, as in the subsequent stages you will have to endure heavier loads of bearing the fetus. You must approach the birth in good physical shape, this will allow you to easily endure this test.

Trimester gymnastics

Pregnant women should do gymnastics strictly in trimesters. Do not look for separate exercises for the legs, hands, proper breathing. The best option is a whole balanced complex designed for a certain trimester, it will already include all the necessary exercises and give instructions on how to start, how to finish, how many times to repeat. What types of gymnastics for pregnant women are better to do, your gynecologist and sports instructor will tell you.

Can pregnant women do gymnastics


This type of gymnastics for pregnant women is special. In no case should you choose a set of such exercises yourself, even if you think that you need these exercises. In this case, it is better to listen to the opinion of experts. In such a serious matter, doing amateur performances is simply dangerous not only for you, but also for the baby. You need to deal in special groups, under the supervision of an experienced instructor. It is worth noting that such a complex is prescribed not only to those women who experience some kind of health problem. Physiotherapy exercises contribute to:

  • Accelerating the body's adaptation to pregnancy.
  • Improving blood circulation in women, preventing fetal hypoxia.
  • Relieving pain in the lower back and back.
  • Improving bowel function.
  • Reducing the manifestations of early toxicosis and late gestosis.
  • Prevention of varicose veins of the extremities.

Therapeutic exercises for pregnant women with pelvic presentation of the fetus are especially necessary. Specially designed exercises allow in some cases to change the incorrect position of the child.

Decompression, drainage gymnastics

Decompression exercises for pregnant women, as well as drainage, play an important role in preparing for childbirth. This species is required in the third trimester. If you wish, you can start practicing earlier. What are these types of gymnastics for pregnant women? To be brief, drainage gymnastics is work with breathing, decompression gymnastics is strengthening, preparing muscles of the perineum. These types of gymnastics are best done simultaneously. A woman must learn to breathe properly during contractions and at the same time work with the muscles of the perineum and vagina. If you wish, classes can start from the 12th week of pregnancy.

Knee-elbow gymnastics

The elbow-elbow position is very often used in physiotherapy exercises. It is worth noting that many doctors recommend future mothers to take this pose every day for two times for five minutes. In the second trimester, even up to 30 minutes.

maternity gymnastics by week

How to take a knee-elbow pose? Stand on all fours, stretch your hands from the brush to the elbow on the rug, head, shoulders lower below the buttocks, put a soft roller or pillow under the chest. What happens in the body at this position?

  • The uterus does not press on the lower intestines, kidneys, thereby preventing the appearance of hemorrhoids, edema.
  • The load from the spine, abdominal cavity is completely removed.
  • Breathing becomes easier, feeling better.
  • Large blood vessels are not squeezed due to the severity of the uterus, blood supply improves.
  • Such exercises contribute to the correct presentation of the fetus.

Remember that now you are not alone, a new life has arisen within you. It largely depends on you whether the baby will be born healthy and strong. In anticipation of a miracle, do not forget about proper nutrition, the regimen of the day and, of course, about gymnastics for pregnant women.

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