How to wash the green stuff? Useful Tips

Our favorite antiseptic is green. For many years, she can be said to be a leader in the market of pharmaceuticals. And the countries that were not in the Soviet camp cannot understand why we are smearing with a bright green liquid, and then we are not only wiping the wounded parts of the body from it. There are even recommendations on this subject, which read: "Never, hear, never open the green with your teeth!". But the situations are different, so any fan of this antiseptic needs to know how to wash the green.

The fastest way is, but it is only for people who do not suffer from allergies, and who did not manage to smear their face. In order to quickly wash the brilliant green, you need to take bleach, moisten a cotton pad or stick in it and wipe the “affected” place. But after that, the Ph of the skin will become alkaline. The second step is recovery. We take vinegar and lubricate the skin area we need. This, of course, is more suitable for men, since the stronger half of humanity has rougher skin.

There is also a unique folk remedy that helps to resolve the issue of how to wash the green stuff. It is very common among all Slavs. Is it alcohol or vodka. But better, of course, is the first option, that is, alcohol. Smear the decorated area of ​​the body and wipe until we get the color out completely. The main thing is not to confuse how and where to apply!

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