Nursing mothers and all pregnant women should especially carefully monitor their well-being. None of the fairer sex is safe from the common cold. Most often it is caused by a viral infection. Pathology manifests itself with various symptoms: fever, malaise, runny nose, sore throat, rashes, and so on. If you get sick during lactation, then you should definitely see a specialist and find out if antiviral drugs can be given to a nursing mother.
Viral diseases and their treatment
The treatment of colds usually comes down to symptomatic therapy. For example, with a runny nose and nasal congestion, vasoconstrictors are used, and at high temperatures they are antipyretic. Anesthetics will help improve the condition. But most of the drugs on this list have lactation in contraindications.
Otherwise, antiviral drugs are considered. There are several options for nursing mothers. But the doctor should prescribe their use. Initially, the specialist will record complaints and conduct an inspection. Only after comparing the ratio of benefits and risks are certain drugs recommended. Do not self-medicate during lactation. Incorrectly taken medicine may manifest unexpected reactions from the child's body.
Features of taking medication
You already know that the main rule is the appointment of a medication by a doctor. It is unacceptable to take antiviral drugs (for nursing mothers, including) on their own. The second rule: compliance with established doses. If the doctor prescribed you some drug, but did not indicate an individual dosage regimen, then you need to adhere to the instructions. Carefully study the annotation, even if you have previously dealt with the prescribed medicine more than once.
Take tablets, suspensions and lozenges immediately after feeding. So you minimize the risk of the active substance entering the baby's body. Drink the medicine only with clean water, not coffee or milk. If within 3-4 days your condition has not improved or additional signs of the disease appear, urgently consult a doctor. Consider in detail what antiviral drugs can nursing mothers.
Homeopathic remedies: pros and cons
Homeopathic antiviral drugs for nursing mothers are considered a real find. Experts are sure that such medications are not able to harm. Homeopathy contains infinitely small doses of active substances, which even after administration are not found in the human body. There is another opinion. Doctors are pondering: how can one talk about the positive effect of this or that remedy, if it is impossible even to fix its work? Single reviews contain information about what some experts call homeopathic antiviral drugs for nursing mothers a time bomb, as there is no absolute guarantee that they will not have a negative effect on the body. If you still decide to use these, then you should give preference to the following items.
- "Aflubin" - is available in the form of alcohol tinctures and tablets. Its goal is to provide antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects. The medication removes toxins and lowers the temperature. The composition contains buckwheat, aconite, brionium and other components.
- "Oscillococcinum" - homeopathic granules made from the liver of a Barbarian duck. This bird is recognized as a carrier of many viral infections. The manufacturer, offering his medicine, operates according to the scheme "they kick out a wedge with a wedge."
- "Engistol" - tablets that have antiviral, immunomodulatory and sympatholytic effects. Do not give medication to children under three years of age.
According to the reviews of doctors and the prevailing consumer opinion, the most effective drug among those presented will be Oscillococcinum.
Rectal and vaginal suppositories: in which cases are appropriate?
What antiviral drugs can be taken by nursing mothers - you need to find out from your doctor. But there are such medicines that certainly will not harm a woman during lactation and will not affect the baby. Doctors often prescribe Viferon, Kipferon, or Genferon suppositories. All of them contain human recombinant interferon. They are prescribed for the treatment of influenza virus and the common cold, as well as for prevention. “Kipferon” and “Genferon” are candles that can be used not only rectally. They are inserted and vaginally. They are designed to treat diseases of the urogenital tract in women. Kipferon also contains an additional complex immunomodulatory substance. This medicine is also used to treat intestinal infections of various origins.
All described suppositories can be safely taken by women during lactation. It is important to pay attention to additional components, since it is precisely on them that a small organism can react with allergies.
Popular remedies: Ergoferon and Anaferon
These drugs are produced by the Russian company Materia Medica. Their goal is to provide antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The composition of both drugs contains affinity-purified antibodies to human gamma-interferon. However, the drug "Ergoferon" is recognized as stronger, since it also contains antibodies to histamine and additional immunomodulating antibodies.
You can take both medicines for both nursing mothers. Anaferon will help to cope with viral and catarrhal infections, flu, chickenpox, mononucleosis. Ergoferon will be effective in the same cases, but it will also help with the intestinal virus, meningococcal meningitis, encephalitis and so on. If you want to carry out prophylaxis, then use Anaferon. When already sick, give preference to Ergoferon.
"Grippferon": a popular antiviral drug and its analogues
Often, newly-minted parents ask themselves: “What antiviral drugs are there for nursing mothers and babies?” One of the safe, proven and popular is considered "Grippferon." It is available in the form of drops, spray and gel. You can use this medicine from the first days of life. The medication envelops the mucous membranes of the nose, creating an imperceptible film. It has an antiviral effect, boosts the immune system. Nasal is effective against many microorganisms. You can replace a popular product with drugs such as Nazoferon, Laferon, Genferon Light, Interferon Dry, and Viferon Ointment.
Prohibited Medicines: Important to Know
Some antiviral drugs and breastfeeding are incompatible things. The names of such medicines should be known, since their administration leads to an inevitable effect on the child's body. The active substances are excreted in breast milk, absorbed by the baby. Perhaps there will be no consequences at all. But negative reactions are not excluded. Throughout the entire period of breastfeeding, refrain from taking such drugs:
- Arbidol, Arpeflu.
- "Isoprinosine", "Groprinosin."
- Amizon, Amiksin.
- "Ribavirin", "Rimantadine" - antiviral agents of increased danger for a small child.
Folk antiviral agents
Many women prefer to take natural antiviral drugs when breastfeeding. Mummies believe that such remedies are the safest. Doctors say that many of them can cause allergies. Among the popular substances for fighting viruses can be identified:
- cranberries (used as a decoction or fruit drink);
- chamomile and sage (decoctions and teas);
- black and red currants (fruit drink);
- honey and lemon (in tea or water);
- chicken bouillon.
Short conclusion
The information provided has allowed you to find out which antiviral agents can be used during breastfeeding. Newly mummies should not be treated on their own. If you have a cold, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The appointment of a doctor depends on the age of your child, the frequency of attachment to the chest, the possibility of introducing complementary foods, and so on. In severe cases of a viral infection, the doctor may recommend treatment that is incompatible with lactation. Then you will need to interrupt breastfeeding for a specified period. Take care of yourself, do not be sick!