What does the phrase "competent dog" mean? So they say about a smart dog. Of course, a dog is considered a friend of a person, only who is pleased to look after a stupid dog? It must be trained and trained. Let's list what should be included in the minimum training of the dog, and what commands she should know.
1. The universal team “Near”, which means that the dog should go near the owner.2. The necessary command “To me”, in which the dog must immediately run to the owner.
3. Simple commands "Sit", "Place" and "Lie".
4. The Aport team, in which the dog must bring the item.
5. Mandatory command "Fu" - termination.
These commands are necessary to control the dog in everyday life. If you plan to practice with your dog yourself, be sure to prepare a muzzle for classes. You should get a collar. If you have a large dog, it is recommended to buy a strict collar. As for the leash, training the dog for teams may require a short leash (up to two meters) and a long leash
leash (five to eight meters). The command for the Aport dog will be more accessible if a specific item is available (a special stick with a dumbbell shape or her favorite toy). You should have an object for a specific designation of the "Place" command. It could be the mat your dog sleeps on. Remember, before you start training with a dog, you need to make sure that she knows her nickname well.
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The sit command must not be pronounced from a distance (at the start of the training). Keep the dog on a short leash next to you (left). Use a leash to help the dog complete the command. Speak words clearly, changing intonation and voice power. The team “Stand” and the command “Lie” are presented with the same method., . «». , , ( ) . , . . , , . ( ) . .