Despite the fact that in the city most people keep dogs in apartments, animals have a pretty good chance of catching a tick. What is terrifying is not the fact that the tick bites the animal, but the fact that the owners do not know how to get the tick out of the dog and what to do after that.
How to safely remove the tick. Method number 1
If you find a parasite in your pet, you need to immediately remove it. To do this, you will need vegetable oil, a regular ring, cotton wool, tweezers and a pipette. Disassemble the hair around the insect and place a ring on the dog's body so that the parasite is inside the circle. Then pipette the vegetable oil directly onto the tick. After a few minutes, use a pair of tweezers to pull out the insect. Rotate the tweezers counterclockwise, but do not pull the tick by force. If his head remains inside the dog, then this is fraught with bad consequences. In this case, it is better to drip oil on the tick and repeat the procedure. Wipe the wound with alcohol after removal.
Method number 2
If you do not know how to remove a tick from a dog safely, then this method is for you. Take the needle and glow it on the stove (hold the needle with pliers or another improvised object so as not to burn yourself), then stick the needle into the body of the tick. Be careful not to burn the dog. Hold the needle for a while in the insect, and then remove the tick as in the previous method.
Method number 3
This method, suggesting how to get a tick from a dog, is similar to the first. Drop the oil on the parasite again and wait a few minutes. After that, take the thread, tie a tick around it and slowly pull it up.
In any case, after removing the tick, make sure that the parasite is completely removed, and be sure to treat the place of the bite well so that the dog does not bring itself an infection.
Basic and necessary rules during tick removal
It is not enough to know how to get a tick out of a dog; you still need to know what other precautions to take.
- The insect needs to be pulled out as soon as it is detected.
- Be sure to wear gloves before removing the tick in the dog. Never touch the insect with your bare hands.
- After removing the tick, it must be killed. Otherwise, the parasite can bite a dog or person.
- During the removal of the parasite, you can not squeeze it to avoid infection of the dog with any disease.
- After removal, be sure to check whether the head of the tick remains, and then treat the bite site.
Precautions and Prevention
So that the animal does not pick up the parasite, and there are no questions about how to remove the tick from the dog, you need to prepare for this in advance.
Firstly, in early spring to buy a dog collar that protects against ticks. Additionally, you can drip at the withers of the pet a special tool.
Secondly, inspect the animal after each walk. The most common places where ticks can be found are ears, neck, head and legs. But this does not mean that ticks cannot be on other parts of the body. Remember, the longer the tick remains on the dog’s body, the greater the chance of infection of your pet with any infection. The less the parasite is on the animal, the easier it is to remove it.
Thirdly, at the peak of the spread of such ticks, try to avoid walking in the woods, in tall grass, etc.
What to do after removing the tick
If you are not confident in your abilities and do not know how to get a tick from a dog, contact your nearest veterinary clinic. There the animal will be provided with the necessary assistance.
If you removed the parasite yourself and are worried about your pet, you can contact your veterinarian with a request to check the animal for infection. It is best to do this immediately after removing the insect, and you need to carry a tick to the veterinarian. In the laboratory, an insect is checked, and if it is a carrier of infection, a dog is examined.
If it was not possible to avoid a tick bite, do not worry or be nervous. Collect and calmly remove the insect. Consult a professional if necessary. The main thing is to take the necessary measures in time, and your dog will feel great.