The danger of pain during pregnancy as with menstruation

A woman in position reacts to the slightest pain or a suspicious sign in the body that can damage the ongoing pregnancy. On the one hand, it is not always necessary to worry about pain during pregnancy as with menstruation, but on the other hand, it is still worth mentioning the fears of a gynecologist. Pain can report both the normal course of pregnancy and various disorders. Pain in the lower abdomen in women in the position is not uncommon. It scares them and not in vain, since pain can be a harbinger of serious gynecological problems. If the pain during pregnancy is like during menstruation, then, most likely, this uterus is preparing for bearing an already conceived fetus and is mutating. During all 9 months, a woman may feel these inconveniences. But in case of additional signs of complications - fever, chills, fever, unusual discharge, bleeding - you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Symptoms of menstruation during pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to diagnose it in the early stages, since delay can lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes. It is in them that the fertilized egg is located during an ectopic pregnancy. If the woman did not have an ectopic pregnancy in time, then the fetus, which has increased to a certain size, breaks the fallopian tubes. In this case, appear: bleeding, weakness, pain in the abdomen, as well as in the lower back, fainting, dizziness. Urgent medical attention, ultrasound and surgery are inevitable in this case.

Another cause of pain during pregnancy, as with menstruation, may be spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). This phenomenon occurs for up to 20 weeks. The following symptoms indicate spontaneous abortion: menstruation, as well as mild bleeding, cramps, lower back pain. If you experience these symptoms during pregnancy, urgently go to the doctor (call an ambulance).

Also in the last weeks of pregnancy, pain during pregnancy can occur as with menstruation. This is usually associated with an increase in the uterus. But if you find other signs: spotting, back pain - you need to contact a gynecologist. Similar symptoms often accompany preterm delivery. If you add muscle contractions to these signs in the lower abdomen, immediately call an ambulance. Uterine cervical dilatation can be stopped in case of timely treatment, and a pregnant woman will deliver the baby to the term of natural birth or at least to a later period of pregnancy. However, this is possible only if help is not late, and this is necessary for threatening symptoms wait until it passes, and immediately contact a medical institution.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy may be present in its normal course. We will understand why menstruation goes on during pregnancy. Of course, the very fact of such secretions can frighten a pregnant woman, but it is important to remember - this does not mean that a miscarriage occurs. In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may begin menstruation due to the fact that the body did not have time to respond to changes that occurred in connection with conception. During pregnancy, progesterone production occurs. But if the cycle was slightly biased, then critical days begin on time and can mislead a woman and doctors.

Another option for the onset of menstruation in early pregnancy is the maturation of more than one egg at a time. In this case, one egg can be fertilized, and the other (others) will require exit from the body and provoke menstruation. Menstruation can also begin due to a simple lack of minerals and vitamins. In this case, it is necessary to fill the deficit and the further course of pregnancy should normalize. The stress experienced by many pregnant women can also be the cause of menstruation. Some diseases can cause menstruation.

Self-medication in this case can lead to both a miscarriage and the occurrence of deformity in the unborn child. Therefore, do not take medicines that you safely treated before pregnancy. Be sure to consult a gynecologist - an obstetrician who monitors your pregnancy. Lack of estrogen can also trigger menstruation. A doctor will help stabilize the hormonal background. In the event of any uncomfortable condition, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a gynecologist, and not hope that everything will work out by itself.

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