Fish oil for cats: properties, benefits and harms, contraindications

In our article, we will talk about how useful fish oil is for cats. We will consider the features of its use, harm. This topic will be interesting to many cat lovers, especially those who have such animals live at home.

There is an opinion that fish oil is not suitable for cats, you can even say that they do not need it. Since these animals do not fish and do not swim. For this reason, we can safely say that it will only cause harm to cats. But remember that the benefit is not fat itself, but the compounds that are in its composition. To understand whether it is possible to give fish oil to cats, it is worth understanding what this supplement consists of. Now we will do it.

The composition of the additive

The main compounds found in fish oil are vitamins D and A. The first promotes the absorption of phosphorus, calcium and other components that are necessary for the normal development of bones and growth of cats.

The second named vitamin will be necessary for the growth of milk teeth in kittens. In adults, vitamin A has a positive effect on the digestive system.

can cats give fish oil

Also, fish oil contains a lot of fatty acids. In addition, this fat is a source of iodine, sulfur, phosphorus. All these elements are part of organic compounds. They are very important for the cat's body. Therefore, they must come with food.

Forms of release of the drug and features of use

For a long time, veterinarians have been using fish oil. His doctors prescribe both adult cats and kittens. You can use fish oil for cats as an additional tool, as well as the main medicine.

Release fish oil in capsules, as well as in liquid form. The first option is in great demand. Many owners say that it is much easier for a cat to swallow a capsule rather than drink a spoonful of such a remedy. In addition, small kittens can play with it before swallowing the drug in a capsule.

Why give a remedy? Benefit

can cat fish oil

So, we found out that cats can be given fish oil. Such an additive can not only be added to food, but also injected and applied externally. Fish oil penetrates very easily through cell membranes. That is, we can safely say that it is rapidly absorbed and absorbed by the body just as quickly.

Fish oil for cats is prescribed for various reasons. That is, the spectrum of action of the additive is wide. Let's get to know him. The additive is used in the following cases:

  1. For the prevention and treatment of vitamin A deficiency, which is very necessary in the treatment of a disease such as rickets.
  2. To accelerate the process of fusion of limb bones after a fracture.
  3. To improve immunity, so that the animal was more resistant to various diseases.
  4. In order to lower cholesterol.
  5. In the treatment of chronic infectious diseases.
  6. It is used externally in the treatment of frostbite, burns, and also wounds that heal poorly and for a long time.
  7. As an adjunct in the treatment of allergies.
  8. With damage to the mucous membranes.
  9. For general body strengthening.
  10. To prevent the formation of tumors.
  11. With skin diseases to relieve inflammation and itching.
  12. To regulate the number of platelets in the blood and reduce its viscosity.
  13. In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
  14. As a vasodilator.

Dosage supplements for kittens and adult cats

Can cats get fish oil? Yes, but the correct dosage must be observed. It is best chosen by a veterinarian based on the age of the animal, its weight, as well as the purpose of use (for treatment or for prevention).

For preventive purposes, experts advise kittens to give 0.5 ml per day. Add fish oil to the feed no earlier than the animal is three months old. For adult cats, the dose is greater, it can reach 5 ml per day.

If we are talking about the treatment of certain diseases, the amount of this supplement increases several times (about three).

fish oil for cats

How safe is the supplement? Possible contraindications and harm

We can already say with confidence that you can cat fish oil. But is this supplement safe? Yes. Fish oil is a safe remedy. But the reaction in animals to it can be different. On some cats, he may not be affected at all. Some animals respond better to it, while others are worse.

There have been cases when, after taking the supplement, animals have an increased oil content and severe dandruff. A similar side effect is called oily seborrhea. These symptoms disappear within one week (sometimes after two) after stopping the drug.

Very rarely, but it still happens that the supplement slows down blood coagulation. Then you need to change the dosage recommended by your doctor.

Is it possible for cats to fish oil

In some individuals, minor disturbances in the digestive system appear when taking fish oil. They are manifested by slight diarrhea and nausea. In this case, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug.

It is known that fish oil does not increase sugar levels, as previously thought. Therefore, it can be safely given even to cats who have diabetes. The only contraindication to fish oil is only the individual sensitivity of the animal.

How to choose the right supplement for your pet?

When fish oil is necessary for a cat, you need to remember about some of the nuances when buying:

  1. A highly refined additive should be selected. It would be nice if you bought fat from fish in the northern seas.
  2. There must be fat from the carcass of the fish, and not from the liver. Since it is in it that there is a lot of valuable vitamin A. A similar supplement will be even more useful.
  3. It is advisable to acquire fat in the form of capsules. They are easier to add to food. Moreover, when the fat in the bottle, it spoils quickly enough.
  4. Choose fish oil without any additives (rosemary, lemon, etc.), which can trigger an allergy.
Is it possible for a cat to fish oil

Little conclusion

Now you know when and how to give a cat fish oil. Remember that this supplement, like any other, can not only benefit, but also harm the body of the animal. If there is a need for it, then you need to consult a specialist and strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage. You can buy the supplement both in veterinary pharmacies and in pet stores. When buying, be sure to be interested in the quality of the goods and the manufacturer.

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